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E3 2010: Atlus Reveals Creative Details For Rock Of Ages

We knew both Trine 2 and Rock of Ages were coming, but we needed a teaser trailer and the official press release for the latter.

Atlus U.S.A., Inc., in collaboration with ACE Team (the guys who brought you Zeno Clash ), have lifted the veil on Rock of Ages , a title boasting "fast-paced strategy, high art…and gigantic bounders of doom." The press releases from Atlus are always very creative and even downright hilarious; this one speaks of two opposing castles bridged by an uneven, narrow pathway. Obviously, you own one castle ("see how the parapets catch the sunlight ever so stylishly?") and the other is your enemy's ("crappy crenellations are driving down your property values"). What to do? Reason with that jerk?

Nah; much better to try crushing the offending structure with an enormous rolling stone. That's always a far better approach. But it takes some time to get such a weapon ready and in the meantime, your opponent will have a chance to build up some defenses. Basically, it sounds like a race. Said Manger of PR and Sales at Atlus, Aram Jabbari:

"A rock-solid combination of deep strategy, rock-rolling action, and captivating art and music from throughout history, Rock of Ages delivers incredibly satisfying castle-crashing gameplay with a look and feel that's much more than a stone's throw from the competition. Truly, the satisfaction felt when successfully crushing your opponent's intricate defenses with your gigantic siege stone, seeing their forces driven from before you and hearing the lamentation of their citizens, has no equal. Multiplayer support means you can compete against a friend. Will the end of the battle find you yelling 'I rock,' or will you be crying out 'no moss' instead?"

We'll get different terrains and challenges, separate periods loaded with classical art and in general, a "panoply of visual and aural motifs" that add "distinction and sophistication to the act of pulverizing your enemies with colossal boulders and laying waste to their ancestral homes." …you just gotta love Atlus. Rock of Ages is set to be a digitally distributed release in Spring 2011. For more info and updates, check out the game's official website .  Looks great!

Related Game(s): Rock of Ages

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14 years ago

Atlus sent me this one today too, cool concept.

Man, Atlus really seems to be kicking butt left & right with at least 1 to 2 new games they'e announcing every single month.

FYI, Atlus also sent me their announcement for "Trine 2" today too as well……

Here's the new teaser trailer for Trine2

14 years ago

Whoa, looks pretty cool. I kept thinking Monty Python while watching it lol.

14 years ago

Haha this actually looks fun. I wasn't sure… Until the boulder showed up!

14 years ago

Wow that would get super old super fast, how about some Persona?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/17/2010 10:54:43 PM

14 years ago

When I saw the title I was thinking it had something to do with the musical of the same name. Sort of disappointed but the game looks interesting and worth a try.

14 years ago

Looks interesting, but like world, I'm not sure it's a game that would hold me for a long time. Altho I'm not sure that downloadable titles are supposed to.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

As soon as I started reading the description I was thinking PSN, and damnit if I wasn't right again. Seriously though, sounds all kinds of funky. I probably would get it if I could, depending on the price of course. Maybe Sony should release a PSN compilation on Blu-Ray. I reckon I would buy THAT.

14 years ago

so, are they actually going to bother releasing this here?
or do we have to wait 12+ months like deamon souls?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

The wait for Demon's Souls was not Atlus's fault. They only published it for jp(?) and left it up to other publishers to handle the other regions. You might as well blame Sony or Namco Bandai, or hell, Pangaea for breaking up the continents.

Besides, your argument is completely invalid because this is a DOWNLOADABLE title. PSN means that there is no publisher and so should come at about the same damn time.

14 years ago

LOL @ Pangaea.

14 years ago

This looks like I'll play it for a few days, then regret buying it. I don't blame Atlus for it, since it was DEVELOPED by ACE Team and only published by Atlus. I hope these guys can show where Shin Megami Tensei 4 is (not Strange Journey, a PS3 game), or Persona 5. If social links are still in Persona 5, improving it by using an internal clock by setting up hang-outs/dates would useful instead of spending all afternoon with one person.