We like the idea of Move compatibility being added to Quantic Dream's masterpiece, Heavy Rain (although we didn't know it'd be at the expense of our expected DLC).
However, we weren't really sure if current Heavy Rain owners would be able to test the "moving" aspect; perhaps Sony was only going to release Heavy Rain: Move Edition as a separate title on store shelves. Now, we assume they're going to do this but during the recent Qore episode, Quantic confirmed that a Move patch would be available for those who have the original game. We'll also assume for the time being that such a patch will be free; all you'll need is the requisite PlayStation Move accessories and you should be good to go. Considering that the basic movements in the game should translate well to Move, we'll be interested to give the new "updated" version a try. While we're on the subject, we're wondering what other games might be "retrofitted" to accommodate Move, and which titles might work best with motion-sensing… For the record, I really have no interest in "moving" with Killzone 3 (but I really like the idea of playing in 3D) but Heavy Rain ? Sure, sounds about right.
The closer we get to Move, the more we admit to being intrigued. But perhaps it's just because Sony keeps promoting it so heavily.
Related Game(s): Heavy Rain
I could see how Move would work well with a title like Heavy Rain. But I'm just not biting on the whole motion sensing technology.
I just think it's just another gimmick to sell more games. Which is perfectly fine, but just because a company promotes a product and tells you that it's the future, doesn't actually make it fact. Same thing with all this 3D jibber jabber.
I get that it can create a new experience in how we watch tv or play games, but it's not the future. In a few years time maybe I'll be eating my own words, but I just don't see all this new gadgetry having a very long shelf life. I'm getting tired of it always being forced down our throats.
Promote the hell out of the actual console and all the exclusive games available. And don't neglect the creative side, as was done with Heavy Rain's exclusive content.
I realise Sony do support their dev's and we've had some great titles and very happy dev's talking up about how well it is to make games for Sony's machine. But I think Sony are now been blinded by this space race between them and Microsoft over motion sensing tech.
Frost, that was a brilliantly written comment, could not have said it better, it is exactly how I feel about all these "gimmicks".
Completely understand why companies like Sony need to "create" and "innovate", for the sake of the market and industry at large. But like many people, it is a wait and see for me. In the end 3D and Move will prove attractive, but now i want to see how this tech matures, and what feedback is given as people use it and experience it.
Last edited by Qubex on 7/10/2010 3:48:38 AM
after getting PS+, i saw the qore segment on move and i dam near buying the move day 1, you can control images like tom cruise in minority report….and much more
I saw that segment on Qore and was blown away. I think I might be buying Move also.
I'll be getting Move, perhaps not Day 1 but I will get it, I just got the PSEYE and it is pretty neat. So yeah this patch should be fun because I've only gone through HR once because of all the great games this year, and well it's hard for me to deliberately make choices I don't agree with to try to get a different ending.
I had a hard time saving the kid too. lol 😉
i think i'm gonna get the ps eye with the move bundle since it would come with a game. i see it as buying a move and camera with a free game since it will retail for 40 bucks i think.
I couldn't wait, I wanted to di** around with those casual games. I have a medical anxiety condition and wow, just guiding those birds through flight in Tori-Emaki is like a relaxing session of Tai Chi.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 7/10/2010 1:40:46 AM
I'm looking forward to trying this out. There are a lot of things in the game that seem like they would fit very well with motion controls. I hope this is a free patch, but I'm willing to buy it if it's a fair price.
Does that ONE spammer have a vendetta against Ben or something?
They like being ignored. You know, like being seen but no one cares to hang out or visit with you. I guess I could have summed it up by saying a glutton for punishment. You can't be ignored properly if no one knows you're there.
Last edited by tes37 on 7/9/2010 10:30:02 PM
Oh sweet mother, since I said that, now there is a second one on the other thread.
Yeah, he post's his gargage all through multiple threads at night
But I keep banging him with the trusty on-site "Report spam" button every time I see him, so he doesn't even get to hide out for long.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/9/2010 10:43:23 PM
You'd think they would post on some girly site somewhere instead of a game site dominated by males. I don't know any guys who are interested in fashion or purses or make-up.
If they are not smart enough to pay for advertising, they surely aren't smart enough to pick the right website to spam.
Hopefully it's a free patch.
yeah I wouldn't pay for it.
Nice. When I get move I'll try to platinum Heavy Rain.
lol, good luck on the platinum for HR. You realize it requires ever possible outcome right..
If I payed for the game I don't see a reason to charge for the patch. But moving in HR will be intense. Pretty sure I'll be grabbing the whole move bundle thing, I just really hope I don't regret it as this kind of thing could easily be a fad or a gimmick that loose traction and falls off the market before I get my moneys worth..
getting platinum for heavy rain isnt as hard as you think. i think it can be done in, at most 7 playthroughs, not complete playthroughs though. i've beaten the game once without help or getting spoiled concerning the plot. after that, i found a small guide telling me the specifications for other scenarios. as long as you find the killer(find all evidence and solve the crime), keep everyone alive, and get the best ending its only a matter of going back to a few scenarios and saving to change the consequences. the guide actually gave you directions on which to do first so you'll get the minimum amount of game time to get all endings. i got my platinum trophy about 2 days after beating it the first time.
Yup, TES got platinum some time ago.
I played through the game 3 times from beginning to end. I also randomly picked spots in the game to start from after reading complete playthroughs weren't required to see all endings. After trying 5 or 6 times and getting some of the same ending scenes, I then referred to the guide.
Every game that I've attempted to get a platinum in, I've had to use a guide or trophy list. I don't try extremely hard before I'll give up on it. Heavy Rain was no different except this time I was successful.
I still believe that I saw more than the 18 endings that are showing up in my game menu.
Geez, 18+ endings? i need to play it again. I've only played through it once. I got a new game shortly after completing it so i got distracted. I loaned it to a buddy of mine so i guess i'll wait till Move comes out to ask for it back.
I haven't been very successful at Platinum hunting. inFamous, Resident Evil 5, Uncharted 1, 2 and God of War III are my only platinums. I'm pretty close in AC2. 92%. Funny thing is i didn't even try. 92% of the trophies i got just playing through the game once. haha I suppose I'll platinum AC2 before i sell it. I'm not likely to play that game again.
You see endings in groups from 1 to 5 endings, so it's not as bad as it sounds.
Does HR really need Move support? I highly doubt anyone is interested in this added "feature." They would have made more money with the dlc. By a long shot.
Need? Perhaps not, but you have got to admit that it lends itself to it.
For Heavy Rain specifically yes, it will probably work well, but I am in "wait and see" mode for most of this stuff.
I have my reserves. I think Move will be supported with Move specific casual games and that's where it'll find its niche customers. Taking it on to HR or any other current games seems like a waste to me. I mean you're going to do the exact same thing all over again but with different controls? Do people have this kind of time on their hands?
I wouldn't have traded the dlc for move but I am looking forward to trying it with move.
@ Ben
I'm surprised that you're not interested in using move for KZ3, could give you quicker response time when aiming, make it easier to get headshots, stuff like that. I think it'll be more fun to actually aim. Just curious what it is that has you saying no to move kz3.
I'm curious as to how it will work myself, I may or may not like it, but since I'll have move and KZ3 I might as well give it a worl… er a World.
I know, but I'm not yet convinced it'll be as pinpoint accurate as it could be, or as accurate as I'd be with the thumbs I've been using for 25 years… 🙂
as with all my games, i will play them using the dual shock 3 first and finish it 100% then come back for casual playthroughs with the move.
Watching the Tiger Woods demo during Sony's E3 conference, when emulating a virtual golf club it seemed that the swing was delayed by about a second or so… There was definately a reactionary gap between the EA dude lifting the move and the action on screen. If that delay translate to shooters, your game could actually be worse than playing with the dual shock…
Last edited by Qubex on 7/10/2010 3:57:16 AM
@ qubex
Well I've seen other games that were made with the move in mind that worked 1:1, the tiger woods display did have a delay, but move was added later, so I'm hoping that has a lot to do with it.
@ Ben
I understand, I guess I'm just hopeful that it will be accurate and if it is, then pointing is also something you've been doing for 25 years and it takes less time to point than to move the cursor with the analog stick, at least I hope.
I wonder if playing Killzone 3 with Move online will give the Move players an advantage.
Playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy, MP1 and 2 are much easier now that they support motion controls. I remember having a tough time getting past some of those bosses using the old GameCube controller. With the Wiimote it's a cinch.
meh, ive played heavy rain so many times i think going back once more will make my head explode!
i wont be getting move anyway, its WAY too expensive!
260 bucks just for motion controls?
extra 40 bucks and i could get a brand new wii with 2 controllers 3 years warranty and 4 games!!!!!
i thought sony would of learned there lesson with the ps3, and PSP go looks like i was wrong.
they charge a ridiculous price for something, than wonder why its not selling well.
its official, sony is run by a bunch of chimpanzees!!!!!!!!
I have to say honestly i still don't care for Home.I did not like the original soruce of the control on the Wii, and i am not going to fall for it just because it's now on the PS3, I would have much prefered the Chronicles Episodes, i'm still bitter about them not contining that, the Move add-on is hardly a substitute.
At least it'll be free. Still mighty annoyed about the DLC however.
yeah that's pretty pompous
Glad to hear that. Heavy Rain is a big hit here at home, and with PS Move, it'll only get better.