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GameStop’s 25% Off Used Game Sale

Player 1: "Man, I gotta catch up. I'm so far behind."

Player 2: "I know. What's up with so many awesome games coming out in the first half of the year? Since when did this start happening?"

Player 1: "I mean, it helps that some of the games are short but with stuff like Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption , it was basically impossible to play everything I wanted to play."

Player 2: "I got stuck on Battlefield: Bad Company 2 online. I only took a break for God of War III ."

Player 1: "Yeah, well, I'm on my fourth playthrough of Heavy Rain , but now that the DLC isn't coming and there isn't much this summer, I have time to hit the backlog."

Player 2: "With just so much stuff…it's gonna cost a crapload to…"

Player 1: "Well, maybe not so bad… GamerDeals says we can get 25% off on any used game over $19.99 at GameStop ."

Player 2: "That's something, anyway. Okay, time to stock up."

Player 1: "Just make sure to take advantage before the end of July…"

Player 2: "Plenty of time."

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14 years ago

Dude. Like, that's a totally awesome deal man.

Translation : Dude, you can buy used games from Gamestop at a more realistic price until the end of July.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/1/2010 12:58:18 PM

14 years ago

I agree screw gaystop

14 years ago

no thank you. i still don't like gamestop

14 years ago

I'm even passing up pre-ordering GT5 collectors edition until Amazon lists it because I won't give GS any of my $$.

14 years ago

yeah i always shop at amazon, they always have games a few bucks cheaper, and it's free shipping. sometime you get a nice gift card too. gamestop can go to h*ll with their crooked practices

14 years ago

"sometime you get a nice gift card too."

Can someone give me an example of what you get (in the USA), and how you earn it? I've spent a few hundred quid on Amazon UK and… nothing!

14 years ago

A few times Amazon has given me a $5 credit towards downloading songs. That's about all I've gotten, but I usually don't buy games until they've been out for quite a while, and their promotions have probably expired.

14 years ago

Oh I see. I thought perhaps you received vouchers for every set amount you spent, like frequent flyer miles or something. Thanks.

14 years ago

A little help here….what should I buy next GoWIII or Heavy Rain?

14 years ago

Either one, and buy them new from Amazon instead of handing your money over to the con men at GameStop. Amazon will more than likely have the games new for a similar price to the used ones at GameStop.

14 years ago

flip a coin, the two games are soo much win.

14 years ago

Buy GOWIII…highly entertaining, decent wrap to the trilogy, and just 'epic'. Buy Heavy Rain for a dramatic story with mildly good voice acting and interactive QTE's. Basically choose a game that fits your preference and preference of play. If I had to choose between both, GOWIII would be my first choice.

14 years ago

you have to have both. i can't choose one. man it's good to be a ps3 owner.

14 years ago

I liked Heavy Rain better, but let me tell you also that I didn't play the first two God Of War games. Heavy Rain is also one of my favorite games of all time.

14 years ago

Heavy rain is absolutely amazing, I have only seen 2 endings, but they were completely different.

14 years ago

We have an Entertainmart here and they give good money for used games and they sell used games for real cheap.

14 years ago

I haven't bought a used game since last decade

I'd rather rent
Used games shouldn't be even be allowed to be re-sold, imo. Unless the companies get a share of that.

14 years ago

call i am checking 2morrow i go to gamestop every friday

14 years ago

Are Heavy Rains graphics better than GoWIII?

14 years ago

They are such different games, it's not really possible to compare them that way.

14 years ago

they're both great. you have to experience them both. it's a really tough call

14 years ago

They both look great. Although God of War 3 performs better in my opinion. Heavy Rain has screen tearing(although minor) God of War 3 does not. With Heavy Rain, some experienced audio skips and some freezing, God of War 3 has no such issues.

I myself didn't have any technical issues with Heavy Rain besides the screen tearing like others did. Any problems it had have been cleared up though with a hefty patch.

They are both fantastic games and well worth the money. I paid full price for both and haven't regretted it. But like Highlander said, they are completely different games and it just depends on what your looking for.

Its not really a question of which on should i get, because you should get both at some point, but rather which should you get first.

14 years ago

cool im going to buy assassins creed 2, killzone 2 (my dog ruined my first one :P) and maybe resident evil 5. All in all it comes out to around 47 bucks with free shipping if you enter VALUE as another promo code. Is this a good deal?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

It's not a great deal but okay. I got Killzone 2 from goHastings for $11, ACII from Amazon for 14.99 and I've seen ResEvil 5 for $4.97 at Sears.

14 years ago

thanks I checked out the gohastings site and i saved like 20 bucks, THANKS!!!

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Always glad to help someone save some money. The more you save, the more you buy.

14 years ago

Good thing all the games I want are sold out. Oh well. I don't really like Gamestop anyways.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I went to check this out, yesterday, and they raised the prices on a lot of games for this sale. Pass.

14 years ago

Guitar Center does the same thing. They announce "huge savings!" "this and that percentage off!" then you realize that Fender American Standard Deluxe suddenly has an MSRP 200 to 300 dollars higher then it was the week before the sale.

In the end you save little to nothing participating in their "Huge Blowout Sales Events!"

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/1/2010 3:35:52 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Don't even get me started with Guitar Center. That's why when we've had to get stuff there, we'd frequently check the prices, know the staff, so that when they do have sales we'd get them to take the discounts off of the lower prices they had the day before. Scoundrels.

14 years ago

I also heard Gamestop has a $200 for any PS3. I'm considering to replace my old one with a slim.

14 years ago

The $200 is for the new 250 gb PS3. What model do you have? I can check my work and tell you the trade credit you'll receive, but I'm not sure if it'll be the same since I work at a Canadian GS =S

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

The $200 GameStop store credit is for all models and with the original accesories (controller, A/V cable, 1 USB cable, working system). If the system is broken (YLOD, won't play discs, etc.), then depending on what model it is, you will get charged a refurbish fee ranging from $40 to $70. I checked into the deal but decided to keep my extra PS3. I'd rather get cash and they will deduct 20% for that. No thanks.

14 years ago

"Used games shouldn't be even be allowed to be re-sold, imo. Unless the companies get a share of that."

So wait, your telling me that I cannot resell my games?

As for gamestop, as an entity that operates in a fashion no different than person-to-person sales they have every right to resell a game what what ever price point they deem for the value.

In the end the real culprits is not gamestop or individuals that resell their games, but rather the game publishers who are milking gamers with their ridiculous $60 price tags.

Last edited by A2K78 on 7/1/2010 3:57:50 PM

14 years ago

Don't buy from Gamestop, because they are biased crapboxs.

14 years ago

I always like saving, but I prefer buying new. I might get Wet or Wheelman. I still need Modern Warfare 2 though.

14 years ago

you dont need it that much…..

14 years ago

I have a gift card to gamestop, so I might actually buy something from there. lol

14 years ago

The real story

Player one: on second throught f**k gamestop.
Player two: Ya, I say we forget gaming all together and go outside for the summer and be readay for the fall gaming season with all new games and lots of money to spend after saving up all summer.
Player one: good idea, I think I well go back to playing the games I have yet to finish and go outside
Player two: Ya I think well go back and try Battlefield Bad Company 2 online again and then i well go back through all my games

14 years ago

I've only bought from gamestop once, which was a few weeks ago. I bought 2 used games and got one free. You can resist an offer like that.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I did resist that offer since I got in on the B1G1 free deal they had a month ago. Second time I've ever bought any games from GS.

14 years ago

you can also get $20 of of any order over $80 if you type in this code at checkout: 20FROM80
expires 7/31/10

14 years ago

and this one for free shipping: SAVER

14 years ago

i picked up ACII for $15 today from the website. also scored kingdom hearts 1 and 2 for cheap. i wandered in the store and found beyond good and evil for $6. i dont like givin them my money but hey my kid is lovin kindom hearts.

14 years ago

LvL 80 Gamestop Corporate Stiffs:: "Little do all those little jerks know that we hiked the prices up a good 30% on all our used games the week before."


14 years ago

EB have some really good sales going on now, i bought a bunch of wii games for 20 bucks each!
i cant believe how expensive nintendo developed games are though!
there not even in HD so why the &^%$ are they the same price as ps3 and 360 games?
mario kart, mario galaxy, super mario brothers wii have all been out for over a year! and they have not dropped one cent in price!

14 years ago

What's that? Upset with someone other than Sony for a change?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Wii games are not the same price as PS3 and Xbox 360 games here in the states.

14 years ago

WTF? i have complained about plenty other things than sony. heres that famous selective reading of yours.

here wii games are not the same price as ps3 games normally ps3 games are 110 sometimes 100 depending on who releases them.
if its sony there always 120.
360 and wii games are always 100 no matter who releases them.

14 years ago

I walked into Gamestop after i read this article on my blackberry and asked them about it and they said they had no idea what I was talking about…they then proceed to try and sell me some Sh*tbox accessories, what scumbags