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Cage “Disappointed” With Heavy Rain DLC Cancellation

Heavy Rain: Move Edition certainly looks appealing, and is one game that could really benefit from Sony's new motion technology simply based on the interactive structure.

Unfortunately, the development of this upgraded title has meant the indefinite delay – and now, apparent cancellation – of the intended downloadable content for the story. Originally, we were supposed to get four separate DLC episodes for each of the main characters; we got "The Taxidermist" for Madison but that's where it ended. Quantic Dream boss David Cage tells NowGamer that while he expects fans would've "really enjoyed" those episodes, Sony really wanted to push the concept of Move:

"Unfortunately, Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content. On our side, we did not want to spend more time on HR, which would have meant delaying new projects. This is a decision I can understand, and I am certainly happy we had the opportunity to play with this device and to support it, although I am certainly disappointed for fans we could not finish the story of HR the way we intended."

This new project the team is working on should be Horizon , which may or may not see an unveiling of some sort later this year (perhaps we need to wait until E3 2011). But yes, for fans of Heavy Rain , the cancellation of the intended DLC is definitely disappointing. And I just have one question about the Move Edition : what exactly will we be doing with our hands during Madison's dance scene in the club…?

Related Game(s): Heavy Rain

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14 years ago

"The Taxidermist" was the scarier part of HR and I'm really pissed at Sony for putting QD in this position because of move. I would love to see what else they had in store for the other characters.
Hope they are not pushed around like this again, could sour their relationship with Sony…

Last edited by Karosso on 7/1/2010 10:37:58 AM

14 years ago

I agree with you on that. While Move support was a welcome edition. I hope Sony doesnt make this the standard. DLC is far more inportant to me.

14 years ago

I was really looking forward to that DLC.

I don't normally buy additional content for games, but HR was definitely one on my list to download.

A big disappointment. One bad move on Sony's part (pun intended), but I forgive them for doing about a hundred other things right lately.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 7/2/2010 1:28:14 AM

14 years ago

I'd take extra gameplay over a motion gimmick any day. I hope they are not actually cancelled, and that they'll get back to making them eventually.

14 years ago

Between incorporating Move into HR and creating the new game, I doubt they will have the time but, like you, I hope they do…

14 years ago

Well, if the Move enabled version of HR is a big success, perhaps all the new consumers will persuade them that the DLC is more profitable and worth doing?

14 years ago

I was looking forward to the other DLC. =(

Screw Move.

14 years ago

yeah this pisses me off. i was really looking forward to something new for heavy rain. guess i wont have any reason to keep this game other than for the hell of it. i supported your game buying it new you cant return the favor and give me dlc you said you would… i understand sony wanted them to do it but still crap move on both parts. i almost hope heavy rain with move support doesnt sell as well just to teach them a leason.

14 years ago

I wouldn't go as far as wishing bad things on them but, I understand where you're coming from, I'm not happy either with the way Sony handled this one…

Last edited by Karosso on 7/1/2010 11:02:34 AM

14 years ago

In all honesty I don't wish that it does poorly but on the other hand I don't see it doing as well as they are hoping for. I know there will be some people that get the Move edition even though they have the regular edition already but I can't see it being a large amount of people making a dual purchase.

14 years ago

yeah dont get me wrong guys, i dont wish faliure on these guys. i want more dlc for HR. i paid the $5 for what they have now and would have gladly for another one or more. hell part of the reason i scored the game was because i was hearing more dlc was comin for it.

14 years ago

Sorry, but it's just plain dumb to wish poor sales on either Sony or QD because of this.

Move is a real product that is here to stay, if there is any 'hardcore' game that could benefit from Move, Heavy Rain is probably it. So it makes a lot of sense. However because the game was already largely developed when Move came along, Move must be retrofitted. I can't fault Sony for wanting to Move enable HR. Nor can I fault QD for making a logical business decision. If Sony is willing to pay for Move to be added, but the DLC episodes have to be paid for by their sales on PSN, it seems logical to choose the guaranteed money from Sony to put Move in HR.

But no one was making decisions to cancel anything to annoy gamers.

Honestly, If HR sells a bunch more copies then perhaps the larger number of potential users will convince Sony and QD to go back to do the DLC anyway?

On a wider note, adding Move to games that are being developed now is much easier for developers than adding it after the fact. I hope no one is going to become all negative about Move because the 'cost' of retrofitting it to a game is the loss of some potential (but unseen) DLC.

14 years ago

I feel you fry. I preordered the game for the sole reason of getting the first batch of DLC as soon as possible and was really looking forward to the other episodes. I thought it was a neat idea to give the back story of all the characters individually. Guess we'll never see it now though. Move is really getting under my skin. I could not care less about motion control and now it is encroaching on the things I do enjoy.

14 years ago

highlander i understand completly what you are saying and get your point of view. i have no problems with move as "it has what we call buttons and is super precise"

my problem is also not that they are retrofitting games and i am losing the dlc.not right out at least, this just happens to be the case.

the way i see it more is that they wanted us to buy their game while talking about all the dlc they were gonna back it up with. its like implied faith. that is all my point is. they talked up this dlc sayin it was comin. now nothing.

they set us up for disappointment. dont talk up the dlc if your not gonna follow up on it.

14 years ago

Nooooo! I want more HR DLCs! 🙁

14 years ago

This is rather upsetting. I loved Heavy Rain and I thought that The Taxidermist was a terrific addition. I was very much looking forward to more episodes. Looks like the last 24 hours have been rather disappointing for me in general. Hope by this evening things start looking up.

14 years ago

I can understand the business sense of thus. Sony was presumably willing to pay for Move, but the DLC may have had to pay it's own way. QD has to decide between guaranteed money for work, and work that may, or may not pay off.

Obviously people will be disappointed in this, but it makes a lot of business sense for both Sony and QD.

The thing about this is that this was QDs business decision. QD is independent, and so their decision to add move and can the DLC was theirs, not Sony. The fact that Sony wants to push Move is fine, but QD makes the decision on what they will do. They could do both, but decided that Move was more important than the DLC, and that their next game project was more important than returning to HR DLC. So be it.

14 years ago

Dear Highlander,
With all due respect, try as I may, I can't see the angle you put on this. Based on the quote, it sounds more like QD rather spend their time doing the DLCs and new project, than having Move shoved down their throat…

"**Unfortunately**, Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content. **On our side, we did not want to spend more time on HR**, which would have meant delaying new projects. This is a decision I can understand, and I am certainly happy we had the opportunity to play with this device and to support it, although I am certainly disappointed for fans **we could not finish the story of HR the way we intended**."

But, English is not my first language and so, I might have missed something…
I'm still a big fan thou 🙂

14 years ago


"Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content."

Sony asked them to work on Move instead of DLC. Sony is paying for the Move upgrade, but the DLC was something that QD was doing on their own. It makes sense when your publisher wants something and is willing to pay for it, you do it.

14 years ago

Well that's a bummer for those who wanted it. I never did buy the Madison DLC. Didn't think 6 bucks for 15 minutes of gameplay was worth it.

I wonder, with Move compatibility, existing owners just need to download a patch right?

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

its longer if you do all the stuff. at least youre not paying 15 for 3 new maps and 2 old ones

14 years ago

True. I still may get it at some point. Too many other games to play at the moment.

14 years ago

Man you should have preordered the game. The DLC is not worth $5 value wise, but quality wise…its the best piece of DLC I've played. More intense than the regular game.

14 years ago

You're right about the intensity of it, it far surpasses the most intense moments in the regular game, with the exception of "Queen of Ropes".

14 years ago

I don't think Cage really cares, he just had to say that so he can stay good with his fans.

14 years ago

I'm not so sure about that. Cage comes across as someone who cares more about the artistic quality of his productions than that of saving face.

Then again that could all be a ruse and he only cares about the money and sits atop a mountain in his château smoking expensive imported cigars and punching kittens.

Never know in this day and age.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

I vote the latter.

14 years ago

I'd much rather have more content than Move support. I suppose it's the same with all games – you're not going to have DS3 AND Move support without taking time away from the development of the game. Add 3-D in there and the developers are probably going to have to come in on weekends just to work on the actual game.

14 years ago

No, adding move or 3D support while the game is being developed adds a minimal amount of extra work. That's because if you develop the game with these things in mind, it's built in and doesn't affect any content or potential DLC.

But, because Heavy Rain was already developed and released when Move was finalized, Move wasn't in the game already and must be retrofitted. That means that the developers must go back in to the code and add whole new sections which must be tested to make sure that they break nothing else in the game. All that takes far, far more time and money when you have to retrofit than it does when it's done as part of the development process.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/1/2010 2:46:13 PM

14 years ago

i know i'm in the minority here but i'm actually excited about them addin move support.

14 years ago

Me too. I think Heavy Rain is well suited for motion controls. The DS3 works fine, its just not as immersible.

14 years ago

yeah the move should add much more immersion. i'm happy us current owners get move support for free.

14 years ago

GOOD. I'm glad he is too because I sure am. I can't even boycott the "move" edition because it's just a bloody patch.

WOW, not only that, I was PISSED when it was just delayed. Heavy Rain has been the greatest gaming experience I've had in years and has been THE game I've been waiting for. Nothing else seems to be coming along anytime soon to fill it's shoes. I just wanted the bloody DLC so I could complete the experience, like it was said to be the case.

14 years ago

Awww….Well If you look at it in a bussness decison if Move Can well…Move copies of Heavy Rain Then The DLC could follow to capitalise the sales of Heavy Rain Move Edition….Or they could annouce their next Project sooner rather thne later because of The Move…

And Yea..What will our hand be doin?

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

slaughterhouse!!! good group. royce da 5'9" reppin da D!!

14 years ago

Well I know I'm pretty far behind everyone, because until yesterday I had not played heavy rain. However my awesome wife found it on sale and bought it for me because I had a bad day.

So I've now beaten it and am on my second play through and holy crap this game is awesome!

I would have loved some more dlc and move support, but I guess it looks like we can't get everything we want.

14 years ago

I loved Heavy Rain and would have loved showing it off to all my non-gaming and casual gaming friends and family.

The controls however, were not casual gamer friendly enough.

If I'm trying to get the wife or parents to play this epic to truly experience what gaming has become, it really needed a simplified control scheme that allowed them to get hooked into the game without needing to hold down R2 to walk and twiddle the stick to look around.

So, if Move could simplify the controls and make it casual enough for oldies like my parents or my wife then I think it is well worth it. Remember, there is a vast untapped market out there.

My 69 year old father in law bought a PS3 250GB for the PlayTV and Blu-Ray. He loves recording things from the TV and playing it back. He has recently asked me if there were any games suitable that he could try.

Couldn't think of any that wouldn't involve me spending hours teaching him the controls.

A "point and click" Move version of Heavy Rain would be ideal.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

why the eff isnt playtv in the states??

14 years ago

Copyright law, existing contracts with Satellite and Cable companies, and the entire mess that is the US 'deregulated' market. No one wants to accept regulation so the FCC can do little to nothing. Leaving the companies themselves to run the thing. Competing interests make it very hard to get agreement on anything, let alone allowing yet another digital recording device into the market.

14 years ago

An open post to David Cage,

I'm sure you're truly sorry and disappointed about having to cancel your much awaited DLC, but your fans are even more disappointed, multiplied by 1,000 times over.

Here's a game you've already publicly stated that you've dreamed about making all your life, and now that you have had the chance to fulfill your lifelong dream, you've left it parts unfinished.

Come on David, Michelangelo finished his masterpiece, Mozart finished his masterpiece, and so should you, also finish your gaming masterpiece too.

So go ahead and enjoy the fruits of your labor, but please, not until you've completed that dream you've already started.

Your craft demands it, your art demands it, and most of all…..the gaming world demands it!

your most avid fans and followers

P.S. Please give us a uncut sequel to Fahrenheit too

14 years ago

meh, i lost interest in the DLC for this months ago!
im really looking forward to the alan wake DLC though which is releasing next week!
slow month this month that and crackdown 2 are the only things releasing.

14 years ago

Well a little disappointed but totally understand the direction on their decision