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Bulletstorm Gameplay Shows Non-Stop Maniacal Death

Although we don't have an over-abundance of FPS fans at PSXE, there's something gleefully sadistic about Bulletstorm that separates it from the rest of the pack.

As designer CliffyB says in this video walkthrough, the industry has been inundated with military shooters, and his new game is "pulp sci-fi at it's best," which means more Unreal Tournament and less Call of Duty . This lengthy new gameplay trailer shows off some of the major highlights, including the energy whip, which can be used sorta like Scorpion's spear to drag enemies towards you, and your kick, which can send foes flying into electrical panels and other nasty death-dealing things. And that reminds us of Battletoads …no, really. The game appears colorful and packed with ceaseless entertainment.

Sure, there are a lot of shooters out there, but if you want something a little different, Bulletstorm is for you. Every creative kill you accomplish should cause a demonic little grin to creep across your face, and provided you're not a creepy individual to begin with, you should be fine. Here's hoping the game is just as fun as it looks.

Related Game(s): Bulletstorm

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14 years ago

This looks like it should be pretty awesome. Too bad we have to wait until next year 🙁

14 years ago

Awesome! I teared up with all that pew,pew goodness. 60 USD is truly worth it.

14 years ago

All right, as much as I dislike shooters and the Unreal Engine I have to say, that game looks pretty sweet. Maybe the day is getting a little better.

14 years ago

On a side note. Is it only me,but for some reason I remember a movie called "MetalStorm The Destruction of Jaryd Syn!" Its probably just me. >.>

14 years ago

Damn man, that's digging back in the old collection isn't it?

14 years ago

Ahhh that movie was sooo bad it was good.

14 years ago

Nice wannabe Metroid Grapple Beam you got there.

Looks pretty fun. And they finally made a game without screen tearing. How is it that their bread and butter Gears of War looks and performs worse then this? The new Gears of War 3 trailer had screen tearing and this does not.

I'll probably get this, though not on day one.

14 years ago

Looks like a generic shooter with uncharismatic characters.

14 years ago

That guy hunched over in the beginning looked like a character straight out of Gears.

14 years ago

Yes but at least his physic looks less cartoonish than the typical GeoW character design.

The only thing I liked was the 90's attitude the game has , perhaps I'm gonna take this for 19.99 .

14 years ago

@ Oxvial
If they are going for the gun/bullet porn I think they are. Then this game will do fine. On the other hand,If they are trying to make a Gears of war type for the PS3. They will fall short.

14 years ago

well yeah if thats what they want it looks they are doing good, hope the main character is a funny douchbag ala Duke Nukem.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
14 years ago

Sweet fancy spread on a triscuit! That looks incredible!

14 years ago

For some reason, what you said reminded me of Sam from Sam&Max.

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 7/1/2010 4:01:01 PM

14 years ago

So is CliffyB off the persona non grata list now for PS3 gamers now?

Seriously, another shooter? Hopefully this one will be less gruesome and more fun. I loved the original Doom and Doom 2. They were both gruesome, but fun. The limitations of the graphics hardware of the time prevented them from being truly gruesome though, it was more cartoon than photo-realism. But it was lots of fun. Now with far more realistic graphics, depicting the same type of game play tends to be on the gruesome end of the gore spectrum.

Just for once I'd like a sci-fi shooter that is fun to play, doesn't take itself too seriously, and doesn't splatter the entire game world with realistically rendered blood, entrails and severed body parts.

14 years ago

So it's on playstation? That's video of a 360 game. And am I supposed to have heard of this CliffyB guy?

14 years ago

your kidding right?
if you have not heard of cliffy B you must of just started playing games or something.
cliffy is one of the most influential developers out there!
mastermind of the unreal tournament series, and mastermind of the industries most successful, most used game engine UE3.

14 years ago

Yeah so I saw the gameplay video of this at e3 and it seemed like it had more kicking than it did bullets. My first thought after the video was, maybe it should be called kicking storm, because it had less bullets than most shooters.

It just seems like a lot of kicking guys into stuff than anything else. I'm not a FPS fan and it looks like I won't be a FPK fan either. (First person kicker)

14 years ago

FPK fan lol awsome. I like the look of this game anything that gets away from the MW shooter is good for me now.(looks at calander 6 months to Killzone 3)

14 years ago

I want this, and also want Brink too

14 years ago


14 years ago


14 years ago

Yeah, im getting this Day 1, loved the gears series and i can't wait to see what they do with this. Some nice looking FPS games coming out, this, Brink, Rage, and KZ3. Crysis 2 also, but i probably won't pick it up

14 years ago

im really looking forward to this!
its nice to see a developer release a game and try and separate it from everyone else, instead of following the sheep off the cliff!
that is why epic games have, and always will be one of the best developers out there!

14 years ago

I had my eye on this and I'm glad to see more game-play, & w. the directors commentary! Def. can't wait for this one, even the first trailer had me psyched but this walk-through showed more abilities than I thought would be available along with good definition and a quite diverse variety of weapons.

14 years ago

Pretty awesome 😀