An insert in the last expansion pack for Dragon Age: Origins essentially confirmed it, but here's the official announcement.
BioWare has confirmed Dragon Age 2 , which will be a direct sequel to last year's stellar RPG. DA2 is now slated to drop in March 2011 – which actually marks a slight delay, as the insert in Awakening told us it would be ready for February – and it'll be available for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game will take place over a 10-year period, as you will transform Blight-survivor Hawke "from a destitute refugee to the revered champion of the land." But perhaps more importantly is the news that new combat mechanics are coming our way for each of the three classes, and we can expect "an entirely new cinematic experience." All we'd really want is a set of upgraded visuals, a slightly less demanding difficulty curve, and a game that's equally impressive across all platforms. But regardless of what we get, we'll remain excited between now and March.
Origins is the game that received our 2009 award for Role-Playing Game of the Year (sorry, Demon's Souls fans) so naturally, we're all sorts of pumped for the sequel.
Related Game(s): Dragon Age 2
I really like Origins, I do, but I don't think I'll be getting "part 2" right away. The difficulty was insane in some places and it really bogged down the already very long campaign. I had to lower the difficulty just to pass certain areas and that made me feel cheap.
That's what you get for trying it on too hard a difficulty.
'Normal' shouldn't be that hard should it? Four wolves shouldn't be able to trash your entire team should they?
Weren't they supusedly building a new graphics engine for this game? If so, that and the occasional glitch is really the only thing I can think of that would improve this game.
Unless they removed the level cap, and let you combine classes
Looking forward to this, hopefully Bioware will have a better grasp of the PS3 so we can avoid those framerate issues.
What ever happened to my Jade Empire 2 Bioware?
Loved Jade Empire.
Awakenings is still too much money, I wanna get that.
Agreed, 1/4 of the play time for 2/3 of the price of the original game.
get your nickel and dimes ready, as they will want a lot of them for dlc
yeah, I decided to boycott the DLC on this game because it was clearly just a money grabber and pretty pointless.
I must still get Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening. Maybe some time soon. Or not… Also, I've borrowed Demon's Souls from a bloke from work. Well, actually he wanted to borrow GOW3, so I decided to take DS as a ransom. LOL! I'll get into that later on, maybe tomorrow.
Oh, it shouldn't be called DA2. Maybe Dragon Age: Coronation, Dragon Age: Turn Back The Tide, or just plain Dragon Age. Seriously, how can it be part two, if strictly speaking, there was no first game? Maybe I'm just being anal with the name… Whatever.
"how can it be part two, if strictly speaking, there was no first game?"
Not sure I understand what you mean by this statement. If dragon age 2 is a direct sequel to dragon age: origins.
In which case, should it not be called Dragon Age: Origins 2?
Ok, well if you read the book, it talks about the fact that every 100 or 1,000 years (can't remember which) is called an age.
In the books dragons have begun to reappear and so this new age is called the dragon age and since the first game takes place at the beginning of the age it's called dragon age origins, so dragon age 2 is fine because it's no longer the origin of the age, its years into it.
In that case, I maintain that another subtitle would work better than Dragon Age 2. Call me anal or whatever, but I think that if an IP title starts off with a certain style, it should maintain that style. I know, I'm odd. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one kraygen.
There were so many things that I loved about DA:O, I even bought both books before the game came out and read them in preparation for the game. There is another book coming out soon and I plan on buying it too.
However there are some changes I would think definitely need to be made for console versions.
The mage class was absolutely terrible, the only way to play a mage was on easy because with any other setting you merely killed your teammates because they never stand where you tell them to.
The a.i. needs serious help, healers would run out of mana casting useless spells and then not be able to heal, mages used all their magic as quickly as possible and then ran in to do melee, getting themselves killed. The a.i. characters were often just a real pain.
Level cap, I'm sorry but biggest rpg pet peeve is a having my level controlled so closely that their are no ways to grind levels, no random battles, just being told you can only get to level 20-25.
For this type of game there should be some good exploring, on DA:O I played my first game doing everything and taking my time, making sure i missed nothing. Total play time was right at 62 hours, second play through, beat it as quickly as possible with still doing side quests, play time right at 58 hours. I don't mind linearity for a story, but that is some serious control issue going on.
I think tho with these few adjustments DA2 could be amazing.
The a.i. needs a huge fix as
just one question.
can we have proper next gen graphics this time?
the last dragon age looked like a freaking ps2 game!
though this is not there most popular series, mass effect is id much rather see ME3 than this.
just one thing they must add for ME3.
please have more directions and instructions to the missions.
i dunno about anyone else, but i get extremely frustrated when a game tells me you need to go to a taxi stand but does not tell me where it is.
i spent a hour running around like a headless chook looking for that frigging thing!
First of all, what's a chook? And second of all, I think BioWare did a VERY good job with graphics for the two factors that were against them. One, how expansive of a game it was and two, it was multiplat. Not many multiplats have great graphics (making exceptions for AC and Bioshock). So, they have a few factors against them. Besides, they didn't make the graphics completely terrible.
I do admit they weren't the best of this gen, but they paid attentions to details that were needed for the story to progress. Dragon Age is VERY story oriented (i.e two prequel books) and pays closer attention to the details needed to paint a great story. So, why pick on its small flaws? The story is the main thing that drives this game forward.
Stop worrying about graphics because they aren't everything. Isn't it much better to hear, "Those graphics weren't all that great, but I couldn't put the controller down because the story kept me interested! I just couldn't stop playing!" or "Wow, look at those water graphics! The story sucks, though, so I just like to stare at the graphics and life-like textures when I play. It may get boring after a while, but man, those graphics!"
Played the first Dragon Age and regretted it, gameplay got real bored eventually.
Not to mention a crappy graphic, only plus about Dragon Age is the story.
I'm playing on PC (mod support and "natural control scheme" were the reasons) and it looks fine 😛
Still one of the better RPGs of recent times. Don't own Demon's Souls thus can't compare but I really liked every aspect of DA:O
BioWare have yet to disappoint me 😉
Although I didn't really like all the streamlined 'RPG elements' in ME2 as compared to ME1 it was still awesome.
I'm the rare kind of guy who likes SciFi and Fantasy thus both ME and DA did deliver for me.
1Up's "the grind" described Hawke as a 'medieval Commander Shepard'. I felt the same way after inspecting GI's cover.
Still, BioWare are extremely talented and I have high hopes they can improve each aspect of DA:O. I'm certain Hawke will still be customizable and offer at least some origin stories.
Well, DA:O was all about the origin stories after all, so if DA2 is all about Hawke's story I'm cool with it anyways.
BioWare's writers are amongst the best of the industry, can't imagine them screwing up 😉
So if we're Hawke, this means no custom avatar character?
I'd say Hawke is the character but you can still customize him/her (male, female, face-gen etc.).
Kinda like Jaden in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, though customization was minimalist you could still choose from a slew of presets.
ME is the best example. Officially there's the 'iconic' Shepard, but I play my custom female Shepard.
GI's cover features most likely the iconic (or call it 'lore' or whatever) Hawke but you can still customize his gender and face. C'mon DA w/o face-gen, no way.
Last edited by ro kurorai on 7/9/2010 11:03:29 AM
I'm going to really enjoy this. March 2011 is sooner than I thought for it actually.
Bit disappointed that there won't be any save game importing but it looks like they're going a different direction so that's cool.
I just want to be able to run through water and jump over and off things. That'd be a nice change. I'll get DA2 for sure, BioWare had me after KOTOR 1 and JE- and I couldn't jump in those either!
I am SO very excited, despite the minor delay. Although it wasn't official or anything, it looks like I'll have to mark out the 02 on that paper and mark it with 03 instead. DA2 is DEFINATELY on my top want list for 2011 and so is inFamous 2. So far, I'm excited for 2011. So far away though…
Anywho, graphics definately needed improvement and I'm confident BioWare will deliver that. But, don't get rid of Alistair! Please, get him in there at least once! I love that man and I laughed at EVERY little one-liner he delievered! 😀 Alistair, FTW xD And Morrigan, bring her back!
One last thing… Have you ever licked a lamppost in winter?