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Sucker Punch Used Assassin’s Creed II As Inspiration

While inFamous and Assassin's Creed are two very different franchises, there is one shared element: the climbing mechanic.

It's a bit more realistic (although still somewhat supernatural) in Ubisoft's series but it seems Sucker Punch really wants to make the best sequel possible. And to do this, they've received help from Naughty Dog ( Uncharted ) and have been influenced by stellar titles like Assassin's Creed II . According to Play , Sucker Punch says the progress Ubisoft made between AC and ACII inspired them to upgrade Cole's style. It won't be any more realistic, of course, but it will have an added "flair." Said development director Chris Zimmerman:

"We’re making [inFamous 2] more stylish so that you have a little more flair when you’re climbing a building. You want it to feel smooth so that you flow up the side of a building. Sometimes in inFamous it was very jump, grab, jump, grab, which was functional and doesn’t look bad, but it doesn’t make you feel like a superhero bad ass and that’s really the whole point of the game."

Zimmerman went on to talk about AC and how Ubisoft made some refining alterations to Ezio's fluid, authentic movement up and across the buildings of Italy. Although it's quite similar to Altair in the first title, there were successful changes and ACII is definitely considered by most everyone to be an upgrade. It's also one of our absolute favorite games of the generation, as was inFamous , so to have Sucker Punch looking to ACII for a little inspiration is cool . So yeah, take two of the best titles ever in Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed II , and learn a bit about how to make your sequel better. Sounds like a plan.

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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14 years ago

Not a bad idea at all, inFamous 2 is coming along very nicely, I am pretty excited to play. Regardless, AC2 would be the perfect kind of inspiration, that game is a pretty good one. I'm over Cole's new steez, because the game is going to nothing short of EPIC.

14 years ago

Not to split hairs but, from the footage, it reminded me more of Prince of Persia (cell-shaded 2007 version) than of AC…Like the use of the electric tether in place of the claw for horizontal travel across walls, and how he catapults himself up vertically. But I'm glad… because, while AC was the most artistic showcase of Ubisoft's spidermanesque takes on the open-world genre, exhibiting incredibly life-like animation (with exception of the horse of course), beautiful architecture, and immersive ambiance, i found POP to be far more entertaining as a game. But it's certainly clear that POP was built from recycling the AC engine, and so I have to thank the AC franchise for that.

I still found the original inFamous to be the best of the 3 (having played through it 4 or 5 times as compared to the a single playthrough for the other two), but I'm glad to see that Suckerpunch is humble enough to seek improvements from others.

And even though I'd consider GTA and RDR of a slightly different subgenre (more emphasis on vehicular travel instead of free-running/parkour), I still would find inFamous comparable to those two in that they're also TPS's. And even in this realm, I found inFamous to be most entertaining and addicting. I've actually thought about repurchasing inFamous (and playing it for the 6th time) to hold me over for the sequel. No lie.

14 years ago

That was probably my favorite aspect of AC2. While i had wished he was a tad faster i did like how fluid he was when climbing. Sounds like well get the best of both worlds in inFamous 2.

14 years ago

Agree completely, the movement in ACII has close to perfect flow. Makes most other game characters feel like wooden dolls in comparison. But then again I'm playing bioshock 2 these days, and Big Daddy is not exactly a gracious fella 🙂

14 years ago


All I can say is that you can never have enough of being a superhero bad-ass. No matter what, you can never get enough of being that.

14 years ago

I'm trying to platinum inFamous at the moment. I forgot how badass they really do make you feel. They captured it perfectly in the first one.

No wonder the game is so damn addictive.

14 years ago

Speaking of AC2, I really wish RDR would have copied the horse controls from AC2! Those controls were perfect, whereas RDR's horse riding controls are sort-of…clunky.

King James
King James
14 years ago

U mean just like any driving controls in a GTA game?

14 years ago

no way, the controls in RDR were way better. I hated the horse in AC2.

14 years ago

I didn't like the horse controls from AC2 either…it felt very sluggish, kinda like the horse had a mind of its own sometimes….maybe you could say it added to the realism or something.

14 years ago

or something…


14 years ago

I haven't played AC2, but I know I like the RDR horse a LOT better than the horse in AC1. That thing was a piece of sh*t.

14 years ago

World, you'd probably like AC2 more than AC1, if you even enjoyed it. Personally i hated the first game, second game was pretty good though, its what AC1 should have been like

14 years ago

yeah I didn't like the first one, but maybe I'll pick up part 2 since Ubi games always get super cheap

King James
King James
14 years ago

I'm so sold on inFamous 2, despite the douchey Cole. This example is just further proof of example why. I know Sucker Punch will deliver an awesome sequel, regardless of how misguided the art style of Cole is. New Marias looks awesome! The gameplay looks awesome! The game looks awesome!

This is why the PS3 is my favorite console. The developers that Sony recruits for exclusives are 14 times out of 15 dedicated to raising the bar and putting out something fresh and/or compelling. Check the listing: Polyphony, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, Insomniac, Team ICO, Guerilla, and the list goes on….

Nintendo can't do it. Microsoft abandoned it. Sony is the only place to get consistent 1st/3rd party quality.

14 years ago

Sony does what Nintendon't and… Microdon't aw hell you get the idea.

14 years ago

Sony needs to acquire Sucker Punch before they pull an Insomniac.

14 years ago

Agreed, they would make a wonderful addition to the Sony Studios family.
They could very well be the next to pull a Insomniac on us. Better act fast Sony…

14 years ago


14 years ago

Has there been an official announcement regarding online play for inFamous 2? …all I'm seeing is rumours from last year.

I'm perfectly fine with it being single player only. Just wondering is all…

14 years ago

Yea, i kinda hope its just single player. There doesn't seem to be enough of them these days.

14 years ago

I, too, hope that it will remain a single-player game, but I seriously doubt that will be the case.

Just look at Uncharted 2. It was fine as a single-player game. But they still felt the need to add on multiplayer. It's still fun (especially Extermination and co-op), but they could have just left it singe-player, and it would have still received the same high praise.

14 years ago

In the case of Uncharted 2 your correct it was unneeded but boy it sure is fun!

If they do add multiplayer to inFamous 2 i hope it doesn't distract from the single player.

14 years ago

I feel the same way – If I don't enjoy a game's MP it leaves me feeling I'm not getting my full money's worth, and wondering if it could have been better if they'd just focused on SP.

But I don't wanna dismiss the idea. UC2 scored big on both fronts (Blu-ray helped, I'm sure).

14 years ago

It's good that ACII is an inspiration for them. In the original inFamous the climbing mechanic is a bit repetitive and ACII really nailed it. So, to be looking to them for tips isn't all that bad of an idea

14 years ago

i hated the free running in assassins creed 2, and i climb myself so i can say that it is not in any way realistic, at all

14 years ago

I loved the climbing in infamous, felt like I could scale building with super powered ease, but I'd definitely enjoy an upgrade.

Some of the video footage shows him using his electric powers to scale buildings power lines, looks awesome.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Huh, this dev team sure is rolling with the punches *a-boom tish*. Help from Naughty Dog, ideas from Assassin's Creed, and the pure awesome of inFamous. When does this come out again, because I want it like… last week. inFamous remains the only game that I have managed to platinum. Then of course I YLOD'd and lost it. So it goes.

14 years ago

The trophies go with your account, not your machine.

If your new PS3 uses the same account (PSN ID) as your old machine, all your trophies will be retained. =)

14 years ago

If you synced them that is.

14 years ago

Won't be out till 2011 🙁

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Yeah, but I had no internet connection. Nothing to sync it to, and as far as I know, you need to be connected to the network for it to register and save to your account. I say I lost it because I know I did. I'm not that silly folks.

And I know it's not out until 2011. Oh well, so it goes.

14 years ago

Nothing wrong with admitting that another game did what you wanted to do. I honestly didn't mind the jumping and grabbing in inFamous but if they're looking to alleviate some of the climbing problems then we're really in for a treat with part 2.

14 years ago

For some reason I never got into either of the Assassin's Creeds. Seems like most people here have good things to say about it. Maybe I'll try out AC2 sometime.

14 years ago

Naturally! For close quarter combat, we prefer NG to ring-around-the-rosy!

14 years ago

As long as they don't go TOO far I'm okay with it. While at first it was totally sweet to run straight up buildings and fly around the city in Prototype, it became totally stale and you had too many badass powers to even use them, so much so that the enemy basically had to cheat to kill you. Which means they DID cheat and it made the game suck. While I liked Cole's old style it was a tad herky jerky and something smoother might be nice.

14 years ago

what for? the climbing system in infamous is so much better than ACs.
i really hope they dont change any of the gameplay in infamous, i really enjoyed it so much id be so disappointed to see any of it be changed or removed.

one game that does need to take inspiration from AC is crackdown 2.
im trying to play it now, and as in trying i mean the controls are so frustrating there making playing the game torture!
im constantly jumping up buildings rubbing against the side wanting my character to grab the ledge but he just falls all the way down.
god, never have i played a game with such poor controls!
the repetitive boring missions i can handle.
the same city and gameplay i can handle.
but i really thought they would of fixed the controls, i mean if you cant be fu*ked adding new things to a game at least fix whats fuc*ed!
i honestly can not believe M$ let this game release in the broken state it is!
they only spent 14 months making the game, and it shows!
why could they not delay the game and give it the attention and work it deserves?

14 years ago

I like Sucker Punch but lately they seemed to be using everybody for motivation. Like how they borrowed Nathan Drake's brother and now there using acII for inspiration.

There's nothing wrong with that but Sucker Punch had a good game before and does not need to do that. Just me though.

Last edited by hadouken on 7/9/2010 11:54:58 AM

14 years ago

I am liking the sound of Infamous 2 more and more by the day. And the way I look at it is pretty simple. It is nice to actually see competitors set aside the throat cutting knives for the bigger picture: creating an amazing title.

It is pretty refreshing to see that it seems that Sucker Punch is willing to be humble enough to openly request knowledge from those who have "done it right." Infamous 1 was by no means a let down, and Sucker Punch seems to be setting their sights on another mind blowing experience.

Another thing to consider: irregardless of using inspiration from AC and UC for the new title, inspiration is about as far as it will go. I don't think there will be an over abundance of "bleed through" from each franchise because they all offer such a different gaming environment and game play. I think we can rest assured that they will still hold their own uniqueness and we can feel safe in that.

Just my .02

14 years ago

^ im new to posting but.. hes kidding right?