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Sucker Punch: “It’s Unbelievable How Far We’ve Come”

Sony says the PlayStation 3 – along with the PSP – has a 10-year lifespan, which means it will have to last a good deal longer.

But as most developers say, the sheer potential of the system will allow that longevity to become a definite reality. Take Sucker Punch, for example: in speaking to VideoGamer , studio co-founder Brian Fleming spoke about the technical strides they've made since creating the original inFamous , saying they've been able to get a lot more out of Sony's machine:

"Compare this [Infamous 2] to the last game. It's frickin' unbelievable how far we've come. It's crazy how much we've been able to get out of it [the PS3]. It's crazy how much more we're able to do.

Is future proof the word I would use? I don't know. The future is always coming and coming and coming. But we're four years in and working on this and we are still getting a lot more out of it; almost five years in on working on the PS3, still getting tons more out of it."

The sequel certainly does appear to be visually superior in just about every way, as we saw some early footage at E3. Fleming went on to gush about the Cell processor; calling it "unbelievable" and saying the SPUs "kick ass."

"The SPUs are just total monsters. You just have to move more and more and more and more and more stuff there. We have post-processing graphics passes going on in the SPUs. We have more particle stuff, more collision and physics stuff going on in there. They're unbelievable."

He added that they're "still figuring out big stuff" and clearly, he believes the final product will be head-and-shoulders above the first title. We always like advancements and improvements and it's interesting to hear that devs are finding new ways to take advantage of the PS3's power. At the same time, we have to admit that gameplay was by far the most important aspect of inFamous and we just need that same stellar gameplay to return…and we'll be happy.

Side note: I used a pic of the original game because I really don't like the overhauled Cole. So sue me.

Related Game(s): inFamous 2

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14 years ago

I like the 10 year concept, but the ps2 is still going and I haven't played it for about 4 years now. It's good to hear that the devs are still finding more power to play with. I just don't believe in a "future proof" machine. Tech grows exponentially every few years. Of course, eventually it will get to the point where there is no need for further growth for gaming.

14 years ago

PS3 is definitely a future-proof machine in it's lifetime. As long as Wifi, bluray, and harddrive is not in every machine that we interact with, that machine is not out of date. Whatever that is not obsolete is considered future-proof.

Not all cellphones have Wifi. Not all media players have bluray. The only thing I can think of is, if someone comes up with a USB 3.0, making the PS3 usb's useless in some way. That can be fixed with an upgraded sku.

14 years ago

I'm just thinking the term "future proof" is a little of an exaggeration. There is no such thing. Like you said, it has plenty of power for now, but in the FUTURE, this will change. Thus, it cannot be future proof, ya know? All systems will be outdated eventually. It's the nature of the beast.

14 years ago

usb 3.0 has been done, it's transfer rate is above and beyond.

They showed it off at CES this year. They should start utilizing it pretty quickly especially since it transfers faster than anything else.

14 years ago

godsman made the point the best. futre proof is just something that isn't obselete.

if 2mrw nintendo anounce a HD Bluray Wifi ultimate fantazzmical games console, that also has accurate motion sensing and Bevin Kutler to promote it.. then the PS3 is not future proof.

Bevin Kutler. sounds like a pirate.

14 years ago

I'm pretty excited about this game. The gameplay in the first installment was fun, but a little too repetitive. I'll be interested to see if SuckerPunch added more variety to the new installment, instead of making me trudge through sewers every few missions and take down more and more enemies that just seem too much like those I just downed.

14 years ago

Additionally, Ben–I HATE the new Cole. His old look was part of his charm. Now he seems like, well… he looks like a douche.

14 years ago

I really like the original inFamous, and really hyped to see and play the second one. Why can't they just keep the same face, but let him grow hair instead. The reason they made Cole bald to begin with was probably the same reason Kratos was bald, for the simplicity of rendering. Now that they tapped in more power of PS3, they can just get more power out of it.

It just seems weird having a character looking different in the sequel. It felt like a Hollywood actor couldn't get a contract for the sequel to a movie.

His power is different, he's not carrying a messenger bag anymore, he even looks different. I think it's better for Sucker Punch to introduce him as a new character. So we play him from a different perspective, maybe even run into and fight the original Cole. It's a lame plot, but it makes more sense to me.

14 years ago

I don't understand how you can just change a character's entire appearance, it's appalling.

14 years ago

Honestly, I don't really care they changed Cole like they did, sure I kinda liked the old Cole better, but then again, I haven't seen enough to start hatin'.
Also, the added FRIGGIN' ICE, it's like my favorite element, they took my 2 favorite elements (lightning and water>yeah, I consider lightning an element, just so this sentence can work) and put them in one awesome game, so you don't hear me complaining.
I'm just really psyched for this and I can't wait for it to come out, Sucker Punch pulled me over the fence the moment I saw those ice pillars rising from the floor.

Btw, good to know their still pulling more and more power out of the PS3 and haven't gotten to the bottom yet.

14 years ago

They really nailed it with the lightning powers in the first game. I can't imagine what variation of Ice powers they can have. Like crossing the river by freezing it or something. The possibilities are endless. I don't mind them adding a new power like Fire to the next sequel.

The powers have to make sense though. Cole was in a city filled with electricity. Draining power from everything was the coolest part. You can drain ice from a fridge & AC, but you can't from a train track. It has to make sense so it will play smoothly.

14 years ago

i think ice powers originate from electricity in that temperature derives from the movement of particles. IF cole stops the movement of particles with an electric wave, an object may freeze i guess.

14 years ago

LOL, Ben! I won't sue you. I totally endorse that disclaimer! New Cole looks like a cross between Drake and Flynn…Total putz. But glad to see development is coming along wonderfully, so I'm still psyched.

14 years ago

the old Cole is much better than the new one
,better personality appearance i think ,the new one is like a huge child ,and whats wrong with them since when Cole is in need for a FORK?????but beside that graphics are much improved than the old game

14 years ago

i can understand if you don't like his new look, but why would anyone object to cole using a tuning fork charged with electricity?

14 years ago

am the same ben, dont like the look of the new cole which is such a shame, will have to see what reviews are like before getting this up.

14 years ago

I agree something about the new Cole's look is strange. Just seems and feels weird.

14 years ago

It's a shame that none of the PS3 exclusives sell immensely, like, 10mil+ (don't worry, I do know that a lot of them have sold really well, 3mil+, like Uncharted).

Sure, you can blame it on the PS3's userbase then, but quality has always sold in this industry, and it's a bit sad that games like Call of Duty, while good, aren't unbelievably good like Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid.

Last edited by Victor321 on 6/21/2010 11:14:31 AM

14 years ago

I think the difference is that Sony has a bigger variety of gamers and more to choose from, 360 is mostly shooter lovers and they all buy the same games.

14 years ago

Good point there, World. Thanks for pointing that out.

14 years ago

lol I'm with everyone else on this one. I definitely prefer the old Cole.

14 years ago

10 year lifespan for PSP? I hope not. I am not one of those people that pirate PSP games. I own a handful of UMD games and PSN downloads. I bought the PSP to play portable movies, but it's so complicated to put movies in the PSP. I do not support buying UMD movies for lesser quality than DVDs, for the same price.

Sony need to step up and make a handheld gaming device, rather a portable console. The PS3-type games just don't work well on the go.

14 years ago

I've been noticing a lot lately that any sony blu ray movies you buy come with a direct to psp digital copy right on the bluray. Makes it quick and easy to transfer to your psp, I wish more companies would start doing that.

14 years ago

@kraygen, they do it for the iPod more than the psp because more people own iPods and to be honest I'd rather have a bigger res digital copy, psp videos are only done at the psp's resolution while iPod movies are done in DVD resolution, besides apple has a more flexible drm

14 years ago

"I really don't like the overhauled Cole"

Find me someone that does.I wonder if it was necessary for Sucker Punch to alienate the existing fans just to try to appeal to a few
jocks and Hey bros.I'm sure I will still get it but still…

14 years ago

I think Ben should make a Poll to see if the existing owners of Infamous likes the new look of Cole. (If there was such poll at all, I'm not sure)

14 years ago

I think the new Cole's a dreamboat.

Not really. I don't care what he looks like, so long as he can murder about 15 baddies at a time.

14 years ago

i agree i dont like the new look for cole either

14 years ago

Now, all we can do is hope for an in-game bonus for an Old Cole character skin.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Yeah. And they should offer a giant pink teddy bear suit for the new Cole to match his new "look". Then, they can make him a playable character in Naughty Bear multiplayer that you can beat up.

14 years ago

And add the old Cole's voice back. ;o

14 years ago

I wasn't too interested in the first game, but maybe I'll have to check this new one out. Especially since he said such nice things about my favorite machine 🙂

14 years ago

You missed out on a AAA game.

14 years ago

I loved the first game and as far as the new one is concerned, I'm reserving my judgment. I don't really like what I've seen of his appearance thus far, but if they can give some kind of story related reason that makes sense, I can at least be ok with it. If however he looks like this just because, that will be dumb.

Crossing my fingers that sucker punch will live up to the first infamous and give us another awesome game.

14 years ago

The latest screenshots don't look so bad. I even saw Zeke in there so I'm happy. So what they changed Cole? Isn't the reason we like the original Cole because the story was so damn good? He still runs around with a pack on his back but now it's actually CARRYING something.

Part 2 would be just fine if it was like the first. Since they've obviously made huge improvements, it's going to be fantastic.

14 years ago

i think people dont like the new cole mainstream . but the thing is they also changed the voice for him so its nothing like the cole that we knew from the first game. i wouldnt be surprised if they changed his personality. then infamous fans would riot.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Yeah, now that I've seen new Cole, I can say that I don't like him. I mean, blonde? Odd.

So they've finally worked out what the Cell is capable of. Weren't most exclusive developers saying this two years ago? Don't get me wrong, I like that it'll mean the sequel is superior to the original technically, but unless the story can hold up, it won't have the same charm I think.

I have no problem with a ten year life-cycle for the ps3, but a new psp will have to be on store shelves at the latest in 2012. Obviously that lends itself to the idea of a ten year lifecycle with only three years of support needed from Sony, but it's more likely that it will drop flat, as handheld devices tend to do when a new version is released.

14 years ago

since when was brown hair considered to be blonde?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Good question. I think I may have seen the picture of someone else in the game… I don't know. Brown is better, but blonde would stand out more.

14 years ago

This is a great news! It's glad to know they can still get more out of our beloved PS3. I love inFamous so I know doesn't matter what happened (to Cole) in the end, I will still want to play inFamous 2, it will be day 1 buy for me that's for sure.

14 years ago

As I did not play the original (on the to do list) I have no preference over the overhauled Cole. But, the fact that they are still finding more in the PS3 goes to show inFamous2 will be better than ever, and the power of ice?! great addition can't wait for it to come out

14 years ago

i think they said that coles new look is still a work in progress. however, the voice will not change.

14 years ago

the new cole in the trailer is better than the one on game informer screens

14 years ago

Maybe at the very least will get a "old school" Cole skin.

14 years ago

You know when you really think about it the new one looks more like a delivery boy than Cole did.

14 years ago

True, but now he isn't one anymore.

"I'm a delivery boy now."

-Cloud, FFVII Advent Children.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/21/2010 5:19:49 PM

14 years ago

If I were Sucker Punch and received enough complaints about his looks I would at least give the fans the option to play with the original Cole. That way everyone is happy. Newcomers could experience the extreme make-over edition and share in SP's new vision for Cole.

I know I will like inFamous 2, because the first one being so great was not an accident. I see this game getting better even if Cole has plastic surgery.

14 years ago

How can I put this in a way people who haven't played the first would understand? Hmm.. more Kratos, less Timberlake.

Seriously, virtually NOBODY likes this new cole. I can live with the new voice if I have to, but change him back. I want this game, but I also just wanna hit this guy in the face.

14 years ago

A game save file should be required to use the old one.

14 years ago

its not that "virtually no one likes the new cole" but id say its the minority around the web being more vocal about it. You wont see many saying " i like the new cole" because most of us who do don't care how he looks, we care how the game will turn out

The first game was awesome, but it wasn't all due to the the generic looking cole we used as an avatar. He Could have looked like Zeke, id still love it since the powers were awesome to use.