We were going to wait until we could locate more English information – and whether or not Level-5 intends to release it in North America – but everyone keeps talking about it, so you kinda forced our hand.
The White Knight Chronicles developer has announced a new PlayStation 3 title called Ni no Kuni , which is not simply a remake of the DS version of the game. This is actually an entirely separate role-playing adventure specifically designed for the PS3 and it'll carry the subtitle of "Queen of the Holy White Ash." Various sources have posted up the debut trailer and any baseline details they can find but for now, all we know is that it's set to release some time next year; the DS version of Ni no Kuni will be out in Japan on December 9, 2010.
It sure is pretty, isn't it? Even if it's not necessarily your cup of tea, you should still be able to appreciate the supreme level of artistry and animation evident in this presentation, and although definitely a little "kiddie," the combat could be surprisingly deep. This is supposed to be an RPG, after all. We'll let you know when Level-5 feels like releasing more information for this promising PS3 title; for now, many are watching the above video and coming away with smiles on their faces.
This looks amazing. I hope it gets localized 😀
I really can't wait for this game I think Level-5 can be trusted to bring it to NA.
I love the look of the game and the gameplay. Studio Ghibli have simply done an amazing job with the animation.
I'm hoping it gets release here. Looks awesome and I agree Studio Ghibli did an amazing job with it.
I watched this earlier today. This game looks sweet. They could remake Chrono Trigger like this….and they should. 🙂
Great idea! the art style would work perfectly for Chrono Trigger. I would even love to see a new game in the series if not a remake.
The guy that made dragonball? Yea he probably would he always makes the characters for dragon quest. They all have their unique style of drawing and could tell who is doing it.
This is an amazing piece. Can't wait!
His little gumdrop buddy, sure has one hell of a serious nose ring going on, LOL
So level 5 has time to do this and not Dragon Quest XI??
XI will probably go to the DS too. 🙁
Squeenix might have tapped some other dev for DQ XI.
The moment I saw this I knew it had something to do with Studio Ghibli, I mean Hayao Miyazaki's films are unmistakably unique. This game looks interesting. Now it would be really cool if you can capture all the monsters you can see. I know it's starting to sound a lot like "Pokemon" and one of my all time favorite games "Azure Dreams" but hey…I'm a sucker for monster battles…so sue me.
That would be ok with me, I still think the first 3 pokemon games were awesome rpgs, still are really.
Well it sure ain't Demon's Souls
Keep them coming Level 5!
in the video at 0:47 you see japanese writting and the word '3D' I wonder?
They mean the PS3 version will have 3D backrounds unlike the DS version
Amazing, I was waiting until the time came when we could "play a cartoon" and it looks like Level 5 is set to deliver. L5 never misses, unlike some developers. I don't know squat about Ghibli but they must be good.
A little too pretty…
I honestly have mixed feelings, there was a lot of things that really interested me about it and a few things that kinda weren't my favorite.
However the things I dislike I can easily get over as long as the combat and story are done well and coming from level 5, I expect they will be.
Just bring it to america and give me the chance to love it.
WorldEndsWithMe, try to watch Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, both (imo) the best work that Miyazaki have done.
Don't forget Howls Moving Castle, my personal Miyazaki favorite. 😉
Last edited by Mr Bitey on 6/24/2010 11:48:55 PM
Never really watched em cuz while I don't mind saving the world with a kid in a game, I find them pretty annoying as main characters in movies.
I'm still very fond of Nausicaa because it was my first Miyazaki film, as well as one of the first anime films I watched (Akira, The Wings Of Honneamise, and Grave of The Fireflies were others) back when the only way to watch them in the U.S. was buying bootlegs that were in Japanese at comic conventions.
That sparked my love of anime; and when I was an editor for Genesis (a gentâs mag) magazine, I wrote an article extolling the greatness and uniqueness of anime.
Last edited by Orvisman on 6/25/2010 8:22:42 AM
Definitely a Howl fan, here. 🙂
The music… ohhh, the music!
If you could stomach the characters from Star Ocean or Vanille, you should have no problem with a Miyazaki film.
They do typically involve younger main characters, but they're not the cliche anime ones you might expect.
The main characters are usually smart, self assured, and strong. As opposed to the bubbling young female, or the insurance male.
The films are fantastic. Disney handles the US versions, so the voice acting consists of a star studded cast, and is of the best possible quality. The stories, characters, and animation are all superb as well.
The movies are more Disney than Dragon Ball Z. There is more emphasis on plot and characters, as opposed to big action sequences.
Alright, next time I run by them on cable I'll take a peek (I see them on a lot)
Interesting. It looks a little like Level 5 have been doing something logical. They have a good game/graphics engine that was created for White Knight, so why not re-use a lot of that work in other RPGs such as this? The characters and battle system are obviously very different, and the art style is very anime, but the landscapes looked very reminiscent of White Knight.
I hope that Level 5 continue to build on their base in this respect. More games like this and they will truly begin to show us that we should stop hearkening back to the 'glory days' of Square, and recognize that in the new age, SE is what it is, and we need to look to others to bring the Japanese flair to games, especially RPGs.
Hear hear! As usual, Mr Highlander, very well said. To me, the Level 5 of the present, feels like the Squaresoft of a very much missed past.
Well said!
I've always said i consider L5 the new Squaresoft.
Agreed RockhounD.
Interesting. I like the youthful adventurous spirit I feel from the game.
I'm also curious if all of the video was rendered in realtime, or if some of it was FMV.
If you read the articles on andriasang, you'll see Level 5 challenges you to tell the difference between the two.
Looks like it could top WKC!
Right up my alley this. Love Gibily too.
Level 5 or Studio Ghibli is making this???
Well anyway, I may be exaggerating but for a moment I thought I was watching a high-budget animated film.
I'm 101% sure this game is gonna win the award for "Best Graphic – Artistic".
You heard it first here on PSXE from Snaaaake!!!!!
It looks interesting. Let's hope the game-play is at least as good as those animations and that the price is not too high for a PSN title.
Why do you think its a psn title?
Awesome Studio Ghibli is involved 🙂
This looks like an RPG the PS3 needs, to make it even more versatile, a colorful JRPG.
That's why I totally love smaller Japanese devs. They're not concerned with Microsoft's greens and rather make games they enjoy. They focus on one platform to deliver a high-quality product.
Sure they're probably aiming for the Japanese market primarily, but that's why L5 games are good.
They don't wanna cater to westerns, they make games that appeal to the Japanese and are enjoyable by us as well.
They don't complain about a "declining Japanese games market", they simply deliver.
I am certain Ni no Kuni's gonna rock.
Maybe I'm too young (23) but I really like that "kiddie" feel about the game.
It's basically an interactive Ghibli Anime with RPG mechanics.
So far not a single Ghibli production disappointed me, they always create rich stories with deep, amicable characters.
C'mon guys, admit it, you always wanted to play an interactive Ghibli Anime ^^.
Now we can finally be the hero of a Ghibli story and look exactly like said hero of a Ghibli story in a Ghibli world, that's awesome =)
To me the kiddie feel that you describe is what I call the sense of fun or whimsy that many JRPGs have. It's something that I have observed in many classic Japanese games and something that is almost entirely missing from western games. I love it, personally. I play games to have fun and feel better, I don't play to experience a war simulation or count the shades of brown or red on the screen. Bright, colorful, artsy, fun and whimsical… All are fine by me.
dito =)
I hope we can see more games like that in the future.
After watching the video, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of relief! Hooray, the style I love most is not gone! Did you guys see that open world map??!?!!!?
It really is a beautiful sight.
Well…after doing some online browsing I realized why this is getting recreated on the PS3. Two words…Playstation Move. From now on we might be seeing a lot more DS titles on the PS3. I'm so happy I just might cry ;`)