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Gran Turismo 5 To Boast Track Editor And Go-Kart Racing

So we know Gran Turismo 5 is set to release on November 2, and we've also heard about the amazing Premium vehicles.

But if you think you know everything there is to know, Sony Wordwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida wishes to disabuse you of such a notion. You can read the full interview if you so desire, but the highlight in our eyes was the mention of previously unannounced elements in the game…including a track editor and go-karts. The info came in the following sentence, where Yoshida says everyone gets:

"…a driving experience to suit, whether that is taking on the Top Gear test track, chucking cars around stunt arenas, go-karting, creating and sharing your own track or intense head-to-head races."

He also talks about "game-enhancing graphical effects;" we know about the damage model and the weather effects have been rumored, but this is certainly official. The idea of a track editor is something that should appeal to most all hardcore racers out there, but we have to admit to being surprised at the go-kart revelation. Really? Must be for when the father finally gets tired of ripping around Laguna Seca in a supercar and then hands it off to the kid, saying, "here you go son, practice."

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

You don't have to use the go-karts lol It's an option

14 years ago

you can still have in car view for the regular cars. The premium cars just had a tad more detail.

Also having more options isn't really a reason to complain unless it costs more and well I doubt that it will, so cheer up.

14 years ago


Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

Picture matches statement…..made me laugh!

Back to work.

14 years ago

I think Nov is going to be a quiet month here at PSXE since we're all going to be busy building our garages and tracks.

14 years ago

Whats wrong with go karts…sounds entertaining and people should look at it as a bonus just like Nascar. More is always better in some cases and I think this is one. I need this to come out already…getting anxious.

14 years ago

Agreed. Nothing wrong with having more options!
The wait for this game is painful but will for sure be worth it.

14 years ago

In my best Cartman…."That's kinda kewl."

14 years ago

"The idea of a track editor is something that should appeal to most all hardcore racers out there, but we have to admit to being surprised at the go-kart revelation."

Fact: Many top pro-drivers like Juan Pablo Montoya, Lewis Hamilton, Micheal Schumacher, Ayrton Senna and just to name a few had thier start in Kart. Not only that, but Karting is often seen as a steeping stone towards Formula One. Ontop of that also there are pro-league Karting sanctioned by the FIA e.g. the governing body that sanctions F1

Of course if you actually knew a thing about motorsport then you would've known all this.

14 years ago

Has it occurred to you that he was saying that he is surprised by the fact that karting is now confirmed to be in GT5 as opposed to the nonsense you wrote?

14 years ago

haha, you think John doesn't know stuff about cars and racing?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Your track record of constantly insulting the members of this site is too much to ignore. As if that statement in any way reflected John's knowledge of professional auto racing.

If you have to correct everyone at all times to reinforce your ailing self-esteem through a video screen, please do it elsewhere.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/22/2010 12:45:27 AM

14 years ago

You could have posted everything that last sentence and I would have thumbed you up for your accuracy..

14 years ago


Most people don't squat about Karting, but for the educated(.e.g. actual motorsport fans) at least they understand the important role is plays pro-motorsports.

14 years ago

If you're going to insult people for no reason, at least make it readable.

14 years ago

You belong too the community at…

14 years ago

Wait they will have carts yet still no drag racing?

14 years ago

Drag racing is 90% car building and 10% racing. Not so much fun in a video game.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

It was fun in Pro-Street…..Burnouts and all.

I would like drag racing to be part of GT5 also.

14 years ago

GT4 had drag racing. I don't see why GT5 would skip it.

14 years ago

Told you guys there would be a track editor.

14 years ago

If there really is a track editor, I guess now the question is, how in-depth is it? I'm hoping for the best, but I'm aware it has to be reasonable at a certain point. New tracks took them about 2 years on average to make.

14 years ago

But what will come first? A GT5 review or a ModNation Racer review?

I wonder… I wonder…

And track editing is COOL!

14 years ago

I don't think you guys are getting your modnation review, but then you don't need Ben to tell you how much you already like it do ya?

14 years ago

I haven't bought it if what you mean. I'm sure it's ok, but just how nasty are those load times?

I like Ben's reviews and that is actually one I was looking forward to. Seeing as how he's a fan of the "racing" genre.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

Get the demo and try it yourself, it's pretty decent.

14 years ago

The load times are amazingly long. The time that Modnation takes to load every track is the longest stretch of time I have ever seen a game load. Ever. Every track. Seriously. I could teach my Atari to play GoW for me in the time it takes to start a race….ok, maybe not….but close.

14 years ago

If you are looking for a racer, Mod Nation racers is not it. The racing is simply not tight enough. It's a kart racer, so not such a problem, you'd hardly expect tight racing. It's all about the mods.

As NeoH says, the load times are abysmal.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/21/2010 10:48:00 PM

14 years ago

Yeah, the game should come with a deck of cards so that you have something to play during the load times.

14 years ago

Yikes! You guys are telling me exactly what I didn't want to hear. Well… Here's hoping the track editor for GT5 gets it right.

14 years ago

I'm gonna try the demo eventually, but I know there have been some vocal fans that want a review too.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It was never mine to review. Arnold had it but I guess he got too busy.

14 years ago

Man, I think some ppl have been spoiled by todays tech. load times are longer than most ps3 games, but you guys make it sound like you have to wait weeks for a track.

@ alienange

they don't really bother me, it's worth the wait and like I said they're longer than most games, but nothing to cry about.

14 years ago

The load times are long but not too long to ignore a purchase. Thats a pathetic reason to miss out on a plain and simply fun game.

I suggest if you have the money to spend and don't want something else at this moment, pick it up! I just picked it up last week, and I'm loving every single bit of it!

Also the racing is fun, its not a simulator so ignore that. i will say though that racing online is much more fun that against the COMPUTER AI

its a fun game bottom line! nopthing flashy just good clean fun racing with a ton of mods split screen on and off line and even a ranking system

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/22/2010 1:15:24 AM

14 years ago

They are working on a patch for the loading time's i heard. Just not sure when they will release it.

14 years ago

Alienage asked how the load times were, and I told him they were the longest I've seen in a game. It really breaks up the action. But, when you have to replay the track 3 times because they don't give you enough shielding to survive the onslaught of the last 1/4 lap (and you will) the good news is that it won't have to load again.

If you want to pay that kind of money to put together a cartoon car and driver and play with stickers, by all means, go for it. I'm not putting any of the players down, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Personally, I would suggest drawing a car and driver and then going around showing it to your friends. I've got some crayons if you need them.

14 years ago

Thats alright I'm not much of an artist. I'll stick to Mod Nation, thanks though! 😉

Realistically though, the load times shouldnt hinder a purchase. It doesnt break up the action because we are not playin God of War or an actual action game. Even before the race starts you sit at the starting line waiting so…

I do however realise that the A.I. is really tough on you. That is why I also pointed out despite all the goodies you win and unlock in career. The MP is where the racing gets real good!

And if you like to create things, then this game is perfect. Sorry you cant enjoy it like I do. I wish you could!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/22/2010 9:53:28 AM

14 years ago

I hear ppl complaining about the shielding on modnation all the time. Thing is, how much you can shield is dependent upon how well you can drive.

the more you drift, draft, and trick the more your boost meter fills up, all you have to do is learn when to shield and for how long. Once you get the hang of it, it's possible to make getting hit a rarity.

14 years ago

For me Modnation Racer's is brilliant fun, racing or creating, and it's been good while waiting for the big mumma of Gran Turismo. If that's how long the loading takes for the game to play that wat then I'm cool with it.

14 years ago

We're gonna need to round up a fellowship. This is going to be the one racing game to rule them all.

14 years ago

It's really starting to look like it. I'd join that fellowship if you let me be Boromir.

14 years ago

Well, it's a collector's edition pre-order with an additional D1P for my wife, so I guess you can count me in on that one…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/21/2010 10:54:35 PM

14 years ago

I've been looking for GT players around here in the forums for quiet awhile. Perhaps I was too early. Looking forward to see some PSX members online. *err, I make it sound like that's going to be soon. 5 more months guys.

14 years ago

…but you would need wheels… count me in too 🙂



Currently in Auckland, New Zealand

14 years ago

Welcome to the most beautiful country in the world Qubex! (All bias aside 😉 )

Being able to create your own track would be awesome, but as others have mentioned I wonder just how customizable they will be. Go-Kart racing would be fun, it'd be cool being so close to the ground in a GT game.

14 years ago

You know with all these features in the game including stunts and crashes, someone will have to work really hard to come up with a racing simulation that beats GT5. Games like Burnout Paradise and Twisted metal are safe because they are arcade racers or car stunt/combat games. But out and out racing will be completely covered by GT5. Hey, I wonder whether they plan to include truck (as in articulated trucks) racing? 😉

Either way, if they can include all of this it kinda strikes me that they'll have some form of interior view in all cars even if the non-premium ones look a little generic.

14 years ago

So far, the discussion is that those standard cars might have an interior view similar to that of GTPSP (black-outlined type). And yes, it was Kaz who commented about this.

14 years ago

Saying that someday a racer may beat GT is like saying M$ will someday achieve less than 1% defect rate 🙂

The Stig
The Stig
14 years ago

Didn't TOCA Race Driver have truck racing? I remember a racing game having it and I remember it being quite fun.

14 years ago

Highlander That would be pretty cool to have trucks to race with.

Do you mean semi's or pick up trucks?