It has been clarified several times that Hideo Kojima isn't involved with Metal Gear Solid: Rising , and now that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is out the door, fans have been a touch worried…
The master apparently has two mystery projects in the works – one of which is Zone of the Enders 3 and the other is a special "taboo" game – and neither is related to the legendary franchise. So, is Kojima leaving MGS behind? Has he officially passed the torch? What's the deal? Well, we can't be sure if he'll be writing or directing future installments, but it seems to have been confirmed that he "will continue working on Metal Gear Solid games." The following quote comes from an E3 2010 roundtable discussion with Rising producer Shigenobu Matsuyama:
"I've been asked a lot, 'Is this going to be a side-story or spin-off to the MGS series?', but what I'm positioning is that there will be a Hideo Kojima game that is MGS, but what we are planning as Kojima Productions is have this Raiden Rising as almost as a standard so that there's an MGS and the Rising going back-and-forth in the future."
Well, that's almost like two announcements in one: it seems they're planning more Rising installments in the future, and secondly, more MGS titles are part of those plans and they wish to alternate releases. You know, that's a lot like what we want to see from Rockstar; do a Grand Theft Auto , then a Red Dead Redemption , etc, etc, etc. But it's just good to know that despite Kojima's new projects, he won't be abandoning MGS.
Assuming this isn't all talk, it's good to know Kojima won't abandon it. Unless of course his taboo games forces him to quit game making forever. *facepalm.
Sadly for Rising, I don't see where the sales are. PS fans like the espionage and covert stuff in MGS and Rising looks like a slash em up. But Xbox fans gravitate toward shooters more than anything. Perhaps they are counting on Rising selling on the MGS name alone.
Hopefully if Rising flops in the 360 maybe 1) Konami will see the errors of their ways and never try anything like that again and 2) make others weary of similar endeavors, (SE *cough)
Sales come from a good game people. Not JUST fans.
Rising DOES look pretty interesting.
IDK Akuma. I always love how some games land on another console mid-franchise.
sales shouldn't be your concern. you should just hope the game is fun
are you hoping the game flops so mgs will not be made on 360 again? in case u 4got, like MANY have, mgs is STILL on ps3, not just 360. just hope 4 a great game and throw this fanboy crap aside.
Yes. and in case you have forgotten, with the exception of the SNES, Metal Gear has flopped on every other console except for Playstation.
Last edited by main_event05 on 6/26/2010 1:06:28 PM
Sales are a common thing to discuss in gaming, I put my opinions up in the case that someone can refute them and change my mind. I like to know if I'm wildly incorrect about something.
The reason I brought them up is that there can't be multiple rising installments if it doesn't sell well.
Given that Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 sold fewer than one million copies on Xbox and 360 respectively, there may not be much of a market.
@ mainevent
It's "wary", not "weary"; think "beware", if it helps.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/26/2010 4:27:01 PM
No one likes the grammar police. That's how my phone corrected me so that's how i left it.
Last thing I want on any system is a MGS game to fail. While I'm aware this isn't the usual MGS experience and it's awkward that it's on 360 I could only hope that it's great, and keeps the spirit of MGS despite the apparent genre change.
Looks like they will be lots of Rising for me to avoid. Until I hear they will focus on story aswell as action.
they already said that theyre focusing less on story and more on action. so i guess you're missing rising.
my point exactly, but now it seems there's gonna be a whole lot more rising to come.
Thank god.
Why did they call Rising MGS?
they should of been seperate.
They should have called it "Rising."
Stupid Microsoft getting in the way
i think they're still calling it mgs because raiden is still in the metal gear solid universe. of course i'm not ruling out the idea that theyre including the metal gear solid tag to fool people that its still the metal gear solid games in quality.
Rising sounds like it should be an Origins title. Like maybe when Big Boss first started his training or something along those lines.
Awesome, Peace Walker proves that MGS can be as dynamic as any game series.
MGS5 will be huge…I can see them going all out with it.
peace walker is mgs5 though for all intents and purposes. Kojima has said this again and again. It's 5 in the canon.
I'm not sure whether to take this as good news or bad. I just hope that future MGS projects are Playstation brand exclusive, and they can hand off the Rising projects wherever they please. I still want to see how Rising turns out though.
On an unrelated note, why does it always post a new comment when I try to edit an old one?
Well, he does need a break from the series, unless we want tons and tons of installments over the next 2-3 years.
No one wants that right ^__^?
Okay so who is after Snake? His story is done and Raiden is the star of Rising. Maybe Scarecrow will get his Metal Gear Sunny wish.
So like, if Kojima isn't touching that steaming pile, why did they force him at gunpoint to announce it on MS's stage last year?
Would a Squad based game be to risky? Say, one where the player would control the Cobras or Foxhound or even Meryl's little team?
I'd like to see a MGS:Meryl
I'd rather see the MGS franchise go out with a bang rather than become milked and fall from grace.
A MGS game starring Meryl as the lead character would be amazing! She just seriously needs to dump Jhonny. That whole thing pissed me off…
Even Snake was kinda grumpy…
But a MGSunny game would be awesome as well. Storywise it really makes sense and would be a new twist to the series. Of course she'd much older. I think it's the right thing yo do for now. No other male character could ever really replace Snake (for now). Unless they find a way to make him young again.
Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/26/2010 2:22:36 AM
Well Wolf. I can't agree more. But let's be honest, Konami is about to whore the hell out of MGS.
I hope they don't have half the imagination I do cause, remember those hover things from Snake Eater? Add those, plus Eva's bike, the Shagohad, and a few other vehicles and you got yourself a racing title.
Last edited by main_event05 on 6/26/2010 3:43:35 AM
I have a feeling this statement will end up being false. I'm sure he meant it, but I still think rising won't sell well and that they'll cancel the idea of another one.
I also think that whoevers bright idea it was to make a MGS game without Hidea Kojima should be drug into the street and beaten.
That's what I'm sayin, PS fans feel a bit betrayed and 360 fans like shooters more than slash fests. But you really never know, I am kind of interested in the numbers it will bring in.
I feel betrayed, but you know I'm gonna get this anyway. It is canon right? Cause that's the deal breaker.
nah i cant see him leaving MGS for good.
they will probably just do what insomniac are doing with R&C.
just hang up the boots for a while, explore other territories than when the times right go back to the series.
nothing is better for a series than to give it a long break, that way when it comes back the fans appreciate it that much more!
look what sony have done with syphon filter, now im itching for a new syphon filter game.
i cant believe they have not announced one yet, maybe gamescom since they said theres going to be heaps of game announcements there.
better not be a repeat of E3 a move fest otherwise germanys getting a unpleasant visitor!!!!
That kind of confused me, but if it means more of the epicness of MGS4 then WOO.
The need to remake the original MSX MG games. Just imagine the spectacular PS3 conclusion being the legendary showdown between Big Boss and Solid Snake. You couldn't ask for anything more badass than that. I still think a good title for Raiden's games would be Metal Gear Storm. I mean….he is the god of thunder in a sense and it could still be abbreviated MGS. Plus, he is always taking on multiple Metal Gears at once (so it's a storm of Metal Gears.) Tis all.
Last edited by fatelementality on 6/26/2010 6:20:40 AM
Good news. I am hoping to see anther exclusive mgs game on ps3. about metal gear rising from the trailer they showed it looked utter garbage. to me of course.
Never imagined MGS franchise would go that route but Here's to hoping the Gameplay is fast paced like ninja gaiden… But let's hope he has plans for MGS5 on PS3… By the way, Has anyone played Peace Walker? And if u have, How is It?
Its great. See the PSP user reviews.
::grins widely::
MGS 5 = Peace Walker…
I just hope he continues to make Snake installments exclusive to Sony platforms. He needs to tell Konami to eat it. He is the only thing going for them at the moment. He should be able to use that as leverage to get what he wants.
I personally think they should remake Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2:Solid Snake, of course updated to next gen graphics and overall standards and exclusive to PS3.
And Snake Eater, MGS3 was absolutely amazing!
Im not to excited about Rising. To me it should not try and carry the name. I feel like Konami just wanted MGS in the title, to garner the attention, and more or less trick people into thinking its a MGS game, when its obviously not.
Two reasons I dont want it is, the hack and slash looked really slow. If they wanted to make it more fun, they should use Raiden like they did in the cutscenes in MGS4, or make the gameplay fast paced. It doesnt look at all fast paced, in fact it looks like MGS4, with a sword. Second I dont mind branching out ideas in a game, but im kind of bitter about taking Raiden and using the MGS name, and then thowing the game out to everyone. I dont knw i guess they should have just called it Raiden: Rising, then I'd be ok with it.
Then again its just the name of a game, that obviously has nothing to do with other MGS installments, why should I care. Or maybe thats why I do…
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/26/2010 12:33:14 PM
Sorry for this post but does anyone else get adds popping up right in the "leave a comment" box? I do and I loose sight of what I'm typing so sorry for all the misspells and errors!
Oh and no I cant close them.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/26/2010 12:35:57 PM
These ads are getting so ridiculous. Now, I have some stupid huge white box that keeps taking up the top of the screen. Just started today. And only on THIS site. Probably some Xbot hacker.
Yup, just hit refresh before typing your comment. It usually fixes it. Its the add below being miss placed. Some html code error maybe.
yeah the bloody thing floats all over the place and pisses me off like a sonofabiatch
He NEEDS to abandon MGS.
Yes, i was critical of the announcement of Peace Walker because i thought he was again going back on his word and simply milking it and yes i ate my words upon playing it as the story fit and was fantastic, the gameplay is probably some of the finest this year and probably better than all past MGS gameplay.
But, THAT'S IT! Anymore and it's going to fall into COD territory. I don't want to see something great fall from grace due to milking.
Lastly, it really makes Kojima look like a one trick pony. He needs to do something new or that will end up as his label.
he really isn't a one trick pony, but the fact is, he can make a masterpiece with mgs time and time again. I don't doubt his desire to do other things. I do however believe that there's plenty of fertile ground for meaningful installments to be done in the future. He keeps wanting to move on, however he keeps getting inspired, this has happened ever since MGS 2 and with how Peace Walker turned out I honestly dont see the mind of Kojima letting up for Metal Gear anytime soon.
However, how they're doing Rising is NOT how to go about the series. it would be better let it die if Rising is indeed a sign of things to come for Metal Gear, with no Kojima.
MGS will never become a COD as long as Kojima is writing and directing them. He has more talent then all those guys at Treyarch and IW.
It's not gonna happen, but what would make me squeal like a little girl is to hear Kojima is working on the next Silent Hill, even if it's just like his work on Lords Of Shadow.
Bring stealth to Silent Hill!
I like the way they're using this new Rising series. It's kind of like a "hey this was also going on as the same time this other thing here but now we get to let you all in on it"