Okay, so most of you were right. Want a cookie?
Last week, we asked you what you thought would be the biggest news from Sony's E3 press conference, and although many picked either the PSP2 or "nothing earth-shattering" (likely because huge stuff like Killzone 3 and inFamous 2 were revealed before the show), the majority guessed at a big new PlayStation 3 exclusive. And then, at the end of Sony's conference, they dropped the bomb and announced Twisted Metal ; it didn't come as a huge shock to us – we started our day talking to Dave and Scott about it – but we imagine some of you were pretty darn surprised. The PSP2 never did materialize but it may still arrive at another event later this year, a teaser for the PS4 still seems like a long ways off, and Sony may not need another model for the holidays…but who knows? Other big news from the conference included Portal 2 , although it won't be exclusive, and PlayStation Move and 3D occupied the limelight for a while.
So now that it has been revealed, what do you think about Twisted Metal ? We know that because it hasn't been on consoles for over 9 years, younger gamers really don't consider it to be a big deal, but many veterans are overjoyed. Then again, maybe you weren't impressed by what you saw, or this just isn't your type of game. So what say you? Does Eat Sleep Play have an easy winner on their hands, or will a new generation fail to see the appeal of over-the-top car combat?
You obviously missed the point. My point was that things sort of change in a person between the time they're 8 and the time they're 22. Preferences included.
There's nothing ridiculous about what I said so don't get all bent out of shape. I'll repeat it: if you played TM last as a little kid and are now an adult, no, I'm not going to put much stock in your opinion on a game that returns for the first time in a decade.
double stuffed Oreo Plz
I never played the earlier games and it really doesn't interest me, so I went with poll option 3. Probably be a good game, just not for me. My idea of racing fun is memorizing braking points, finding the best lines through corners, trying different cars and tunings, then trying to put it all together in traffic while working my way to the front of the pack. Then doing it on 70 tracks with 1,000 different cars. The whole crashing and killing thing just doesn't hold my interest at all.
A PS4 for the holidays? Ack! Not ready for that big of an investment for another couple of years at least 🙂
I have mixed feelings regarding the new Twisted Metal.
First, I hear Jaffe wants to return the series to being T-rated to acquire more sales by being able to sell in big box retailers such as Target. I'm all for that if that's what Jaffe's vision for the new game calls for, but if it's going to be watered down just to please the younger crowds, I'll be upset. Black was far and away my favourite Twisted Metal and I think a lot of that had to do with its mature subject material. So yes, this worries me.
Secondly, the videos shown at E3 didn't really excite me too much. They looked good, but not great. Again, this could just be me missing the dark tones of Black but who knows?
Thirdly, originally, Jaffe wanted this to be a multiplayer-only game. It was only later that they decided to tack on a single-player campaign. Personally, I'd take single-player over multi ANYday. At least 50% of people I've played with online are rude, vulgar tweens and that completely dwindles any fun my multiplayer experience should be. Therefore, there's an excellent chance I'll try Twisted Metal's MP campaign but not play it for any length of time. That's why I'm hoping they put some heart into the SP campaign and just not have it on there to shut people up.
Lastly, I have fond memories of Twisted Metal… and my girlfriend LOVES the series, even the crappy ones. So yeah, I'm looking forward to it but I'm slightly worried at the same time. I suppose time will tell. I just hope Jaffe and company don't rule out their original followers to try and gain some newbies.
Oh, and for everyone's information, this isn't Twisted Metal's first appearance on consoles in ten years. The PSP game, Twisted Metal: Head-On was ported over to the PS2 a few years back and also included new levels for Black. Just in case anyone missed it, I thought I'd let you know. 😉
This was the SECRET game, graphics you wouldn't believe ? Not my kind of game
There's two franchise that has something to do with cars and they are Twisted Metal and Gran Turismo.
These 2 franchise, while may be huge(yea I know, TM is a dwarf compared to GT), I never owned any copy from these 2 franchise.
I played a bit of GT4 back in 2006 but because I was still high from the weeks spent on NFS Carbon. GT4 kinda ticked me off as a realistic racer.
But now we're in the gen where PS3 exclusives always have potential so I might give them both a chance.
Here's a bit I wanna share.
After I quit on GT4, my brother said I wasn't a real gamer if I don't like games like GT4.
I hit back at him though, my brother never enjoyed games like Ratchet and Clank, GOW and DMC. And seriously, as a brother I have no idea WHY!!
His taste goes to games like:
1) Sid Meier's(watched him play Civillisation many times and I find it boring yet he is always addicted to one)
2) RTS (A C&C maniac, need I say more?)
3) Football Manager(No idea why he loved it so much but eventually I understand why and so I play it too)
4) Tactics(that's why he finished Valkyria Chronicles more than 10 times……)
5) Anything that's gotta do with realism ala KZ2 which he thinks is the best FPS of all time.(AND FPS ISN'T HIS FAVOURITE GENRE!!)
Well hope you don't mind me sharing with you guys about my brother's slightly weird taste in gaming.
There's nothing wrong with either of your tastes in games. I felt the same as you about GT4. I like racing games that let me do things I could never do in real life. There's a race track right down the road from me if I want to drive a car in circles and try to find the "perfect" line. GT5 is going to be HUGE for fans of the series, though. I look forward to checking it out for the graphics alone, and I'm betting it will be one of the most polished games ever. Still, I'm betting it won't hold my attention for long.
I wish there was a vote between "I'll very likely want it" and "Eh." I never got much into the originals, but the hype around this has me hoping it will be great. I'll wait to hear more. There were other announcements that got me more excited, but having the ice cream truck come out kicked ass.
I want to hear more about Rage. Looks like a year of shooters.
Not having played a TM game before I am looking forward to this one. However to say I was jumping up and down with excitement when it was announced I was like what is it ? I wouldn't know that clown if I fell over him I think he's the one called Sweetooth ?
Anyhow when the demo started and the big spotted pants were seen slowly revealing the clown I was still unsure what the game was. Once I heard the name of the game I was still like ok whats the fuss about ?
I'll more than likely buy the game as it looked a lot of fun. Just hope it plays well, I think it will do as Jaffe is behind it and I have liked other games he has done in the past.
@Ben: Seriously, your getting to emotional/attached to a game that hasn't even came out trying to defend its popularity. Just because I used 'harassed' doesn't mean I literally meant it in that fashion and you know what you were doing when you posted that comment. And I wasn't stating a fact, anything and everything that comes out of someones mouth is an opinion until it is proven. I am not popular on this website, don't care, but usually I state that most of my comments are subjective. And I don't know if you are telling me I need to learn how to read or something, but trust me, that was uncalled for. Give a fool some compliments (which I did), then he calls you out on your own words. For someone who calls themselves open minded, you still seem to live in your own world. Like I said, there are older gamers that don't care for TM, the percentage for excited and not excited may be even or not. Believe it or not, but people don't care. Doesn't matter if its fact or not, there are people who are not excited who whatve TM experience and people who are. If I took your first comment wrong, then thats wrong on my part, but theres no need to test my comprehension skills.
I think you mistake the tone of the site, sometimes it's hard to tell on the internet, but I doubt anyone means any real disrespect to you sir. At any rate I was only ribbing you for your opinion because I don't think Ben invented the term "twitch gamer" and even if he did it's public domain now 🙂
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/21/2010 5:57:22 PM
Well I'm super stoked for TM. Seems like alot of people are forgetting who is making the game. I mean come on. This is the guy who created TM, GOW, and Mickey Mania. LOL. That last one was just for nostalgic sake. LOl. I think the "Nuke" game mode looked awesome!!! TM has always been one of my favorite series anyways. The game is basically still a year off so i'm sure there will be much more polish added before the game releases. I swear some people… Its like going into a beta and expecting everything to work perfectly and for everything to look flawless. I'm pretty sure the game is going to kick @$$. In my opinion… if there is anyone who can bring back Vehicle Combat games in a good way. It's these two guys.
Thats true. I didn't mean to come at you disrespectful either, but I can definitely see how it could seem that way…thats the disadvangtage of the internet and a conversation in person. At any rate, "twitch gamer" may not have been created by him, but once he used it, everyone on this website start throwing it out. It just like when your in highschool and everyone starts using those same catch phrases because all the 'cool' kids were saying it…you know.
@Ben: Are you going to review Transformers War of Cybertron?
When I was in my late 30's, I loved the TM series, but now that I'm closing in on 60 in a couple years, my taste has changed.
So I'm no longer get it up for car combat type games.
And since I have no need for Viagra, I'll probably be saying "so long" there to games like TW, Vig 8 & most of the rest(except to add into my gaming collections much later on).