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ESA: Gaming Needs Its Own Public Top 10 For Consumers

It always takes an extra long time for gaming to receive any of the mainstream recognition other entertainment venues receive. But as time goes on and the industry continues to eclipse other entertainment industries, such recognition is required .

We get the NPD results on a monthly basis but according to ESA President Michael Gallagher, what we really need is a tracking system . You know, something like the Billboard Top 10, which is quite literally in everyone's face a dozen times a day. Although many statistics indicate that Hollywood continues to flounder at the box office, Gallagher says those Top 10 movies are always good for film, simply because of the list's visibility.

"I do think that the movie industry has a significant advantage over other forms of media because on Monday morning… whether you are driving, or looking at the newspaper, what's there: The top ten movies. What's next to that? Numbers. I don't know if they are completely accurate, but we're trained to believe they are. And that helps the movie industry."

Gallagher goes on to say that gaming is still seeking its "center of gravity" and the need for stat tracking isn't just for the gamers; it's also critical for investors, reporters, developers, and other industry professionals. Right now, he says the industry is "accomplishing great things across a far greater reach than is traditionally reported." The biggest problem with the NPD is that it doesn't offer results to the public, which is a big issue. The NPD's David Riley says they probably won't deliver what Gallagher desires, saying the numbers are "information we will keep close to the vest." So, Gallagher says quite simply:

"Someone had better do it or you're going to have a trade association doing it. It has got to be done."

Absolutely right.

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14 years ago

I think it is a great idea, simply because of the publicity it would bring to great exclusives on any console. Puts more money in the pocket of developers, they keep making great games. On another note though, I think it actually might be a useless idea, and here's why. gamers no matter if they are casual or hardcore, they follow gaming no matter hoe they get their information, whether its online or TV gamers are dedicated and will track info more than say a connoisseur of books or even movies. It's always been a custom for me to wake up and check PSXE for news on video games not turn on the radio or the TV or the newspaper.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/2/2010 10:45:17 AM

14 years ago

Yep, I second that!



*Currently in SinCity, Singapore

14 years ago

The problem with this is that one single Top 10 list cannot cover 3 distinct platforms.

14 years ago

Why do you say that? A list covering the top ten selling games cant cover 3 systems?

14 years ago

Because platform exclusives are not available on all three, and because there are months where a game like Modern Warfare 2 can dominate more than one platform leading to a top 2 both being MW2, or similar game.

Not to mention the constant in-fighting and fanboy wars that such a top 10 would facilitate.

Can you imagine the arguments that would ensue over whether the 360 version of MW2 was better than the PS3 version based on their top 10 position? I also have to say that gaming is global now, so a top 10 in the US would not reflect the picture outside the US.

14 years ago

I believe this simply means any game on any platform that sells well. It could easily read like this

1. _______ Wii
2. _______ PS3
3. _______ Wii
4. _______ DS
5. _______ 360
6. _______ PS3
7. _______ 360

I think you understand what Im getting at.

14 years ago

The US top 10 list of movies, books, and music only cover the US, too.

I say people just need to do their research if they want to game.

14 years ago

Yes that would be the best, but then you'd be getting

1. MW2 – 360
2. MW – PS3
3. Batman – PS3
4. Batman – 360

Sure that's not always gonna happen nor always how it'll be, but looking at the npd's and such generally, that's how it is, so it seems redundant and it taking away spots other games could have, so I guess they could just take total sales of a game for every platform it's on, but then that makes it seem unfair for games that are exclusive to one platform compared to multi, but then again sales are the only reason there are multi games. Eh, I'd rather a graph sep. for each system.

14 years ago

I don't like this

It's like taking our hands and telling us what to buy

It doesn't let people do research on their games. Most people are LAZY, making them more lazy is not a good thing.

Games like Demon's Souls will start selling 10,000 copies instead of the 600,000+ copies it has sold.

The Top 10 for movies just tells me "oh those are the best movies." When in fact there are other great movies airing, they're just a little different/original than those in the top 10.

14 years ago

Scare, getting "general" gaming information out into the wider world using populist means is good I think. There is still a way to in raising the publics understanding in gamings legitimacy as a credible art form in its own right. The more exposure given to AAA game products the better I say.

A top ten listing would be good as it will highlight both creative and technical accomplishments of the highest order. The public will come to appreciate what went into making the said title and why it has been honored in the top ten games list. Reward is part and parcel of a successful product that has gone out and done exactly what it said on the box, right?

Gamers like ourselves will still do the necessary research as we have always done, but the general public needs to know what's cooking in our world, and, in some ways, how good we have it too 🙂



*Currently in SinCity, Singapore

14 years ago

I think the top 10 is good as an informative tool.

But I also see it as something un-informed consumers will use to make their decisions as to what to buy next.

Call of D00ty will sell 20million of something like this happens.

I don't know man. I think I actually prefer gaming to stay a lone-person's hobby than for it to follow the same path as movies.

And all this talk 'bout investors and all that BULL

All sounds to me like money hungry execs

14 years ago

Yip, you do have a point there…



*Currently in SinCity, Singapore

14 years ago

Some may not like the idea but I must agree that this really needs to be done. Once these numbres are released or something as simple as a top ten list it will raise interested in gaming for the overall public and draw in some more serious investors. Once you have more investors and a bigger clientele, you can only go up. Therefore, this would be a beneficial step for the gaming industry in terms of production, quality, and publicity.

Yes, a top ten list may sway uncritical gamers but the real hardcore gamers shouldn't care about a top ten list because those numbers are based on popularity not quality.

14 years ago

I agree that gaming needs some mainstream attention, not necessarily this. But, then again look what the mainstream has done to the hardcore! this could be dangorous

I dont want to be another minority, where my opinion just dont count.

Last edited by HAMCHUNKS on 7/2/2010 2:40:08 PM

14 years ago

I'm with highlander on this one. The thing is even if they made a top ten list and just didn't even list the system, the list wouldn't work well.

Every game on the list would always be a multiplat game and typically it would be a shooter. I think there are lots of casual or non gamers who would buy there kids a game based solely on that list and poor kids would only be receiving shooters for christmas.

That would suck.

14 years ago

I think it'd be pretty irrelevent. At least for me. I like well made, great games, just like films. Like film top tens my selection will hardly ever be on it so i will never bother looking at wats selling well. I dont care if wiifit is still selling on top of everything else for instance.

14 years ago

I don't like this idea at all.

14 years ago

I'd like to see a top 25 list for games "sold", but just for my own purpose of personal amusement .
Like just to see how certain games did, and what others are buying.

But they better not ever think I'll use that top 100 as a personal "buy" list, I'm too smart to ever become just another sheeple.

14 years ago

Not really sure about this.

14 years ago

Marketing wise this is a great idea to keep people talking about the industry. The easiest way to get people's attention is to create a list. Women's magazines have been doing it for decades, now television and other media are jumping on the bandwagon.

From a practical standpoint though, I agree with Highlander that it would only amplify the deafening fanboyism we enjoy today.

14 years ago

top 10 based on sales hell no because as many games have shown sales does not dictate quality!
top 10 based on highest reviewed games hell no too because most sites especially IGN have been smoking something funny lately!
i dont like these kinds of things because not hardcore gamers like us, but people who buy maybe 1 game a month look at these things and decide on that.

people should not be basing what they should and should not get on what others say of a game, because as the saying goes on mans garbage is another mans gold!

like me i love heavy rain and infamous, IMO 2 of the best games released this gen by far!
but both have received 7s and less from plenty of places when they deserve no less than 9s!

no one should base their decisions on other people opinions, of you want to know which game to buy and which to avoid theres a great new service called game demos, and a even better service called rental shops!
or even if you live in the US your lucky you have gamerfly i would kill to have something like that here!