So after the huge unveiling at E3 this year, we wanted to see if the announcement had its desired impact on PlayStation 3 owners.
And as it turns out, the majority of you are plenty excited for the impending bad-ass title, with most saying that, at the very least, it looks great. In development at Eat Sleep Play, this reboot of the series features all sorts of new additions, including helicopters, robust online play, a driver and gunner, the ability to put any character in any vehicle, and much more. At the same time, it clearly boasts that old-school appeal; the twisted, dark atmosphere that totally hooked many a fan back in the day. If you haven't already checked it out, here's an E3 walkthrough video , which really gets us amped up. The PS3 already has plenty of amazing exclusives and it seems we're in line for another, provided Jaffe and Co. can deliver a polished, entertaining product. …and we're fairly convinced they will.
This week, as we lie in wait for Final Fantasy Versus XIII , we want to know what you think about it. There isn't a heck of a lot of info out there, but perhaps you've been able to come to a preliminary conclusion after checking out some early details . Perhaps you're looking for a return to form for Square-Enix, and you believe this game will be a "redeemer," of sorts. Or perhaps you've lost all faith and subsequently don't care about Versus XIII . What say you?
Versus XIII will be amazing, I have faith in Nomura and the KH team to make a this XIII a significantly better one… Provided it remains exclusive.
I don't think it will
And sacrafice all their work to make it all fit on only 3 DVDs? Right… they may have done it with FFXIII, but they've been working longer on Versus. They're using the Physics engine in the PS3 to render the clouds, so that in itself should be proof it's staying on the PS3.
Eh, whatever. I'm not that fond of FFV XIII. Twisted Metal? WICKED! Versus? Wick's out. Candle aint lit. No one's home.
Hell yeah!
I love the dark/twisted theme of Twisted Metal
It'll be great getting your friends together and blowing stuff up
The new Nuke mode will be awesome. I've always loved co-op modes in games.
Look don't get me wrong I love the series but just not for me anymore, and definitely made me jump out of my seat when Sweet Tooth showed up in the video, but after all the nostalgia has died down for me, I'm not really all excited for this…like at all anymore…I'm actually kind of sad . I feel like I lost something of my gaming past, but in all honesty I'm just not interested in the concept anymore like I was when I was 6 ya know? I'm sure I'll play a rented copy or something, but I just don't know if this is one of those series you can still completely enjoy after a certain age. Unlike Crash and Spyro which are timeless set pieces in the gaming evolution. I'm just not sure this new one will make a buyer of me.
I know exactly how you feel, I was older than that at the time it came out but back then driving around and blowing things up appealed to me a LOT more than it does now. Now I think I have more fulfilling things to spend my gaming time on and I wonder how many other people have moved past that nostalgia as well.
I don't believe they will let the series fall short of the fanbase. Sony and ESP are very aware of the games fanbase. Unlike S-E, there's a certain loyalty that Jaffe is very aware of and the notion that the gaming has to mature with the audience.
I'm not trying to sell you on the game. I'm just trying to point out the fact that the direction it's moving towards may surprise you. There's absolutely nothing I know about this game that edges me past your own wisdom about it, but I just have this feeling that, from a developers' point of view, there is something more to expect from it's fun-factor.
Exactly, I've been spoiled with the newer series like Uncharted, Killzone, and of course Heavy Rain where you have a story besides Sweet Tooth, he is a child pedophile driving an ice cream truck with guns haha. I mean I guess I contribute it to the normal evolution of maturity and things that you get joy from, and no longer does that include driving around on a two wheeled torturing device (Axel)
I disagree with the age stuff
Super Mario World is still funner than a lot of games. Including stuff like Gears of War and Call of D00ty
hmm, well it isn't universal scarecrow, I know I'll never grow out of certain things. Car battles just happened to be one of them.
I dont necessarily mean that all little kid games you will grow out of, I gave examples of stuff I'll never grow out of and that is Crash and Spyro, games that are my childhood classics.
Even though I'm skipping Twisted Metal I hope it sells well, exclusives need big money so we keep getting more.
I had to vote that I have my doubts since XIII was such a massive letdown and Wada is still in charge of that horsesh*t company. A good, epic JRPG from SE this generation? I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. BUT I'll still be watching the info as I am still mildly excited that this could be a great experience. I just probably won't be preordering.
I have high hopes for v13. SE hasnt done anything impressive so far this generation, imo, so they are bound to stumble across something good eventually.
I'm excited for Twisted Metal I can't help but feel that it will be good old fashioned fun. As for FF Versus XIII until it can be shown that it will have a feel closer in line with what I love from SE even if it's closer in spirit to KH then I have my doubts.
I'm not sure about TM, I loved it back on the PSone but from what I have herd about it so far it seems to diferent and I'm just not liking it. I was so excited with all the rumors and waiting for the announcment but now I just don't know any more:(
Have never been a big fan of the character designs in Versus XIII
That said, I'm not the biggest fan of the Kingdom Hearts fighting system
Squeeeenix's dead as far as I'm concerned
Can't wait for Agarest War 2, it's actually on development 8)
Twisted Metal looks like it could be pretty fun again. The game play graphics looked a little rough around the edges though for a PS3 exclusive….especially the aerial shots of buildings blowing up from the helicopter. It's a ways off, so we'll see if it gets improved.
Don't get me started on Final Fantasy.
While I was surprised by the new twisted metal, I felt underwhelmed by the whole thing. It looks like a ps2 game and reminded me of GTA, but with guns on the cars. I doubt it REALLY took 18 months by the looks of things 😛
Last edited by The Doom on 6/27/2010 11:01:32 PM
actually it DOES look like it took 18 months since a solid exclusive on a new engine takes 3 years or more.
Edit: Come to think of it what on earth have they been doing all this time? Calling all Cars? psh.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/27/2010 11:03:32 PM
Man I agree. When I saw it the first time, I was impressed and I'm not sure this car wreckage gameplay is going to be fun by the time it releases unless Twisted Metal changes the game and I don't think that is going to happen.
FM23, have you ever even played a Twisted Metal game?
Your GTA analogy doesn't make sense
Versus is gonna pop a nut. Square would be promoting the hell out of this game and tossing out teasers if they had any interest in their old school fans. Also Twisted Metal will be amazing!
They should do a Twisted Metal collection for those people that didnt play the originals.
Still don't know about this Twisted Metal man, but if it is a fun as Transformers War for Cybertron, I might have to pick it up, but for now…I still pass. As for FF, never been a fan so I will pass on that too. Whats up with the Last Guardian, I want that.
Last edited by FM23 on 6/27/2010 11:17:23 PM
wow, you seriously need to play Twisted Metal lol…
Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/27/2010 11:34:41 PM
The new Transformers game is actually very good.
FM23- TM wont be at all like it Transformers. Two completely different games.
I'm definitely thrilled to see a new Twisted Metal, but the biggest news out of E3 was without a doubt GT5's launch date.
I without a doubt and hoping that v13 will be awesome, however, after what SE has been doing recently I have my doubts about how good v13 will be.
Do I want it to be awesome, of course, but it's so hard to tell what we'll get from them these days.
i really cant wait for twisted metal, nice to see the craziness of david is back!
sacrificing a enemy faction leader to a missile launcher is CLASSIC!
i dunno where he gets these ideas from, hes got such a wild imagination he reminds me allot of cliffy B.
both should team up and make a game together, and the guys who are doing bulletstorm should help!
as for V XIII i really could not care less about it.
$E have disappointed me way to many times this gen!
Wow you ain't got to do me like that. You 'seriously' (lol) need to know your information before you start popping off with the lip. How did I compare TM to GTA, trust me I know the difference between both franchises and there was no analogy…you just saw something that wasn't there…sorry for the confusion. And I have played TM2 up to Black so I am very famaliar with Twisted Metal, I still have Black sitting in my room. And maybe you should try Transformers, its a very good game. After GOWIII, TF is the most exciting game I've played this year. Have you play Transformers WFC?…lol…Probably you should know your facts first before trying to compare both games. You may or may not like it. Try it.
Yeah I already know that. I was focusing more on the entertainment value part. Transformers is just amazingly fun. If TM is close, equal, or better…I'm all in.
From what little I've seen, I can't even tell if it's an RPG or an action adventure game. The videos look nice, like Fallout 3 with cool looking Japanese kids in it. I dunno, I have high hopes but I need a lot more information before I can form any sort of opinion.
I'm gunna get a lot of hate for this probably, but imo, FF and Twisted Metal = OVERRATED!
I am, that's for sure.
Well, as I mentioned numerous times already FFvXIII piqued my interest way more than FFXIII.
I guess the only reason I got FFXIII without consulting domestic reviews first was the LE FFXIII PS3.
Say what you will, but that pink metallic Light artwork on top of a completely white slim-line PS3 (with a 250GB HDD) just looks awesome.
I couldn't miss that deal. That said I haven't bought the international version of FFXIII yet, and I don't intend to – especially with those 3 little annoyances not present in the JP version: almost no vibration, smoke (shroud) menu can only be opened if you stop dead in your tracks and you can't run immediately after leaving a shop. I also don't like all those asinine name changes of originally English terms.
The worst part was using American Army jobs instead of role descriptions in the international version:
Attacker, Defender, Blaster, Healer, Jammer and Enhancer were the original names, pretty self-explanatory and fitting for a Japanese game. No need for changes here unless you wanna appeal to Americans/westerners.
Long story short, I won't even bother buying a domestic release of FFXIII but I certainly will with FFvXIII.
Just to support SE to make more excellent games for true fans rather than simplified twitch-games for, well, twitch-gamers.
I have high expectations of FFvXIII and even though I share Jack's concern that it'll be more an action-adventure than RPG I'm still confident in it.
It wouldn't surprise me if SE came out with a totally new battle system that'll even convince/satisfy hard-core turn-based-RPG fans.
I mean they already developed a completely unique battle system for Last Remnant – which was a couple of years ago. And once you understood its mechanics it was one of the most entertaining and fun to play battle systems ever created.
Frankly speaking TGS couldn't come soon enough. I'd be delighted to get some more info on vXIII until its formal unveiling at TGS but I don't hold my breath.
Still, I don't lose confidence that FFvXIII could become this generation's defining FF/RPG experience.
cheers, ro
Last edited by ro kurorai on 6/28/2010 11:51:03 AM
Twisted Metal's release is a meh for me. Like some earlier arguments I'm not really interested in this type of game anymore like I used to be. I'm sure it'll be a great title for those who still love the vehicular destruction and mayhem that the earlier titles gave us so kudos to those die-hard fans. In other news I'm awaiting FFV13 with an open mind…that seems the only way to avoid complete disappointment with SE's works as of late. Actually, I'm really looking forward to this title…hope to see some info sooner rather than later though.
I've never played Twisted Metal before, so it's a wait-and-see for me.
I just bought FFVII off the PS Store, and I've played it for 43 hours so far, and I've loved every second of it. It's the first RPG I've ever played, and I'm pretty impressed. Now I'm not sure about FFvXIII, considering all the stuff I've heard about Square Enix. Hopefully it'll be great and as awesome, or better, than FFVII.
Yeah, same for me (regarding TM). Dunno what to expect but it certainly does look interesting.
Gonna wait for reviews and a demo/beta. That little E3 footage wasn't enough to get the hang of the game.
I am most certainly totally stoked for TM! XD