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Sucker Punch Appreciates Feedback From Naughty Dog

It always helps to associate with unbelievable talent, especially when you're pretty darn talented to begin with.

Just about everyone was blown away by the in-game footage recently shown for inFamous 2 and in the past, developer Sucker Punch has spoken about how they've been influenced, inspired and even directly assisted by Uncharted developer, Naughty Dog. Now, we can learn more about what transpired between the two studios: Sucker Punch bosses Brian Fleming and Chris Zimmerman spoke to NowGamer and said feedback from the Nathan Drake makers was immensely helpful. Said Fleming:

"We got some notes from Naughty Dog when we were three months from releasing inFamous about what frustrated them about the climbing system. It’s great because it’s like getting feedback from somebody you trust and respect and you know has your best interests at heart. They’re not trying to screw you, they’re saying here’s this piece of information that you can't get from a focus test. Testers don’t understand what it is you're trying to do at the level that someone who spends all day, every day working on Uncharted can."

Sucker Punch even went to visit Naughty Dog, where they saw that their friendly competitors had "better approaches to some problems" and they incorporated that knowledge into upgrades for inFamous 2 . Collaboration between two very competent teams should only result in amazing products for gamers, which is all the more reason to be enthusiastic about Sucker Punch's impending sequel. Finished Zimmerman:

"It’s great to see a team you respect – and any reasonable person would have a lot of respect for those guys given what they’ve been able to do in the last 20 years – and see how they work and how they decided to work that way and be able to apply those lessons to the way we go about things. It’s an unbelievable luxury for us to be able to do that. Hopefully we’ll be able to make as big an improvement between inFamous and inFamous 2 as between Uncharted and Uncharted 2. That’s the goal."

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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14 years ago

Nice. This reminds me of the cooperation between Insomniac and Naughty Dog on the PS2 R&C games where Naughty Dog provided a lot of expertize to create the animated backgrounds in the games.

14 years ago

I'm glad they helped SP to make a fantastic game, but wow could those statements be any more vague?

14 years ago

They don't want to give too much away =P We already saw how they incorporated poles(?) and stuff on the buildings to be able to slide and do that boost jump with.

14 years ago

Imsoniac could learn a thing or thing from Sucker Punch

Infamous is looking GOTY-like, even with the crap face they gave Cole.

Can't wait to see the finished product, it'll be full of quality like Uncharted 2. If there's a game they should try to learn from, it's that one.

14 years ago

insomniac went multi-platform, but i hope they get help with R3 and R&C, both being PS exclusives!

14 years ago

I don't think we have to worry about Insomniac about R&C or R3 going multiplatform, Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't they say those IP's will stay exclusive anyway?

But can't wait for Infamous 2, I'm excited for it. 😀

Last edited by Clamedeus on 7/5/2010 9:19:45 AM

14 years ago

Can't be sure what words were exchanged between the two, but inFamous2 is certainly looking more dramatic.

14 years ago

I hope it wasn't ND's idea to make Cole into Nathan Drake's little brother.

14 years ago

If Nathan is bald in Uncharted 3 then something REALLY weird went on during that meeting.

14 years ago

Crossover? uNCHARTED: A Series iNFAMOUS Events.

14 years ago

The new game's looking so much more amazingly better, so it the the gaming world that will actually wind up reaping the most benefits from that ND/SP collaboration.

I'm still not liking this new Cole kiddie look though And since Cole hasn't delivered my Girls Scout cookies yet, there better be a free voucher in my I2 gamecase, for those 2 boxes of Oatmeal Raisin, & 1 Thin Mints that I already pre-ordered!!!!!

BTW, the same thing multi-developer help also happened for Killzone 2, when 3 other developers stepped in to lend their hand.
Even Sony's own "help" response team jumped right into the fray to help out Guerrilla with KZ2.
So bravo to all these great company's helping other company's.

And all other developers should be taking notes of this friendly cooperation!!!!

14 years ago

Only on PlayStation!

14 years ago

I'm so loving this teamwork from studios. Its just… Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

14 years ago

After seeing that trailer, I can see why Sucker Punch is appreciative of Naughty Dog.

I hope all the Sony exclusive devs take care of eacher which in turn would take of us gamers.

14 years ago

I'm so happy that Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch are on our side.

14 years ago

This is what Bert and Ernie call cooperation.

14 years ago

This is what game devs need to look at and say, we need to learn from them. Gamers want great games, thats what we want, so get off your high horse and ask for help if you need it.

Keep it up sucker punch and naughty dog, I look forward to playing your future endeavors.

14 years ago

from what ive seen infamous 2 is looking 1000 times bigger and better than infamous!
the first game was such a good game, but it really was not a AAA game as such.
the graphics, sound design, levels, scale all that stuff was not really next gen quality.
there getting rid of that in infamous 2 though, the city looks really big and the graphics well its making GTAIV look bad!

i really can not wait for this, by far my most anticipated title for 2011!
killzone what?
i read the gameinformer interview today and they heavily hinted at a multiplayer aspect.
hmmmmmm, now this is interesting!
how could they incorporate multiplayer into infamous?
one things for sure, 2011 cant come soon enough!

14 years ago

I love sucker punch! And I know forsure the sly cooper collection is coming because of sly cooper 4. Bring it SP!

14 years ago

Say Word,

I thumbed you down by accident. My apologies.

I think Sly 4 MAY be in production because of the Sly HD Collection. Dont know if that what you meant (unless you know something we dont) but that doesnt warrant a thumbs down.

14 years ago

Anther proof this game gonna rock.

14 years ago


I've done that accidental thumbs down or up drive-by a couple of times too.
But you can usually fix it if caught in time..

Just hit the thumb's again on the one you really wanted & the thumbs system will reset it self by deducting that 1st thumb while adding a +1 to your secondary thumb job.

14 years ago

That's a great goal set there by Sucker Punch.

14 years ago

Great, the climbing and travelling was fun at points but also a complete pain, and more often than not, just a pain.

14 years ago

goodbye LIM

14 years ago

I'd like to see them get together and make a new IP. Maybe get Sony Santa Monica involved too.

14 years ago

The day they make a new IP together is a day all gamers will rejoyce. I am getting a little excited thinking about it.