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Capcom: Next Round Of Consoles To Launch In 2012

So who's ready for another round of consoles in 2012? Everyone, right?

Well, according to Capcom Europe COO and ex-SCEE CEO David Reeves, you had better be ready because the next generation could be here in only "two years time." He said that "all the first-parties have got to be working on something" at this point in time, although he didn't get into details. In talking about how PlayStation Move (which Capcom will "embrace") and 3D, Reeves admitted to not having any inside information concerning the likes of a fourth PlayStation or third Xbox, but still made his two-year belief plain. Well, let's see: the Xbox 360 will turn five later this year, while the PS3 will turn four. Looking at the last few generations, the PS2 came out in North America in October of 2000, about five and a half years after the original PlayStation, while the PS3 came out in November of 2006, about six years after the PS2.  The Xbox 360 came out in fall of 2005, only four years after the original Xbox launched in the US.

So yeah, 2012 seems just about right, provided this cycle remains similar for the next generation. It's just hard to believe that we're in the fourth year of the PS3's existence already…

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14 years ago

I dunno… with the rumoured world's end in 2012, a new M$ product seems risky.

14 years ago

You….you…you Mayan!

14 years ago

Just an FYI,

Sony develops next-gen Blu-ray format for PS4

14 years ago

Xbox needs a new console but wii does more.
I don't think the PS4 needs come out in 2012, I think just a couple of upgrades like BC. Sony has so much going for them so I don't think the PS4 should come out then but if m$ and Nintendo wants to stay in the game they will need a new console.

14 years ago

Nintendo doesn't really need a new console. just new content or more "mature" games, but yea i guess they could since they lack HD. But like the PS their is usually a big gap between systems. Xbox had a life span of 4-5 years before the 360. MS really needs to sit down and plan and make as close to a flawless console as possible before they rush the next gen like the did the last one and ended up with a faulty system.

14 years ago

The new Playstation doesn't need to come out until games stop fitting on those new quad-layer blu-rays (thnx to BikerSaint for the article).
xbox however, might release one in two years, as will Nintendo, probably.
As for me, I can wait for a couple more years (4-5), as long as they keep making more awesome exclusives for the PS3 that is (Demon's Souls Rules!!!)

14 years ago

I actually doubt that any new system will be released that early. Even tho wii and 360 could definitely use an upgrade, I just don't think they will.

All over the world ppl are complaining about the economy and so ppl are just wanting to hang onto their machines as long as they can. There are a lot fewer ppl today that can just run out and buy a new console than there was 5 years ago.

It's not really going to matter to me either way, I have my MGS4 ps3 bundle going strong and there are so many games I've yet to play, I don't see me getting a new system for a long time.

14 years ago

I can't believe I'm saying it but I don't really want the PS4 yet. The PS3 just initiated plus, there's a ton of great games out there and still more to come, the PSN is getting better and better, and the full capability of the system is really starting to be utilized. Not to mention Sony is just now starting to make a profit.

Also, we should really give the 3D and Move and all the new content some more time to develop before the PS4 comes flying out of the gates. It seems like two years is far too early but maybe in two years I'll have changed my mind.

14 years ago

I'm not ready to drop another $600 on a new Sony system. But the only company I can see possibly creating a new system would be Nintendo simply because their portable is more powerful than their home console. They've got something in the works and I wouldn't be surprised if next E3, they som how work out a way to do 3D on a larger scale without the glasses. Wii H3D or HD WiiD…cuz Wii rhymes with three.

As for Sony and Microsoft, it seems as if every year, each companies systems get better. I wouldn't mind seeing both of these consoles lasting til 2015/2016 before a new console from either company is released. I know…wishful thinking.

14 years ago

I don't see it being 2012 for any of them except maybe Nintendo if they can get away from their hand helds for a moment.

M$ just released there new 360, and the Sony claims they are finally turning profits on the PS3. 2 years is too short a time to just pack it all up and come with something new. Yeah it may be on par with the last generation but all things considered its still to soon.

I personally don't think this generations is even close to being tapped out. And honestly 2 years from now I still dont think the technology will be there to make a significantly different console. Too early bottom line.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/29/2010 8:35:17 PM

14 years ago

2014 would be more like it. 2012 just seems like a slap in the face. I understand that life cycles of older systems weren't as promising, due to technology, yet PS3 has more years into it. A lot of its fan base has barely gotten to enjoy the PS3 this year. So 2012 would be too soon if you ask me, especially with the likes of Move. 2014 would be perfect, it would make everyone who purchased the PS3 during its momentum a purchase well worth.

14 years ago

current generations would sudgest that, but i really can not see that happening.
todays consoles are still yet to hit their stride, theres plenty left to be squeezed out of them.

not to mention 3D functionality.
why would sony push 3D so hard if they were working on a new console to release in 2 years time?
why not leave it for a next gen feature?

same thing for the motion controllers.
if there were new consoles coming out in 2 years time, sony and M$ would not be releasing kinect and move now.
because 1 it will take at least 2 years for the controls to become standard and hit their stride.
and 2 same as 3D why not leave it as a next console feature?

if we were seeing new games, but no 3D and no motion controls than ok i could understand new consoles releasing.
but there are so why develop these things now, and than have to reshuffle them for the new consoles?
thats assuming they wont work off the bat, which i doubt because we all know sony does not like carrying BC between consoles.

than theres the price problem for both manufactures and consumers.
were in a recession so both sony, M$, and consumers are not exactly swimming in money now.
most people can not afford a new console now, and sony and M$ sure can not afford to release a new one and sales become slow.
they would be stupid to release new consoles within the next 2 years because i really cant see things improving that much in such a short time span.
sony have lost a sh*t load of money on the ps3, there not going to release a new console till they make a large portion of it back!

14 years ago

Indeed. Microsoft has a sea of red ink with the name original Xbox, and another sea of red labeled Xbox 360 & RROD. MS makes an operating profit now, but they still have all that red ink sloshing around their feet.

Only Nintendo has avoided the debt pit this generation.

14 years ago

yeah, year in year out both have been reporting losses upwards of 150M dollars!
while thats pocket money for both companies, there stock holders are not going to be happy.

the only reason ninty survived is relying off the nostalgia train.
sony and M$ have underestimated how powerful it is.
id be interesting to see how well a halo trilogy would sell, bit that against maybe a R&C trilogy or something.
i really hope sony do make it a constant habit of remaking ps2 titles maybe even ps1 titles in HD.
not just one or 2, but heaps of them.
they would sell better than most ps3 games!

i read a article today that said nintys CEO makes on average 20M a year.
not bad, not bad at all!

Last edited by ___________ on 7/1/2010 8:44:27 AM

14 years ago

Short and Sweet:

Hell no. i haven't got money for another console ANY time soon.

14 years ago

Man its amazing how we can afford new systems and games with this bad economy we have O_O