The PlayStation 3 has been chipping away at the overall worldwide sales lead held by the Xbox 360, and Sony is confident that eventually, they will pass the competition (if not the Wii).
During an interview with Industry Gamers , Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde spoke about post-E3 thoughts concerning the PlayStation Move, 3D, and the continued rise of the PS3. In regards to 3D, Rohde likened the emergence of this technology to the Blu-Ray launch, calling the price obstacle a "strategy" rather than a "concern." He reminds us that at the start of Blu-Ray's career, people were opting to stick with their DVD collection without any desire to upgrade; but Sony just had to keep pushing and prove that it's a superior way of viewing movies and playing games. Then, when IG mentioned that many analysts see the PS3 overtaking the 360, Rohde replied:
"We certainly hope that’s going to be the case. We are confident that we have a huge amount of momentum and we see that from all of our partners in the industry at retail and third party partners. The buzz is about where the PS3 is headed in the future, and I truly believe that future-proof message is a big part of that.
A lot of developers, a lot of publishers out there are saying, 'Wow, we like what the Move is offering, we like that you guys are on the cutting edge of 3D, so we’re going to get involved now, because when the PS3 really hits its stride we want to be there with it.' So we’re very confident that we’re in a very good spot right now. And our partners are echoing that sentiment back to us."
With only a total of about 5 million units separating the global sales tally between the PS3 and 360, and the added benefit of superior exclusives and an ever-expanding Network, this could very well happen. By the way, speaking of the PSN, they addressed the idea of the total number of accounts being "inflated:" that just because there are multiple PSN accounts in a single household doesn't mean the overall number is false (different people with different tastes). However, the PR guy admits they should make it clearer that the number also includes PSP PSN accounts.
For most fans of the PS3, the eventual overtaking of Microsoft appears inevitable. But you don't count your chickens…and all that.
Ms's box is doomed, and it might have been for a while, I don't believe shod numbers don't include the 7th or 8th xbox owners are burning through, it's not an even fight…
Something else capt obvious should point out???
I believe MS killed their Xbox the moment they decided they wanted nothing to do with Blue Ray.
yeah pretty frustrating isnt it?, when you have to play a third party game that coulda been longer if only it werent because it has to fit on a dvd… ok so they didnt decide to go for bluray, but they could had at least recycled all their hd dvd from their glorious format war idea and that way we wouldnt suffer from the lack of a decent length videogame
If u dont have a ps3 by now u are missing out on its "EPICNESS". Playb3yond
I think the Xbox would've died faster if it included a blu-ray player. It'll be the same as PS3, but $100 more expensive. No one would want that.
It's not about wanting it to be doomed, Microsoft is losing their grip on the industry, their learning the hard way u can't just keep throwing money around and the industry will be loyal and give u all that u need.
They are running out of steam, developers, unique games and it seems a desire to even make that situation right with the huge push to make kinect successful.
I can't help but think how much better the world would have been had MS decided to launch Live as a multi-platform online function software, where users with either a Gamecube, Wii, PS2 or PS3 could game online with Live's excellent services without worry of owning a shoddy MS console.
Live was the only thing MS got right when the Xbox launched. It should've been a software service, not something to drive their own hardware.
Imagine a beautiful gaming world where Xbox didn't exist, Nintendo and Sony both supported Live for excellent online gaming, Halo and Gears being PS3 exclusive, on Blu-ray, and no frackin' fanboy flame wars instigated and fuelled by ignorant pathetic little Xbot fanboys.
2007 is what happened when it all went wrong.
2010 is what happens when it is set right again.
Yes, it's Odd that MS, a software company, decided to go the hardware route. A platform agnostic gaming network run by Microsoft would have been a very smart decision by them.
"For most fans of the PS3, the eventual overtaking of Microsoft appears inevitable. But you don't count your chickens…and all that."
because MS has a secret weapon! Wifi!
Doesn't the current Slim model already have this Wifi? and isn't Sony going to release a model with even fast Wifi then this?
God MS is so petty. The PS3 is on it's way to over taking the Xbox, even with their made over Xbox.
the only difference is that the wifi in the xbox is 802.11 n, and in the ps3 its 802.11 g
Last edited by Qwarktast1c on 6/26/2010 11:10:20 AM
MS's new 360 model sports wifi, as Wireless N. The PS3 (and Wii, for that matter), support only Wireless G, the current Wireless standard (N is like a premium).
So, as of now, there isn't anything faster than Wireless N. I hope I explained it right ^.^
Last edited by Victor321 on 6/26/2010 11:13:05 AM
Aren't Internet Speeds in the west too slow to even take full advantage of wifeless N?
PS3's wifi is 802.11b/g, including the current slim.
For reference 802.11g can handle up to 54MBits/second with a typical throughput of about half that. 802.11b has a throughput of 11Mbits with typical throughput a little less than half that. Typical – average – residential broadband has bit rates (in the US) a little over 2Mbits. 802.11n can blow both of these out of the water with rates as high as 600MBits, in the right circumstances – but of course no one has those circumstances, or the internet bandwidth to use such speeds.
In other words, even 802.11b is sufficient to saturate the typical broadband Internet bandwidth. 802.11g is *more* than sufficient for 90+% of residential Internet connections in the world.
However, the upcoming PS3 SKUs with larger HDDs may (according to reports) use 802.11n just like the Space Heater Squat does. Now, of course I have to point out that 802.11g is already capable of higher bandwidth than almost any residential Internet connection. The advantage that 802.11n has is better range, That said, 802.11g is more than sufficient for the vast majority of homes where your PS3 isn't typically more than about 30-40 feet from the wireless access point.
However since 802.11n and 802.11b/g chipsets are cheep as chips, there is no reason not to match the capability that the new Space Heater has.
It is kind of funny though that many people are rather falsely putting 802.11n wireless up as some special feature when in truth it offers at best a marginal performance benefit and a range increase that is not beneficial to most..
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/26/2010 11:27:36 AM
Nice explanation High.
The Wifi in the PS3 works great as is. Sometimes i get faster speeds with my Wifi connection then with a hard line for some odd reason. Thats what the connection speed test on the PS3 tells me anyway.
Jawknee, very true. If you have a 11mps connection you are considered top of the heap in the US. G goes up to 56mps I believe.
But, where it becomes a concern is the fidelity. You have better range and connection with N than G.
I'm sure Sony will rectify this soon. The technology for N has been out for a few years and the price has come down tremedously.
I just took a screenshot of my network meter, tells internet upload and download speeds, here is my picture, and there is even the weather box below it with my town so you know its mine and it's on my facebook 😀 http://www. facebook. com/photo.php?pid=30813371&id=1220536089
Last edited by JMO_INDY on 6/26/2010 4:49:47 PM
wired > wifi
Get it people!
Haha I was scrolling down Jawknee's message:
"Aren't Internet Speeds in the west too slow to even take full advantage of wifeless N?"
I immediately knew the next post would be a reply from TheHighlander.
The only time I have some hiccups with the PS3 802.11b connection is when I am streaming videos from my computer and sometimes for remote play on psp. I never tried 802.11g though.
I think the range improvement from g to n is just speed, the distance receptions aren't better. Correct me on that.
802.11n uses a type of signaling that increases the range at which high quality service is available. I think that the overall range increases as well, but for most residential situations the impact is that wherever you are in your house you get a good signal. 802.11b/g are quite susceptible to interferance and being blocked by structures. 802.11n is (IIRC) far more resistant to the impact of obstacles. 802.11n uses multiple channels allowing more than one data stream to be multiplexed together for more bandwidth. But that also permits enhanced error correction which helps with quality of service.
Is wireless N backwards to b/g? And is wireless N even necessary right now. Right now I'm rolling at 3 or I think 5mbps.
I believe so, as far as I know the 802.11n chipsets and circuitry are completetly backward compatible, as long as their drivers support 802.11b/g of course.
With Fios, my standard package includes 25/15mbps. I can upgrade to 50/25 mbps for a premium, but 25/15 is sufficient for me right now.
My question is I obviously have the wireless G in my PS3s and I have the wireless G adapter for my 360, would I benefit from using wireless N at all at my current speed or if I upgrade to 50/15?
There is still a lot of love out there for the xbox from many media outlets, so it isn't going to be overtaken very easily.
The future for the PS3 looks very bright though. MS can't compete with 3D and the Move just might be a revolutionary way to play shooters. I've heard nothing but praise for it.
Ben, did you get a chance to try it out yet? I'd love to hear your comments on it with some of the titles like Sorcerer and most definetely SOCOM 4.
…and they gave them all free Space Heater Squats (LOL, Highlander) to try to keep that bias alive.
And, since there were actually some who gave M$ higher grades for E3 than Sony (really? what show were they watching?), it seems to have worked.
This just in…
Sony After E3: "We Have A Huge Amount Of Momentum"
Nintendo After E3: "We Have A Huge Amount Of Momentum"
Microsoft After E3: "We Have A Huge Amount Of Momentum"
Isn't that the way it always goes?
Yes except this time 2 are telling the truth and one is lying.
That's the way i see it anyways. ha!
Nintendo has had momentum this entire generation so I'm not sure how to take their claim.
Speaking in regards to the PS3 overtaking the 360 in sales numbers, I have to believe it is already so close to overtaking the 360 in terms of owners.
I was reading on a 360 website, where they were excited about the new 360 S, and one guy said even though he is on his "5th 360 (3 that I bought), I am definately picking this one up."
There have to be so many just like him that through bricking, mod killing, and just not wanting to deal with the repair hassel, that have just gone out and picked up a new unit. And that lousy Arcade unit also counts towards their numbers too.
Good god, i will never understand the idiocy of some people. I ditched my Xbox after one RROD and one E74 error. Dealing with MS was a nightmare and i decided from then on i will no longer own MS products other then in my PC operating system as it is unavoidable since i wanted a Vaio and not another MacBook.
It must take a certain idiotic personality to continue wasting your money in the way many Xbox owners due. Seriously, being on your 5th or 6th console in a single generation because the thing keeps breaking is pathetic. These people must lead sad little lives.
Generally speaking. Can you imagine how the analysts would handle Microsoft (or someone else) saying, "Coming out of E3 the market has a lot of momentum and we have a good position in that market with upcoming SKUs ready to take on the challenge of our competitors." Doesn't have quite the same ring to it…
360s numbers are quite inflated, but we'll never know the true level. The only way is to analyze things like XBL Gold subscribers, or sales of games that have historically been equal between platforms. I do think it's telling that EA as many as two years ago revealed that they made more both in revenue and profit from the PS3 than they did from the 360.
As for people buying box after box, I just don't understand that at all. Especially as these are the most vociferous people when it comes to claiming that the 360 is vastly superior to the PS3.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/26/2010 11:33:18 AM
Me personally, if my PS3 Slim croaked today (knock on wood), I might look into getting it repaired, but really, I would be getting in my car and just buying a new one. I like new, I like getting it fast, and I would just get the busted one repaired, and have it as a second PS3.
So, if I owned a 360 and it busted, I would also be the person to just go buy a new one, and there have to be a lot of people like me that have done JUST that.
I think the Kinect will sell a lot, but I don't know it will have longevity (course they said that about the Wii).
The games don't seem fun. If you live in an apartment, or if you 360 is upstairs in your 2 story house, the people downstairs will KILL you if you use it.
I read they might implement it into shooters where you use it to throw grenades, which would free up a button to do something else. But all that to throw a grenade? Sounds like you are makeing it do something to just justify even having it.
I understand that MyWorst, but after 3-4 failures and new units in the space of as many years, wouldn't you finally get fed up enough to call it a day and look somewhere else? I mean crap, for someone on their 4th brand new 360 that's at least $1200 on replacement hardware. How much money do these people have to waste on replacing their crappy hardware? I'll spend that money on games and movies please.
I don't know about you, but I'd have to clear a space in front of my TV to play Kinect games, and I don't think the room is big enough for it to work in any case.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/26/2010 11:45:43 AM
Highlander, I totally agree. I didn't really address that part, about buying 3 or 4 units. If I owned a 360 and it kept breaking, and the PS3 didn't exist? i would keep getting 360's. But since there is a wonderful alternative to the 360, I would ditch it like a prude girlfriend, and go with the PS3 (not insinuating the PS3 is a slutty whore or anything)
I feel bad for all those consumers that have invested so much in games, controllers, headsets, wireless adapters, Live subscriptions. It is like a bad marriage. You know you should get out, there is that tempting secretary at work that keeps giving you not so subtle hints that life with her would be oh so better, but there is the house, the cars, the kids to consider.
P.S. Highlander. My comment was posted before you EDITED comment, so I didn't ignore your point on purpose. 😉
I don't know myworst, even if the PS3 didn't exist i wouldn't continue buying Xbox's. I'd find other games to play or another hobby entirely.
Or maybe just buy arcade machine. 😉
As much as you hate Microsoft, I'm surprised you bought one it the first place. I never would.
I have to admit, if my PS3 were to die again (God forbid), I'd probably buy a slim rather than pay for another repair…and if the replacement was $199, no question.
@ Fane
PS3 slims are quality.
Last edited by shadowscorpio on 6/26/2010 4:47:53 PM
Fane, I wanted to like it, i really did, but it has no games and broke more then once and since MS wasn't willing to help out when they should have, i ditched it.
Everyone I know with a 360, bought it twice. I wish there was a way of tracking this for every 360 owner, then we wouldnt be having this conversation. It's a conspiracy I tell you!! lol
All you have to do is look at the failure rate of both machines and you realize that the ps3 has already won when it comes to original owners.
You know you have a sh!tty product if your average consumer goes through as many consoles as Larry King goes through wives.
And they are proud of it too sometimes.
Being proud of a busted machine. Can those owners get anymore pathetic. I have two systems and I am fine by those. The exclusives aren't worth it on xbox to make me buy it. They have them on the PC as well. Oh yea I'm trying out OnLive its actually not bad. Everything runs smoothly even on my old 9 yr old laptop. Surprising!
The Xbox 360 has a failure rate of 54.2% while the PS3 has one of less then 1%. Only 3.8% don't retern to buy onther Xbox and 42.2% who did get theres replaced had a second failure.
PS3's failure rate is much higher than 1%, though most failures can be repaired, so they don't result in multiple purchases for the same user.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/26/2010 3:38:26 PM
I believe that the 'official' numbers for PS3 failure rate is about 3%. There are self sampling surveys of people who use repair services that suggest as much as 10% failure, but that appears to be true only for heavy users. As Fane says though, the units are repairable so that the mortality rate so far, far lower than the failure rate. I should also point out that a *lot* of the failures of PS3s are actually HDD failures. Most users lack the technical skill to diagnose and resolve that kind of issue without assistance. When the HDD fails the PS3 reports a general hardware fault (yellow LED). This may account for a decent number of the reported failures. However, even with this, the PS3 is still several times more reliable than the Space Heater 360 and it's new Squat friend.
haha i loled at that statement ive had 2 ps3s break on me and have a had a fair old few mates with the same problem
I wonder if developers are telling Microsoft that they are excited to work with the Kinect, or if they are looking at each other saying what the hell are we supposed to develop for THIS piece of crap.
Then they slowly step back three steps, and go to the Move booth.