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The Nifty Shooting Attachment For PlayStation Move

Well, they didn't show us this when Sony unveiled the launch details for the PS3 at E3. But it was mentioned in Sony's press release, now that we think of it…

If you download the Move Montage video found on the PlayStation Store, you will see a collection of upcoming Move-compatible titles, and the various ways in which we will utilize Sony's new motion-sensing device. Ranging from illuminating paths and exits in echochrome ii to petting your virtual EyePet and taking down bad guys in shooters like Time Crisis: Razing Storm. But how exactly will those shooting titles work…? Well, it seems obvious now: this nifty little attachment for the Move, which has popped up on Amazon for the price of $19.99, clearly designed for the games in question. It reminds us of the light guns of old, only with the modern technology that seeks to impress everyone with its precision and versatility. This nifty accessory oughta be fun to try, no?

At the very least, it's far better than just aiming the wand at the screen and pretending. There are many reasons that Move is beginning to grow on us, but you know, we still gotta dive in and try it.

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14 years ago

Two move's equiped with this… and then get two rifles in KZ3 and go dual wielding on their ASSSES!

14 years ago

Hell…if they're going this far, they might as well motion capture your bodily motion and transfer this into the game. Slide in a FPS get two of these new gun-shaped attachments for akimbo conditions and game on. To run you have to jog in place, to turn you simply turn, to jump you really jump, and everything else should be on the controller. Actually, it sounds like this would be an awful idea. Scratch this, it's going in the lost-cause-and-soon-to-be-extinguished-bin.