It will always be one of our most anticipated titles until it arrives, which is why we'll be sure to check out GameTrailers TV on Friday night.
That's when Sucker Punch will debut three solid minutes of gameplay for inFamous 2 and for those lucky enough to have already laid eyes on the debut, it was an immensely satisfying experience. Heck, the footage even has Naughty Dog boss Evan Wells all amped up, and let's not forget his team delivered arguably the most impressive video game of the generation to date in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves . GTTV host Geoff Keighley posted a Twitter update that read: "Just saw the inFamous 2 gameplay clip for this week's GTTV- 3 minutes of all in-game footage. Wow!! Don't miss it." Evan Wells was also wowed by the footage and called it "awesome," which is a good sign; the early feedback is obviously outstanding. And based on our love of the original game, combined with what we saw at E3 – see below – we're plenty excited.
Give us the new ice powers, let us run around an all-new city, keep everything as tight as it was in the first game, and we'll be happy. We can even deal with the overhauled Cole, which won't matter anywhere near as much if the gameplay kicks ass…and of course it will. For more, make sure to check out our inFamous 2 preview .
Related Game(s): inFamous 2
This is where Sucker Punch has to earn the makeover they gave cole: Give us great gameplay, and we'll forgive change of face.
Who says we will?
haha, ok, I'll forgive em then. You don't have to.
Besides, if the city is as cool as the first game, then Cole's appearance will be the last thing on my mind. The environment and gameplay were the two most impressive things from the first game. As long as they get both of those right, I'll take the makeover.
Yeah the gameplay is the true star, I just hate what they did. Cole McGrath was my favorite new VG hero, and for no good reason they turned him into a Starbucks douchebag and I can't let it go.
i would think that if the nail the gameplay and fun factor down, the change wouldn't even be a factor, but im sure even if it nets perfect scores, the look will still bother some for some minor reason or another
I just don't know why they changed him, they had no real reason. Now they have to explain why he is completely different, and to me it would honestly detract from the experience as I am not playing as the original cole. It would be weird……
World, you nailed it. "Starbucks douchebag" says it all. In fact, Sucker Punch even gives credit to the local Starbucks around the corner of their office for their coffee runs, so it's likely their source of "inspiration".
I'm definitely going to put a survey up in the forums. Just from a perusal of the comments, a vocal majority wants the ol'Cole. A very minor group (no offence to them) wants the new Cole (ok, offend them if you want). And some people don't care either way.
I mean for crying out loud, if they want to change the voice at this point, fine. If they even want to make Cole cooler, fine. But that Starbucks douchebag isn't the answer. For real.
Makes me wonder if the whole game was designed by a focus group, or just the main character?
I really want to see them explain how someone, who can die just by being in contact with water in the original, now has the ability to not only be in contact with water, but freeze it and use it as a weapon.
Had they given him new fire powers I'd be like ok, fire and electricity, but electricity and ice, the first time he did that trick must of hurt!
Old Cole looks like he could handle something like that but this new one, I think he'd b*tch about breaking a nail and someone ruffling his uber stylish new hair (which should resemble a fuzzy fro from all that electric static, if not fried off completely).
Cole wouldnt die instantly upon contact with water. He would need to be in contact for awhile before he died, so if he somehow managed to control the electricity from dissipitating then he could learn to keep from being harmed. But I do want to know how his powers are evolving.
Ice doesn't conduct electricity nearly as well as well as water does, because to conduct electricity the molecules need to be able to move around freely. So I'm assuming Cole can only handle ice.
At least, that's my guess. And I'm basing it off a google search of this: ice electricity.
Edit: And I found an article from NASA that says lightning forms from ice crystals rubbing together in clouds. So ice and electricity are sort of correlated. I guess I'm just bored, but this stuff is kinda interesting.
Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 6/30/2010 10:30:07 PM
Well now that is some interesting stuff to know. And now I come to think of it, I did hear something about ice in the atmosphere and lightening…I guess I stand corrected…but about his hair, he must be using cement to keep it together.
Moisture + electricity = Bad Hair Day
"Taste those tears Cole? you got a lot more coming your way as the game gets near the release date, you will never be thirsty" ~ Sucker Punch
Even if I can't get on board with Xbot Cole I still can't wait for more inFamous fun. Here's hoping they have a Classic Cole downloadable skin.
lol thats not a bad idea. Watch, I bet if they do something like that they'll make it available exclusively to PS+ subscribers. Then you HAVE to get it, World.
Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 6/30/2010 10:08:57 PM
I probably would get it just to for that skin, anything to avoid this emo kid.
EMO!! Hilarious. I prefer ruffneck Cole too. Can't stand when a character is changed. Even with explanation it doesnt mean it should happen. Cant wait till the time comes when SuckerPunch explains the motivation behind the makeover.
A lot of people complained about his voice and his look. Sucker Punch listened to the complainers and that's what we get. IGN called him plain looking and that he sounded too much like batman/snake for their tastes. I don't mind at all.
If I can rail surf while firing electric bolts or ice balls at enemies, or better yet, ice surf along the roads while doing electric drive-by's, I'll be one happy camper.
What I believe may be missing is the extreme heights of the skyscrapers. Just climbing up so high gave you a feeling of vertigo. Gliding down was fun and slamming down was destructively awesome.
New look explained.
HAIR: Hair can always grow.
CLOTHING: Anyone can and should change an outfit. This should happen more in games. Cole wore the same outfit for quite some time in part 1.
VOICE: This may require some explanation as the story progresses. Or Just get used to it.
TATOOS: Who's to say the weren't there in the first place.
I still don't see anything wrong with him at all. His new look will not stop me from buying what I know will be a great game.
How about a totally different face and the fact that he somehow got significantly younger?
@ World
Well, there is that one spoiler… that could explain his new age…
What spoiler? Is the subtitle to this game The Curious Case of Cole McGrath?
Totally different face and significantly younger: UNEXPLAINED!
Remember who Kessler turned out to be?
Oh yeah. But that doesn't explain how he got younger. Unless you're talking about, well,
the fact that kessler time traveled, and that the new look can be explained away as some crazy time paradox or flashback or something.
@Fathasun, I see where you are coming from about clothing changes, however its part of a characters trademark. It helps you identify the character and it keeps you familiar with them.
Changing clothing isn't bad at all, its actually an extremely good idea. But they should still incorporate the original costume into the game.
Think of Uncharted 2 Drake had various costumes but some parts throughout the game he still donned the clothes he became famous in.
I'm gonna bust this, if you havet played the game you are gay. If Time Travel were the case, it doesn't make sense since this is after Kessler's beast.
The time travel idea is immensely flawed.
Firstly he appears younger, kessler would have appeared the same as cole if that were the case in the first one.
Also, as Cole would be younger this would be before he recieved his powers…so in all, this makes completely no sense.
Does this mean Cole won't learn to teleport until the third game?
Its the gamplay im keen to see, if its good i wouldnt care what cole looks like!
none of us would have cared what he looked like, just as long as they had picked just one freakin form. this cole from the beginning or old cole, just…don't..change them..aahh D=
I'm sure the gameplay will be better than ever.
But I sure hope new silly looking Cole saved me those 3 boxes of Girls Scout cookies I already preordered in that earlier I2 thread.
Pssst….that's 2 Oatmeal Raisin & 1 Thin Mint!
The pants. The PANTS! What the hell is with those pants. YMCA!!
Last edited by FatherSun on 6/30/2010 11:14:56 PM
I think it'd be sick to have co op.
Well if the gameplay is as awesome as I expect then I'll be very happy with the game. Doesn't mean I'll forgive them for disfiguring a national icon, but I'll be happy any way.
Yes national icon may be stretching it a bit, but not as far as awesome ps3 owners go.
I can't see this Boy Band reject pulling off the Evil route with the Karma system. It just won't fly.
Maybe he'll have a goth look for the evil path.
pretty sure it wouldnt be hard, since they pulled it off on the first game, though the change cosmetically was barely noticeable. Good Cole looked like normal cole, no change. Bad cole lost color and gained some black lightning tats on him, but it wasn't some huge cosmetic change.
Biggest cosmetic change was the lightning color. I can understand some objecting to the costume change but it really seems some are trying the hardest to dislike it no matter what
That's what I mean Aaron, old Cole looked like he had the capacity to be evil. This new guy looks like the worst thing he could accomplish is missing an appointment to mentor kids at a youth center.
It was kinda funny how the evil path just made Cole all dirty in the first game.
you're trying too hard
You act as if the guy has on some pink skinny pants and some extremely tight, belly button showing shirt.
Looks like any normal looking guy to me, just like he did on the first game. Nothing was extraordinary about his looks on the first game. Like i said, you're trying to hard to paint this guy as some character that belongs on Full House.
I'm with World on this one. I mean yea they can pull it off, but it won't be as believable.
The new Cole looks like he should be saving kittens from trees rather than wrestling with his morals about whether he acts selfishly or for the greater good.
Look on the bright side, he doesn't look like a total douche bag yet, for that they would have to add chinstrap facial hair.
I like you, we have a good deal in common. But just don't forget you are in the minority on this Aaron.
i sooo hope they don't even explain the look change, looking forward to more tears about this issue as the game gets closer to release, so many of them already and its not even 2011 yet
Lol so true!
i can see it now:
Zeke: um… Cole, you seem different, what happened to you?
Cole: WTF are you talking about? STFU, be thankful i haven't zapped ur ass for betraying me