The PlayStation 3 has been chipping away at the overall worldwide sales lead held by the Xbox 360, and Sony is confident that eventually, they will pass the competition (if not the Wii).
During an interview with Industry Gamers , Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde spoke about post-E3 thoughts concerning the PlayStation Move, 3D, and the continued rise of the PS3. In regards to 3D, Rohde likened the emergence of this technology to the Blu-Ray launch, calling the price obstacle a "strategy" rather than a "concern." He reminds us that at the start of Blu-Ray's career, people were opting to stick with their DVD collection without any desire to upgrade; but Sony just had to keep pushing and prove that it's a superior way of viewing movies and playing games. Then, when IG mentioned that many analysts see the PS3 overtaking the 360, Rohde replied:
"We certainly hope that’s going to be the case. We are confident that we have a huge amount of momentum and we see that from all of our partners in the industry at retail and third party partners. The buzz is about where the PS3 is headed in the future, and I truly believe that future-proof message is a big part of that.
A lot of developers, a lot of publishers out there are saying, 'Wow, we like what the Move is offering, we like that you guys are on the cutting edge of 3D, so we’re going to get involved now, because when the PS3 really hits its stride we want to be there with it.' So we’re very confident that we’re in a very good spot right now. And our partners are echoing that sentiment back to us."
With only a total of about 5 million units separating the global sales tally between the PS3 and 360, and the added benefit of superior exclusives and an ever-expanding Network, this could very well happen. By the way, speaking of the PSN, they addressed the idea of the total number of accounts being "inflated:" that just because there are multiple PSN accounts in a single household doesn't mean the overall number is false (different people with different tastes). However, the PR guy admits they should make it clearer that the number also includes PSP PSN accounts.
For most fans of the PS3, the eventual overtaking of Microsoft appears inevitable. But you don't count your chickens…and all that.
It will make one heckuva dance game….after that….what could it possibly be good for?
pew, pew, pew
Did you see those people running in place for the hurdle game? Pathetic.
@world did you see the remixed versions on Youtube of the M$ E3 press conference where people were using kinect. They are pretty funny.
nope haven't seen em, link?
I don't understand those people who keep going out and buying another Xbox because theres just broke. I herd of someone being on the 12 Xbox.
I wonder how many Xboxs a person is on in average.? I am thinking like 3 or 4.
It's prety sad too.
Just think how much smaller Ms sells would be if people were smart anough not to keep buying a piece of junk.
Since Xbox's break so quick they are usually still in warranty, they don't buy new ones.
You only get to return it once then after that you have to pay and thats if the warrenty is still good.
You can only return it once?
Systems have bad warranties. Even Sony.
My PS3 broke 1 month out of warranty and I had to pay $150 to get it fixed. About a year later it's broken again and I'm not paying again.
Wait, so you no longer have a Playstation, but you still participate on Playstation forums like this one?
If you ask me, it sounds like school's out and summer's here.
I'm thinking that the REAL reason the fanboys keep buying so many future RROD machines, really boils down to just these 3 basic reasons.
1.Everyone they know had one, so they just had to have it too.
2. By the time their RROD started, they already had so much $$$ invested in the console, games, and accessories that they foolishly, just kept buying bot boxes, rather than taking a huge loss by selling off their collection.
And that alone kept pulling more money out of their wallet, so again, by the 2nd, 3rd, or more 360 re-purchases, they had even more tons of money money thrown into it.
And the fact is that's just a sad vicious circle that allows for nothing more than for MS to keep bite them in their hemorrhoids.
3.Fanboy False pride!!!!
3(A) In the beginning….they crowed & crowed for sooooo looooog over how they thought their machine was superior to any others on Planet Earth, so that now they've successfully polluted & poisoned their own minds into the "MS forever> way of thinking.
3(B)…..or they're too scared/ashamed/pig-headedly stubborn/or buyers remorse'ed, to even admit MS Skynet has jacked in their craniums, conquered, & then sucked out any living matter still left over from their now totally defeated mental experience.
And all this is proven just by the new 360 Squat box that's REOD after only 2 days(see Google & YouTube)
MS has a new strategy to combat this though, the "Xbox360 Quiet" seems to have a worse failure rate than ever so people will have to buy more when that warranty dies.
M$ really makes me laugh so hard they think that they'll be the only console with the 802.11n wifi, but I have read on sony's website and I think even Ben said it after E3 that they already announced a 500Gig HDD and new 802.11n wifi Slim sku,xbox has nothing new that what the PS3 doesn't already have , I mean the new 360 slim looks like a skiny ps3 wii rip off LOL.
for the amount one spends on repairing or replacing a 360 they could of had a ps3 a sh** load of great games and a feeling that their console won't blow up at any moment after playing it.
The best way to explain all the 2-3-4 replacements is they have 10-15 games already that they like an the controllers an the whole installment that they have to buy a replacement. Least thats everyone i know who bought 3-4 of them, plus there just fans of the xjunk. Its no different for myself if my ps3 broke 2-3 times i'd go buy another ps3 cause i'm just a fan of the system. I know it seems idiotic an i agree but i can't say i wouldn't be in the same boat if the boot was on the other foot with consoles breaking. I just don't understand how after 3-4 breaks they still stick up for the system thats my biggest beef with the whole thing.
Microsoft should stick to PC's.
Microsoft should disappear from the face of the earth.
I agree. xD
That's a bit too much.
But I do agree they should stick to PC.
They just need to make quality products and be innovative , ORIGINAL and creative like Sony and Nintendo instead of paying devs to make PS2 exclusives "only on xbox" and pay them not to put anything on PS3.
If MS was soo confident in their system why do they have to should dollars in the faces of game devs? Why not let your console do the talking?
Microsoft be innovative? I'm not sure if they can do that. They seem to throw money around and claim it as they're own exclusives.
Anything is possible but we are talking about Microsoft here. lol
360 is going to suffer the same fate the Saturn and the Dreamcast suffered
Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/26/2010 5:18:31 PM
Yeah right now Dreamcast and 360 sound alike to me lol, idk how but it does lol
I still can't believe the lack exclusives that Microsoft has right now. They only showed Gears 3 and Halo, granted those two are major titles for them. They also didn't show a "hardcore" game for kinect.
Sony def has a bunch of games right now and they cover a wide range of gamers. I'm just glad that the PS3 is starting to catch up with M$. Hopefully when GT5 releases it will be a system seller. (it should as long as it has taken to make it)
oh it will sell many consles trust me. I just might buy a second if they have a bundle with it thats what I'm hoping for.
MS should be left on "the third planet from the Sun".
Then, the whole wide world should join together in nuking that planet.
Not only would it rid our planet of those pesky nukes, it would rid our planet of the scrounge known as MS
The third planet from the sun is EARTH
No mars isn't considered a planet any more, but if the guy didn't know that then he's a dumbass lol
……if Mars wasn't a planet, Earth would still be 3rd from the Sun.
idk if the ps3 will ever surpass the 360 in sales, maybe in the next generation
Was your "dumbaSS" remark directed towards me?
I think it will surpass the 360, probably in 2012 or 2011, somewhere around there i think. but anything could happen to send the PS3 flying past the 360.
We'll just have to sit back and watch to see what goes down.
LOL, didn't think of that.
OK, any planet other than the 3rd one.
Yeah lol you must be playing too many video games to not have heard of the big deal the world made about Mars not being a planet any more lol
Hate to bust the ring around your plans for a new solar system, but it was poor ole Pluto the Dwarf that was declassified as a planet.
Yeah, that means I've forgotten more at my age than you're still learning at yours.
So LOL is right
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/27/2010 2:16:41 AM
Nope your absolutly right about that lol my bad and good call
Yeah jdog so that makes YOU the dumbass
Edit: And Mars is the 4th planet anyway so your comment was irrelevant from the start.
Last edited by Hitch on 6/27/2010 12:49:31 PM
thats because they were the only ones who announced and showed of some really impressive games.
im really starting to regret buying my 360.
i mean splinter cell conviction was great, mass effect 2 was better, alan wake was by far the best of the 3 but is that all?
i spent 500 bucks on a console so i can play 3 games?
plus what im hearing about crackdown 2 is less than encouraging! in fact its been getting extremely poor previews so im not expecting much.
shame too i was really looking forward to it since crackdown was one of my favorite 360 games, and still is!
i really cant understand what the hell M$ are doing this gen.
last gen they were the first to give us quite a few things that are now standard.
they were the first console to have a inbuilt HDD, they were the first console to have in built internet capabilities, they were the first to have a online service and online store.
what have they given us this gen?
last gen they had heaps of really good games to stand toe to toe with ps2 and gamecubes best.
this gen?
well they really have nothing!
no 360 game comes close to MGS4 or uncharted 2 or heavy rain.
come on M$ if you want to keep your lead on the ps3, and catch up to the wii your going to need much more blockbuster games!
relying on exclusive DLC and whoring halo out till it cant move aint going to do it!
thats another thing i cant understand, what is there obsession with timed exclusive DLC?
they really think people are going to buy their console and their version of the game just so they can play the DLC a month earlier?
give me a exclusive game, or even a timed exclusive game, over exclusive DLC, or timed exclusive DLC any day of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 of them i play fine on my computer, 1 of them conviction I'd argue isn't even that great a game unfortunately, u don't seem to be the only 1 feeling desolate with the 360, lots of my friends are buying up ps3's, they've had enough.
Go buy a PS3 dude you won't regret it.
i already have a ps3, had a 60GB since launch than traded it in for a slim on its launch because my warranty for the 60GB was expired and did not want to run the risk.
convictions a great game, its just not a splinter cell game.
i cant understnad what it is with developers this gen and changing well known series to another genre.
whats next?
halo karts?
god of war team racing?
tom clancys rainbow six chess?
<<<<they were the first console to have in built internet capabilities>>>>>
NO, no, no, Dreamcast was the first with it's own internet browser, wired by communication giant, AT&T.
And I still have Dreamcast's browser disc that proves it!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/27/2010 8:42:43 PM
i meant online gaming, hooking up on the net and playing online.
net browsing on consoles has always been useless because there poorly implemented, slow, and hard to use.
i wish sony would shell some cash over to mozlla and get them to port firefox over to the ps3.
The thing is that MS took a step backwards this generation on their hardware.
Who would have thought coming out of the PS2/Original Xbox generation that Microsoft would release a console with *less* functionality than the original Xbox? And yet they have done exactly that with the Arcade system – no HDD!