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New Silent Hill Debut Video Arrives

When we heard a new Silent Hill might be in the works, we recalled all the thrills and chills we received from playing previous installments.

And now, if you didn't get a chance to go to E3, the debut trailer is available for you to peruse. It shows the main character, Murphy Pendleton, who is apparently a prisoner for some reason, escape thanks to a bus crash. He stumbles into the creepy town of Silent Hill and it isn't long before he probably wishes he was back on the bus… In this video, we see the first part of the adventure and towards the end, the atmosphere really starts to kick in.

In development at Vatra Games, a new studio, we're hoping for a smash debut from the new team. They say we can expect an "all-new storyline and unique evolutions in gameplay," which may or may not entice long-time fans of the franchise. Either way, Silent Hill has always been about the environment; the psychological edginess that accompanies every scape, bump, and thump. The darkness holds something sinister…you're just not sure what it is. Provided they keep this quality, we'll probably be plenty satisfied.

By the way "Silent Hill 8" is just the working title for now.

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14 years ago

Looks pretty good I hope it passes muster. I know people weren't much into Homecoming but I just found it for $15 and had to jump on it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Homecoming was pretty good, if I remember correctly.

Here's my review for it-

14 years ago

Cool, a 7.7 should be worth the paltry sum I spent on it 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I would certainly think so.

14 years ago

Homecoming was the RE5 of Silent Hill to me. It was a really big change in terms of gameplay. seemed more action oriented than the others.

14 years ago

it was more action orientated.
though it had a really creepy story it was still far to run in and kill everything for the sake of it for my liking.

i bought dead space extraction today and i have to say it is by far the best horror game i have played since doom 3!
this ones actually quite scary, im only 40 minutes in and its made me jump of the sofa quite a few times already!
its not predictable like dead space was, dead space was far too predictable.
like the elevator part, you enter the elevator the lights go out than i said let me guess a necromorph is going to leap out and pry the doors open.
and guess what happened?
yup i was right!
horror games are far to predictable these days, how can something scare me if im expecting it?

14 years ago

Yeah cant wait, I hope they keep this similar to the first one. So far its looking very similar, bring Silent Hill into the new era! We need something like this.

14 years ago

AHHHHH!!! Did anyone else get goosebumps when Murphy was in the building? I just knew something would show up in the light of the flashlight when we was waving it around, I could barely handle the PS2 era graphics on these games, can you imagine this in full HD? Yes I believe the phycological part of movies and games alike are what interest me honestly, but the movie iteration of the Silent Hill series really messed with me for some reason, the sight of another human being burnt alive really gets to me.

14 years ago

Games are better than movies, there's just no two ways around it.

SH4 was really the apex of the franchise, it was the scariest and most developed of them all imo.

14 years ago

I do completely agree, I was just simply giving my standpoint on the movie of it, I am not taking anything away from the game for the movies performance at all.

14 years ago

Double Helix (the last Dev team) killed the franchise………

Hopefully Vatra Games can bring SH back to glory.

They've got the atmosphere and everything else down. It has that Silent Hlil 1 look to it so it's in the right direction. Homecoming never had a good look to it imo.

The graphics…, hmmmm I hope they improve it. The fact that SH4 looks better than this is really telling…

Oh, maybe if they didn't have to make it for both consoles, hmmmmmmmmm.

14 years ago

Guess I don't see what you see, the gfx look to be the best so far. Better than Homecoming anyway.

14 years ago

Looks like The Fugitive meets Silent Hill, although I do like the attractive lady cops. Ya know what we need? A reboot of Alone in the Dark. The New Nightmare had some promise in it's day but fell way short of what could be done now. Alan Wake was sort of a ripoff of it anyway.

14 years ago

This is a bit late, but still awesome news at the most. I still think the best is Silent Hill 3. Also, how is this number 8? There's only 7 when I count…

14 years ago

are you counting the on that has ice everywhere?

14 years ago

I've never played a silent hill so I'd like to keep my eyes on this one. Lots of people seem to love the series so I'd definitely be interested to try one on my ps3.

14 years ago

Trailer looks good so far. The silent hill that scared me the most was 2, that part where u walk in the street in total darkness with just a flashlight, man that creeped me out.

14 years ago

hopefully this goes back to the originals roots and is nothing like shattered memories or homecoming.
homecoming had a really good spooky storyline that set the mood and atmosphere PERFECTLY! but it was just far too action orientated.
plus its another victim of this gore torture porn crap!

since when does a horror game have to be gory and feature torture?
honestly its really starting to get old!
what happened to the good old ghost stories?
or zombies, or vampires, or serial killers?

the ring is one of the all time scariest movies and that was rated m for gods sake!
no gore, no torture but it still managed to cause millions of people to paper there pants!

speaking of horror games, i got cursed mountain today ive heared really good things about it cant wait to get started!
its suppose to be really scary, a friend of mine who i use to play doom 3 with says its 10 times scarier than doom 3!
i hope so, its been so long since a games really given me the frights.
i miss the PS1 days, those games could scare the sh*t out of me in there sleep!!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

silent hill homecoming was silent hill v (5) before they settled on the subtitle, and since shattered memories was a reworking of the first game that would make this silent hill 6, not 8 =/ some gimps can't count. and btw, i'm a fan of the series and this looks quite disappointing. the animation and graphics look very poor =( what's worse akira yamaoka isn't doing the soundtrack…some guy who does tv shows is

14 years ago

I hope for something good this time.

14 years ago

An absolute abomination. An absolutely disgusting insult.

Yet ANOTHER who fails to understand Silent Hill's core.

This is Konami's biggest sin. To sell this game to the west to be commercialised and then disband one of the most talented teams in gaming history who refused to sell out.

How anyone can sit back and watch art get destroyed is beyond me.

Lastly, survival horror is a title Team Silent disliked as it limits the perception of their creative art.

This trailer is SO wrong.

14 years ago

I agree, I've been with SH since the first one, and I just refused to get SH Homecoming…

It seriously is a slap to real SH fans

"Westernize and give the game more action, blah blah blah."

so sad

14 years ago

I want this game in 3D…