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Does GameStop Promote Microsoft Over Sony?

Microsoft is into giving gifts. Just ask anyone who goes to any trade shows or anyone who has worked for a GameStop or EB in the past decade or so. I was working at an EB when the first Xbox launched and to help promote it, Microsoft reps handed a ton of goodies to EB managers and assistant managers at the annual company meeting. Just recently, when I was down to GameStop, the employees were talking about their upcoming meeting in July, and they all fully expect to get preferential treatment from the big M$.

Now, I also distinctly recall our assistant manager at the time being all psyched about the PS2, and about how much he liked it, and about all his reservations and skepticism concerning Microsoft's new game console. …then, that meeting happened, he came home with a bag full of free stuff, and his tune changed considerably. That tune also changed in regards to customers, even though that stance switched back again during/after 2001, when certain PS2 gems like Final Fantasy X , Gran Turismo 3, Twisted Metal: Black, Grand Theft Auto III and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty hit. Oh, and if you didn't know, this year at E3, Microsoft was handing out free Xbox 360 Slims to the press…and all this time, Sony never really did much for GameStop/EB employees. They freely admit they get a ton of stuff from MS but they know they can't expect much from Sony.

Look, free stuff is cool. But has anyone noticed that many GameStops do seem to hold more of a Microsoft slant, both in the placement of their products and the attitude of employees? Granted, I would hope most stores aren't like this one , and in fact, I do go to a GameStop location that hires some pretty cool guys. They're really not biased one way or the other; if the game is great, they'll tell you. If it's a personal preference and doesn't jive with the critical reception, they'll tell you that, too. I'm not implying that all GameStops are all about loving Microsoft, but I am suggesting that Microsoft's business tactics have resulted in some artificially created love on the part of the retailer and its employees. Not that there's anything wrong with that in the realm of business, I suppose.

It could just be me. But in terms of how Microsoft and Sony treat GameStop employees, there is indeed a distinct difference based on personal experience. Take from that what you will.

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14 years ago

well this is how I see it, any game store can be seen as biased just by your employees. It doesn't matter if it's EB or GameStop. I have ran into "biscuits" in both stores, more prominently in GS than EB admittedly but none the less you can't judge which side a fanboy will be on when you hire them. So really it's a hit or miss situation. The GSs around here really aren't that bad. Wal-mart is a different story. Every one I go into the "tech" guys are wearing X-Box 360 neck band deals to hold there keys and stuff, when I bought my PS3 and PSP in one day there, I got this huge scoff and a mumbled "what an idiot" From the douche bag at the counter. I then told his manager about it, and I went in a week ago and talked to the manager again and he said he had been fired LOL He said he's gotten that from at least two other customers as well.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 6/27/2010 10:52:12 PM

14 years ago

Owned. The Wal-mart here just want's you to buy something they don't give a damn. Plus the Gamestop is in the SAME shopping center as Wal-mart.

14 years ago

Well my Wal-Mart and nearest Game Stop or any major store for that matter is over 44 miles away. So I doubt they have any direct influence on each other LOL

14 years ago


14 years ago

My Wal-mart reduced the size of PlayStation games and gave more room to 360 games. I asked why and the guy said Microsoft pays them more.

14 years ago

Well mine, it's actually everything else is on the front, the tech section is in the very back of the store and when you walk back there in the front is two is oval shaped counters where a person stands inside the oval and on the outside for one is all cell phones and the other is all cameras, then on your right hand side of the wall is the gaming section. Its starts with Wii, then DS, then 360, then PS3, then PSP, and then finally PS2. Then as you turn around there is a small shelf with all the gaming accessories, once again same pattern. then as you turn around in the same mini-aisle there are the Rock Bands and Guitar Heros, imagine how that order goes.

So another funny story from Wally World, I once went in looking for the PSN cards as they had just remodeled the entires store right? So I ask the guy behind the cell phone island counter. He then calls for another biscuit to help me. And yes he had that damn 360 neck band on. I then proceeded to ask him and the man simply said, IDk where it is. So I walk around the place trying to find it for 5 minutes, then I see another customer actually getting helped by the same guy who had no idea where the PSN cards were. The other customer was brought to that mimi-aisle I talked about and sure enough BAM! All the gaming accessories you could wave a stick at. I then proceeded over there, and asked the guy why he said he didn't know where my item was but he knew damn and good well where the 360 $%#& was. He then told me flat out. "PlayStation and SONY sucks dude, grow up, PS2 is the only good thing SONY has ever made." I was completely shocked at how much of an ignorant prick this guy was being, I didn't know what to say. So I simply asked him, what is your favorite game, and you know what he said? I bet you can guess, it is a pretty common one. Guessed yet? OK i'll tell you now, he said. Now it is a game every X-Bot should have in their library…SCRIBBLENAUTS :D!!!!! Yeah I laughed pretty damn hard myself. Then I slowly walked away with a grin. Good times in Ol' Wally World.

14 years ago

see my walmart is quite different because i worked at the MCds inside the walmart. And you hardly ever get a person in electronics that actually knows what they are talking about, so i was actually the guy they would hope was around if a customer had a question. And the sony game section was bigger then MSs bacuse of ps2, psp and ps3. In-fact they actually took away a section of 360 for sony.

14 years ago

Ya, Indy…my store is kinda like yours its got the cell phone island n stuff, I like to find the biscits and insult them easly, by just asking them what they perfer…so


I like to just let them talk then I simply go "BAM!…there it is" lmfao and walk away.

If you have no clue what I'm talking about just youtube "microsoft natal e3 fail".

14 years ago

want to know what failure looks like? BAM THERE IT IS! I didn't know Kinect was so advanced, it even recognizes the latest dance craze…jerking!!! LMAO It's just trying to be hip with the kids, next in the first software update it will add Stanky Leg Support :D!!!!!

14 years ago

I think JMO_INDY made a good point about not knowing which side someones going to be on when hiring them. Don't know much about gamestop but last year i went into a sony centre lookin at tv's and was chattin to one of the employees and he was telling me the 360 was the better console at this point. I was thinking it was never the better console and wtf is this guy doin here, I had no idea of what to say at this point and pretty much just left.

14 years ago

He does have a point, and I don't understand why people say it's the better console.

PS3 Win's it all.

Hardware, Selection, Service, Performance (online), Freedom. The PS3 doesn't have cross game chat, but that's it.

The 360 is more of a choice then a win. Some people pick it cause of controller layout (which there IS a mod to have a 360 controller on PS3) and some people stick to 360 because of Gear's and Halo (which ALL MY 360 friend's hate Halo, lol)

14 years ago

ALSO to make Bin's point if anyone is a REAL gamer here we all know a controller is a way to go. I have a 360 (due to my PS3 dying 🙁 disc drive whent out…had it since DAY ONE of release…orginal 20GB.)

I go to Gamestop and see a Kinnct display. No PS Move…and any REAL gamer know's when you take away the controller…your taking away the game.

14 years ago

i do understand MS sugar coates everything, theres 2 cases full of garbage 360 games, a few good games, thats why everywhere except walmart, the first round of clearanced games are all 360

14 years ago

"Well mine, it's actually everything else is on the front, the tech section is in the very back of the store and when you walk back….."

The electronics section here is EXACTLY the same except the two counters are rectangular

14 years ago

I'm with you Ben…same one over here too. They just promote M$ more :|. Like after E3 I go over there and there is 1 out of 4 window's being Sony…the other 3 being 360 stuff. Then when you go in all like, hey what's in here. It's like hey put Sony in a corner and don't even mention a thing…

14 years ago

It's a bit of a caliused conversation about PS3s. A while ago, I was at a Gamestop at Village Crossing in Niles, IL on Touhy Ave just west bound of Carpenter Rd (aka, Central st in Chicago and Niles Center Rd in Skokie). The PS3 demo console was down but the 360 was up, with the same game going.

Reason? Unsure. I kidded with the guy about it, asking if the PS3 had a RROD. He immediately jumped the Jasper chipset gun on me, telling me how that's the past 360s but now they perform flawlessly. I kinda stared at him and once again asked why the PS3 was off. "Because it's the same game on the Xbox, why run two when you can just play the game on the console that looks better?"

AC2 was the game. Get this. I was at the counter with AC2 for the PS3 and that new(er)Super Mario Bros for the Wii. I tapped my finger on the box and mentioned this is why. "I wanted to give it shot before I bought it, but I guess I won't now." kid tells me "Oh, we'll it's not supposed to look that different, really."

REALLY?! SERIOUSLY?! I was pissed. I left both games there and walked out. I tossed my coin at Best Buy and picked up a spindle of CDRs while I was at it.

I don't like the attitude. That's the problem with people. I'm dropping over $100 in games and I get sh** attitude? This kid had already rung up the AC2.. For PS3. and gives me that answer? Blah, to hell with you homeboy!

HOWEVER! The Gamestop I mostly visit now is located on Harlem Ave in Norridge or Harwood Heights, one of those two (wierd city limits out that way). Dudes are cool, don't give me now console war bullcrap and, most importantly, most the workers will bend over backwards to get your purchase. Well worth my time!

14 years ago

Awesome move man, awesome.

14 years ago

MS and GameStop are both American companies, so maybe they are inclined to scratch each others back for the sake of the homeland economy.

Looks as though that "assistant manager" pushed MS when it came to the company line, but the true gamer in him recognized Sony as the superior source for his entertainment of choice. That's what really counts.

Anyways, I'm rarely ever in a GameStop. I've only bought 3 games there. And I'm certainly never in there long enough to get all chatty with the mole-man behind the counter, so I have no idea what they push.

Last edited by Hezzron on 6/27/2010 11:04:23 PM

14 years ago

Ben, you're absolutely spot on!!!!!

I have 5 local EB/GS stores within 8 miles of me, & although the closest one has the least amount of MS sponsored fanboys working there,but they all know not to talk bull by upping MS & downing the PS3 to a customer cause I'll butt right in & set the customer right with the real deal, so Sony becomes the BIG DEAL, and the MS becomes a no-deal.

And those other 4 stores are all totally MS'ed up.

All 5 stores DO prominently display posters & games pertaining to MS though, in their storefront windows and right inside their doorway.
Matter of fact the corporate office just made every store change it's games racks layout, making MS's stuff the very first gaming products you see when you walk in.
Even their in-store TV channel goes on & on with about 80% of MS games,10% Ninty, & 10% for Sony.

14 years ago


14 years ago

the gamestop close to my store has xbox games way at the back. first thing you see is psp/ds then ps3/wii then 360 last.

14 years ago

wow, 5 EB/GS stores within 8 mile radius, that's alot of game stores.

14 years ago

Thats the cold heart truth though. Everytime I go pick up a new game (multiplatform), they always try to give my the 360 copy before I even tell them which system I want it for. Very annoying, and when I say "no, no…let me get that for PS3"…their whole cheery attitude turns cold, not ignorant, but they aren't as happy anymore…lol. And I find it odd that alot of Gamestops around L.A. all have employees that seem to only want you to by one thing and not the other. I can't count how many times I hear cashiers tell people that game is a waste of money. Yeah some misguided people need to know information, but instead of telling them the game is wack…offer them another game that will cater to their likings…now thats good business, not these horrible methods I've seen frequently. If I was the boss one word…'Fired'. One half of the employees seem like cool geeks who I personally digg, and the others seem like people I would have problems with if we played together on a basketball team.

14 years ago

I usually go to Game Crazy for my games. GC is very close and GS is too far.

But when ever i go into GC they know what system i want. So I've never had a problem, but it's only happened 2 times because there was a new guy there.

14 years ago

When I hit the midnight launch of FFXIII they just assumed I wanted the 360 version. I was like, No, I'm getting the PS3 version with a SINGLE disc.

14 years ago

I'm with you on that World.

14 years ago

I'm glad I haven't stepped one foot in a Gamestop or EB Games since like 2004. I bought my PS3 and Xbox 360 at Wal-Mart. I buy most of my games through because I get them at a used price plus a $5 discount on top of that, the rest I buy at Wal-Mart or online at I don't feel like dealing with biased fanboys who are in M$'s pocket so I avoid Lamestop at all costs.

14 years ago

Most gamestop employees I know suck. One guy I talked to tried to get me to buy a 360 just to get Gears of War aka "The Most Amazing Game Ever To Be Released". Screw them.

14 years ago

one of them actually tried hard to delay my preorder of god of war 3 because "God of war 3 will definitely come to the 360 in a few months with better graphics, theres really no good games coming to the ps3 exclusively." just to let you know, this happened in early february. we know a lot of great games came then. i told the guy i wanted some other employee to take credit for my preorder.

14 years ago

Really?!?!? God of War coming to 360!?!?!

AND being better!?!?! What a load of BULL!!!

These Xbots and MS fanboys are clinging onto anything they can get. Kinect, COD map exclusives and ESPN. Then there's Gears 3, Halo Reach, Forza 4 (which is a joke compared to GT5) and Crackdown 2. Fable 3 and Mass Effect 3 are coming to PC, so they don't count as exclusives.

As for me?

1. No one outside of the US cares about ESPN on Xbox Live. NO ONE!!! That limits their fanbase by a huge amount.

2. I gave up on COD after MW2 sucked. Such a shame, COD had potential, but Activision cared more about $ than 🙂

3. I only want Kinect for Dance Central. I love music games, and this dancing game looks perfect for eliminating dance mat madness. Singstar Dance looks good, but its limited to Move controls, not whole body movements.

4. Only want Gears 3 and Halo Reach. Everything else is on PS3 or PC.

Everyone I know, even my friends with 360's, all agreed MS sucked this E3. Only the hardcore games and Dance Central appealed to them. My 1 Xbot friend thought MS ruled over Nintendo and Sony at E3. This is the friend who helped get 360's for all my friends birthdays. YES, he is that insecure and deluded about the console's "epic awesomeness".

Just cos it has Halo and Live, doesn't make it better than the competition. Games count, and Sony takes first place in that domain.

Sorry, ranting.

GS should employ staff who are non-bias. Who love all MS, Sony and nintendo consoles. Then they'd be the perfect person for the job.


I did tell one customer at EB who bought a 360 that he's wasting his money and that the 360 is dying. Now who's the fanboy!?!?

14 years ago

its kinda hard to like the 360 though since it breaks so often. but they do have games that interest me but not enough to buy it for myself. gears, sure. halo, not so much. although i did like the idea in odst where the character is just a regular person who cant jump that high in the air with supposedly heavy armor.

14 years ago


It's very true about ESPN in other countries. I'm in Canada. I'm a major sports fan. (Enough to major in Phys Ed (also theatre and psych)) But up here in the Great White North, ESPN can only be found near the border (and I just learned today that apparently, Canada's most southern point is more south than the most northern part of California and Navada!)

ESPN is not something that sells here.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
14 years ago

I'm looking forward to the ESPN stuff on XBL. Might turn out to be junk and I won't use it but it'll be interesting to see how it works.

As far as GS and Microsoft, this doesn't surprise me one bit. MS can be pretty slimy. Don't get wrong, I love my 360 and have had hours upon hours of fun with it, as I have my PS3; I'm just not that big fan of the company. I'm pretty lucky in that the GS near my house are pretty console-neutral. I've ordered games for both my PS3 and 360 from this particular store and never have they made an unsolicited suggestion that I get one version over another. The only time I've heard them utter which version is better is when they're asked and they're pretty even when it comes to praising one version over another.

14 years ago

I have to admit… even though we do not have a GameStop in Singapore, I have always felt that Sony has gotten the short end of the stick in the US with regards how GameStop employees seem to promote xBot over Sony.

I don't believe these employees are not educated enough on Sony products, I simply think they don't want to be… for what ever insane reason they seem to have…



*Currently in SinCity, Singapore

14 years ago

360 fanboys are never or will never be educated enough. they love taking it up the ass when their 360 fails 5 times knowing that their next one will also fail and at the same time praising what a great system it is.

14 years ago

To be honest Ben, I hardly ever go to a store to look at anything 'random'. I'm in and out, with a very very specific agenda. I get all my games info online, so shops are simply where I pick up my preorders.

And I pity the employee who tries to throw some MS propaganda my way.

14 years ago

I personally think it was an extreme bias…to the point I actually think it was some kind of conspiracy. Now, maybe I'm wrong…But when the PS3 came out, every time I went to a Gamestop (and there were about three or four I went to), the 360 was setup demo'ing a game…and the PS3 was not operational…It was turned off, no game demo'ing…Extremely suspicious.

14 years ago

hahaha, its funny to see xbox 360 and modern warfare 2 ads right underneath the PSXextreme logo.

14 years ago

I just got redirected to an xbox 360 ad while tryin to access this article, oh the irony…

14 years ago

You guys need to use firefox with adblock plus. The only ad I can see is the blue PS3 give away.

14 years ago

i do use adblock but since psxextreme ads dont bother me, i leave it on open for the site. its just funny to see it, thats all. maybe microsoft has their hands on this too.

14 years ago

We should thank MS for paying Arnold/Ben to put their crap on this awesome site. Who cares where the money comes from as long as it keeps us ranting 🙂

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
14 years ago

Of course Microsoft is promoted over Sony at Gamestop stores…As far as I am concerned, there has been no way for people to pirate PS3 games. Xbox 360 on the other hand…well we know they've been hacked to the point that MS had to start banning people from Live. Gamestop makes their profit on used game sales. Why not buy some used games, copy them, and return them? Of course your sales are gonna look higher. Think of all of the traded in Xboxes and accessories. Gamestop has a LOT more money to make selling used Microsoft products as compared to Sony. Case in point…have you EVER seen a hard drive upgrade sold in a Gamestop? Case closed.

14 years ago

given that microsoft is now a major player in the console generation, they wouldve used all that money to fix their damn system. but i guess they cant afford to since they cant compete with sony on the exclusives department. none of that timed exclusive crap that microsoft tries to do everytime. I believe the new diet 360 is just another xbox iteration with more cost cutting measures that arent good for the consumers. i mean i heard of a new diet 360 breaking after 2 days, and that video how it scratched the hell off that disc immediately when the guy moved it. i know i did that once with my 360 and it didnt do anything to my disc.

14 years ago

i believe they gave out xbox 360s when that guy, dont care about his name, gave a kinect demo on jimmy falons show on how bad it was.

14 years ago

Kinect will be Microsoft's Waterloo.

14 years ago

The people who work at the Gamestop I visit are more in favor of the PS3. In fact, they were pissed about how the Lightning PS3 didn't come to America and one of them knew someone who ordered it from Japan. They have their occasional likes for a few XBox Exclusive games, but they love their PS3 much more.

14 years ago

Lucky! 😉

14 years ago

Yup, most stores around me always push MS stuff. They never ask if it want it for PS3. They always assume Xbox.

14 years ago

yeah, they do that to me even on ps3 exclusive. they actually take their time trying to find it on their shelves. they also talk up the 360 so much once that they convinced a customer to get one. at the end of their praise, they told him that he should get the protection plan for it too "just in case." customer asked why he should buy the plan. employee said that since its a high end machine, units break down "occasionally." i laughed and said i guess a 33% failure rate and knowing that all 360s have the possibility of breaking counts as occasionally. employee quickly changed the subject and started talking about the amount of games the 360 has, halo and gears of war.

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