We all know a third Uncharted is in the works but could it possibly be at the point where a developer is already raving about it?
According to PS3Hype , Jan Meijroos, "the most famous game journalist of the Netherlands," overheard something at E3 while wandering the back corridors of the show. Evidently, a developer or designer was heard to say quite literally: " Uncharted 3 looks amazing!" Now, this could very easily have been a slip of the tongue, and it was just some dude talking about last year's Uncharted 2 , which does indeed look "amazing." Or, he could've been talking about another game and used the wrong title…or, nobody ever said any such thing. But Meijroos posted the words on his Twitter page so either he's lying or he heard wrong, or there's a chance that Uncharted 3 really is chugging right along. Of course, it's far too early for Sony to unveil the game so it hardly wasn't surprising that it wasn't in their press conference, but we fully expect it to make a big splash at next year's show.
We initially want to call this bogus – far too many iffy factors – but sequels really are coming faster these days, even for big-budget projects. Look at Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , for instance. ACII just came out last November and exactly one year from that date, the next entry will be here. You never know.
Uncharted 2 is awesome. I wonder where the journey in 3 would bring us to i can't wait.
(if they are making one which i don't doubt they are making one)
I agree, for me the amazing environments in UC2 were some of the greatest that I've ever seen.
Indeed, the environment in Uncharted 2 was gorgeous.
well the first one did a tropic island and the second did India/Asia so the third is most likely going to be in either Africa or South America, Because both those places have an extremely diverse landscape
Well, if they do go to South America, or Africa. I'm looking forward to see what they do with it.
behold developers the new bar thats about to be set by ND is about to become unreachable. Cant wait for this game, just take ur time guy's no need to rush perfection
BS, he's doing his job for PS3Hype! hyping up a game that will obviously look amazing
Not only does it look amazing…
Its either true or he's been paid to lie to start hype going.
both viable, but i dont think naughty dog would pay for hype, when they don't need it, so perhaps it's someone else or im wrong.
i fail to see where the lie is. i know uncharted 3 would look amazing. but that could also be an understatement.
Captain Obvious from Holland opens his mouth and it's news? PS3Hype indeed.
Well, U3 is certainly in development but I can't imagine people talking about it publicly.
Yea, it'll set the bar for graphical fidelity on consoles pretty high, no arguing here :P.
Just imagine, ND raising the bar even more than they did with U2.
Still not convinced that anybody besides ND had actually seen any development footage of U3, though.
You think they'll announce it officially next E3? Or wait has it already been announced?
IF it will be ready for the holidays 2011, I would bet on GDC next January as the time for the "reveal". I THINK the previous games were revealed there.
I was kind of expecting a CGI teaser at the end of the E3 conference, though. I guess Sony wanted to give Jaffe & Co. the last big moment.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/19/2010 5:35:52 PM
hahaha, s*** haven't played any uncharted games yet. I got to get my ass moving and buy'em and play'em.
What are you waiting for?
Maybe he's too busy conquering Persia.
more like AlexanderTH3L8.
you should have played these games already.
Last edited by leatherface on 6/20/2010 1:04:28 PM
Why on Earth is it always a non-English/American person who starts these rumours? Like that Italian 360 Slim advert a day or two before it was officially shown at E3, or when some Asian guy recorded the PS3 Slim, you know?
Good point. Especially since Naughty Dog is an American studio, if someone happened to steal a glance of the game in development not even for writing an article, but for tweeting, he wouldn't have taken an overseas flight just to do so.
Last edited by Shams on 6/19/2010 1:45:22 PM
Whose to say that Assassins creed 2 didnt have enough extra content that ubisoft was like screw this well make another game and put all this in it? after all they are developing for two different capacity discs… and since we always have to get the lowest of the low common denominator, being that most third party games have to always look better on xbox than ps3 which really isnt fair
I think that's probably the case, but I don't see how you can argue with the value of ACII. It's not a hundred-hour RPG, but there's plenty of hours of gameplay for your money.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/19/2010 5:40:04 PM
yeah i was wanting to buy desperately another game cause i only had modern warfare 2 and batman aa and thought about getting ac 2, i loved batman and seeing as how it was somewhat similar to it i wanted to get it, but then opted to get uncharted 2, i dont like how ubisoft is more loyal to microsoft you know with all the exclusive games and whatnot im just not convinced…
when? when can we see? omg!!!!
I call BS on this
I dont think he said that. I think he's full of s**t.
I think the game will look amazing though. Can't wait for the official announcement and the first trailer.
I know it looks amazing and I haven't even seen it.
I know, right? And I know kt's gonna be a GOTY contender for sure, even though I don't know what year it will be released, nor what the competition will be.
Btw, I was NOT being sarcastic.
Mr. Thumbs down doesn't like Uncharted 🙂
This game will use 75=85 percent of the PS3 and will be in 3d. This game will make grown man have babies O_o OO oo O.o ????
i think they said that uncharted 2 already used 100% of the ps3s power. although they also said that they have room for optimizations too.
It could harness the power of the PS3 better than UC2 since Naughty Dog has been working with Guerilla Games and their engine. Either way UC3 (and Killzone 3) are going to be amazing.
I have no reason to doubt that he heard it. I'm thinking we'll have the game by Holiday '11, maybe soon after. Just keep an eye on what Nolan's up to.
Of course it will look amazing, thought that'd be self evident. As far as a sign of Uncharted 3 coming soon? Highly doubt it, but I am fairly certain this will be another system seller.
For all of you calling BS on this, why?
It is entirely possible some journalist overheard a developer who either saw U3 behind closed doors or a ND developer talking to a friend.
Listen, we all know ND is developing U3 as I type this; so I don't understand all the negativity I'm reading here.
Actually I can't understand all the negativity I read in almost every thread; even before I read an article, I know there are going to be negative comments from some of the long-time regulars here who almost never have anything positive to say about anything except the handful of PS3 exclusives they like. I won't mention any names, you know who you are; but I will write that there are at least four to six of you I can name.
Anyway, if U1 came out in November 2007 and U2 came out in October 2009, then we can be certain U3 will come out during that period in 2011. So, why all the doubt? U3 is undoubtedly in development for a 2011 release.
I look for an unveiling of U3 at TGS 2010 in September 2010, or maybe GamesCon 2010, for an Oct.-Nov. 2011 release.
I'm also expecting Sony to show more of The Last Guardian at either show. After all, Sony can't reveal everything at E3; it has to leave something for the other shows.
I see two thumbs down. That's two of the negative types coming out of the woodwork!
Uncharted 2 is the best game this generation. Of course there's an Uncharted 3 coming. I just hope Naughty Dog takes their time to truly make it shine. This has never been a problem in the past however, and I am one hundred percent confident that Naughty Dog will deliver the goods.
I'm just happy to hear some news (if however bogus) on Uncharted 3!
Don't worry Tao,
U3 will rock next year's E3. There's no way Sony won't win E3 2011 =)
I'm sure ND wouldn't displease there fans. Just thinking of U3 makes me excited, I'm wondering where next adventure will be.
Uncharted 3 Already "Looks Amazing?"
Uncharted 2 looked pretty darn good, obviously Uncharted 3 will look good. Ob-vi-ously
Off topic, sorry. but some dude at another board I frequent posted an assload of Medal of Honor beta codes for PS3 and PC. the 1st one i tried worked so I wanted share w/ you awesome folks. Enter code here:
Good luck!!
Damn, those all got used fast, thanks for posting though.
Man, I was hoping for WORLD to be wrong about the codes. But ya it looks like there all used all ready.
Dang, sorry to get your hopes up. I should've known to post the link seperately. It took a little bit for approval.
LOL @Orvisman, taking it to the oldies.
Now, of course Uncharted 3 is in development. Naughty Dog created the almost unanimous GOTY of 2009, do you honestly think they wouldn't try to cash it on that success? As for it looking better than 2, I don't doubt it, particularly if they have already starting building it on the same engine.
There are several things I want to see with 3 though. I want to see something like a mall shootout with people running in all directions, just to add something that we haven't seen from the series before. And I want to see a much longer campaign. If S-E can put 20 hours of kill corridors plus Gran Pulse, then ND can put 20 hours of run, gun and platform goodness. Maybe also add in some areas in which sneaking is necessary, and something new to add a couple of hours and voila.
What I want to see is where will they take the story. I think the best option would be Egypt, but that's really been done to death, so maybe the catacombs of Rome? Or Atlantis, that would be pretty cool. Anyway, that's all I got to say about that.
Actually, I'm not new here.
I've been on this site for a couple (or three) of years at least.
However, with work, life (wife and responsibilities), gaming, exercising, listening/watching the Yanks, TV, movies, writing, etc… I don't post as often as some of the regulars here.
Really, I don't know how some of the regulars here find the time to post so often, especially some of the longer posts.
Anyway, I'm here everyday just about; but I only post when I have something to contribute.
i wasn't implying that you haven't been here for a while. I've seen your name popping up for as long as I can remember, and that's well over a year now, and I think longer. Just taking the piss out of others.
There is no doubt UC3 will dominate next years E3. Yet,for someone to have seen it this early is a little hard to swallow. My guess they were talking about U2. Due to the fact he may of not have slept for 2 days.
theres another way to get the code fellas go to gamespot.com and get a command and conquer 4 beta code then use it as the key for moh beta. Thats what i did and it worked. No kidding add xEDxKILLATRONIC on psn if you have questions