Maybe the reason From Software doesn't want to do a sequel to Demon's Souls is because the original was initially met with a ton of skepticism.
Although it's now considered one of the best role-playing games available, and European consumers will finally get a shot at it next week, DS producer Takeshi Kajii said the first showcasing of the promising title in Japan really tanked. Apparently, according to Edge , people were confused and put-off by the gameplay. In fact, the relatively unique approach to an RPG adventure started out by disappointing the heck out of people. Said Kajii:
"When we first demo'd Demon's Souls at the Tokyo Game Show it was nothing short of a disaster. People were initially excited about the idea of a dark fantasy game, but they were so critical of the gameplay. Many people presumed we were still working on the combat, despite it being nearly finished!
The truth is Demon's Souls is just not well suited to previews, particularly at shows. Because of the action-RPG style people simply expected it to handle in the same way as Sengoku Muso. When it didn't, they were left disoriented. Only a handful of players finished the demo. Some even put the controller down at the character-creation screen."
That just has to be disheartening if you're a developer. They must've had serious doubts about the eventual success of Demon's Souls but now, after becoming the darling of the RPG world for many, and even capturing GameSpot's Game of the Year award in 2009, the title has plenty of respect. It's just too bad that Demon's Souls 2 isn't on the horizon…
That last comment was meant as a joke… Obviously childish, but we always were cool. Internet animosity is kinda pointless and stupid if you ask me. As for the best PS3 RPG, I'd have to say Valkyria Chronicles thus far. I haven't played much of it yet, but it grabbed me and has held my interest through RDR. I haven't liked the ATB system of FFXIII (what I've played of it, but it is gorgeous and slick as hell).
that game would probably go down as the best looking rpg period. to the onscreen menus, the character models, the in game cut scenes, the full motion video scenes. i think overall, ff13 looked better than gow3. grand pulse alone was bigger than all of gow3 alone. mind you, it took 4 to 6 six years to make ff13 as opposed to 3 years for gow3. how both games filled up about 35 to 40 gigs of space on one disc, is a mystery to me. (i know i've said this before)if that game was exclusive, they would have promoted and advertised the heck out of it. and the ff13 ps3 designed console would have been brought to the states and maybe europe. other than the konami mgs (a gray 40 gig ps3 that came with the game) which was only available on there website retailing at 600 to 800 dollors, SONY HAS NEVER RELEASED A PS3 designed console. other than halo and gears, i haven't seen so many products based on that game alone. to the 100 dollar music cd set, action figures, to the elixer soda cans with ther faces on them. wordwide,
it would have sold a million copies at least anyway. also, they had a collectors edition game. the ff13 console was sold for 600 to 750 overseas, but if it was sold for 300 to 400 dollors (and or ncluded the collectors edition), man, that could have sold double or triple the ff13's. oh well, what's yours favorite rpg for ps3. is it fallout? oh, by the way, if you want to, give me your ps3 address. if not, i'll still enjoy chatting with you. sorry, it's in segments, i'm doing it on my ps3. see ya.
My PSN ID hasn't been used in well over a year. No broadband internet connection ya see? If I still had it I'd definitely add you, but too bad. I think the reason that GOW3 filled up so much space on disc was that it had a lot of action backgrounds, which, I assume, uses a lot more space than a static background. As for Sony advertising FFXIII, I don't think they would have. Sony advertises nothing, and certainly not a third-party game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't FFXIII sold 5.5mil worldwide with a ratio of about 5:1 for ps3 sales vs 360 sales? I don't think that a specially designed console would have pushed those numbers any higher, and while a collectors edition would have sold like hot-cakes, it would have been aimed at the market that would have bought the game anyway.
I think we got a bit far off-topic here, so I'm going to let this sleeping dog lie from here on out.
The possibility of a sequel still remains. The only certain fact is that no sequel will be released soon. Demon's Souls 2 on the PS4 might be nothing short of a stretch, but in all honesty, I'm perfectly content with Demon's Souls as it is. Nothing beats coming home from a hard day at work, putting on a Maudlin of the Well or Kayo Dot CD, and just collecting souls.
Last edited by ExhumeART on 6/20/2010 12:40:08 AM
if ff13 was exclusive they would. heck, the advertised the heck out of mgs and sold a lot of the mgs ps3 console editions. and i heard that even at 50 gigs of space on the disc, they still had to edit some gameplay out. by the way, i strongly recommend you rety ff13 and GET THE STRATEGY GUIDE. the strategy guide is gorgeous and unlike wkc, it has info on the in game quests. i hear this all the time "well ahhh, there's no towns, no people to talk to, your fully healed after each battle (whatever0 and everything you buy is at the save points." well that's true but, it's very refreshing. you probably feel the need to buty 2 things, a health and a revive item, that's pretty much it. sometimes you get that just from winning battles. you don't have to be stuck in a castle not knowing where to go and literally running out of your health or magical replenish items. i think your inactive characters get just as much experience points to upgrade your characters paridigm as your active characters. as in the fighting mode, once you purchase your upgrade, you can use it whenever you want, without having to replenish anything.i bet they promoted the heck out of this game in japan. with all of the detailed (i didn't quite get it) storylines, in game cutscenes, and full motion video, you'd think there would be a manga or anime for ff13 in the works. heck, did you see the english dubb version off valkerie chronicles? it's based off of the game. i know i shoudn't be saying this, but i found lightning to bee so sexy and the lady to be in second comand to the major villian, i mean fang, venille and snow's fiancee are hot as well. maybe it's the very good voice dubbing and lip synching. your thoughts.
My thoughts, I just played another hour and a half of FFXIII. I don't mind that there are no towns or people to talk to, but I don't understand S-E's comment of it taking far too much time to detail each character. There were dozens of characters in the scene at the bar, and I'd have been happy with less detail than that for the entire game. And I know that was a cutscene, but still, they've got the models haven't they?
The paradigm system I only just unlocked and it quickly went on to do my head in. I mean wouldn't it just be easier to do a standard branching tree system than a great circle?
As for the shops, I have not yet bought a single item. I'm fine with what you get dropped from the battles and the treasure spheres.
It's not that there's anything wrong with the game, it's just that it has all these niggling little things that are driving me batty. But no, it's starting to get a lot more interesting. I still prefer VC though, and as for your manga/anime idea, didn't I read here that someone was planning a prequel book or something as such?
I will not deign to respond to your comment on the hotness of the characters. Except to say that Vanille is nummy. I think we've hijacked this thread WAY too much, so this will seriously be my last post in this article. Find another one on topic in which we can continue this discussion and I gladly will.
A sequel would be great. There is a lot of potential things they could add to make it better. In all reality Demon's Souls was pretty bare bones. Not that that is a bad thing, but in a sequel they could add many things. New levels/more levels, more spells/miracles, more NPC's, Side quests, More uses for souls, More stones/uses, Different upgrade paths for weapons that open more uses, A more developed storyline, With a bigger budget they could polish it, More developed MP, Deeper character customization, Armor customization/upgrades. I could go on and on. Demon's Souls is easily one of the better games this gen. I'm on NG++++ with one character. It's a great game for those who haven't played it. A word of advice. Play it as you would play if you were actually in the game. Play it as if you could be killed with one shot. It's easy if you're vigilant in being careful.