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E3 2010: New Time Crisis Compatible With Move, Guncon 3

There are a lot of games coming for the PlayStation Move, but even if you watched Sony's press conference, you might have missed a significant one…

They didn't talk about it at the time, but a shot of what seemed to be a new Time Crisis appeared during a Move-compatible montage of titles. I remember sort of half paying attention as I was writing another story, but I'm pretty sure I caught it out of the corner of my eye… Things got hectic after that and I wasn't reminded again until a reader sent us the information that Namco Bandai had indeed announced Time Crisis: Razing Storm . It will come exclusively to the PlayStation 3 this fall and in addition to working with Move, it will also be – shock of shocks – compatible with Namco's Guncon 3 light gun accessory. The storyline is hardly important but for the sake of details: a special task force has been dispatched to South America to foil a plot to topple the US. The mastermind of said plot is your target and of course, a whole lot of baddies stand between you and him.

There will be an Arcade mode (just waves and waves of enemies) but we'll also get the benefit of a free-roaming Story mode, which lets you hunt down the villain through a bunch of diverse, destructible environments, all the while using that familiar cover and auto-look mechanic. Lastly, Namco will introduce an online multiplayer component, where up to 8 players can engage in cooperative and competitive battles, and that sounds like a big draw. …just don't cringe when you see the screens; this is Time Crisis , not God of War .

Related Game(s): Time Crisis: Razing Storm

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14 years ago

Nice. I expected the Move controls because that is what Sony is pushing. But the Gun controller is a nice touch for those who already have one.

14 years ago

Indeed, I already have one but know I only need to buy one move so me a and my bro can play together!

14 years ago

will buy motion controller just for this, will be brill.

14 years ago

yeah they didn't mention it on stage, but immediately following the press conference on g4tv they were interviewing Dille and they mentioned it and showed a few seconds of gameplay.

Not the best graphics, but it's definitely another game for the hardcore gamer.

14 years ago

Looks like they're using Move to bring the Arcade home, I loved Time Crisis in the Arcade, and games like 'The Fight: Lights out' and 'Sorcery' look to me like Sony's taking the right steps to make sure their Motion Sensing Technology isn't just seen as 'for casual gamers'.

14 years ago

What Ben forgot to point out is that the BD also includes Time Crisis 4 and Deadstorm Pirates (the new arcade game released in February 2010) with Move support.

14 years ago

Really, dude throw up a link, I watched all the 3d coverage on tv and no one mentioned that.

14 years ago

Go to the link in Ben's article… last paragraph.

14 years ago

This game really isn't a true Time Crisis title, but rather a conversion of Razing Storm itself:

If anything its obvious that Namco just slapped the name "Time Crisis" on the game to make people think its a Time Crisis game but its not. In fact if anybody actually played Razing Storm in the arcades its nothing like Time Crisis or even has nothing to do frachise

14 years ago

"Not the best graphics, but it's definitely another game for the hardcore gamer."

Its an port of a title that long came out in the arcades 2 years ago…

14 years ago

Pretty much the same can be said of Tekken 6, Street Fighter 4 and Soul Calibur 4. So, your point is?

14 years ago

And Deadstorm Pirates, which is included, came out in early 2010. So, what IS your point?

14 years ago

except tekken 6 was kindof designed with the ps3 in mind when it hit arcades… just saying. not quite just a arcade port as u make it out to be highlander.

14 years ago

It's an FPS right?

Not the classic Time Crisis.

14 years ago

The old guncon games… good times… good times. I hope the move adds to the action rather than detracts. I'm really looking forward to seeing this kind of stuff in action because PGA made me a little nervous.

14 years ago

Holy Crap, I've been wanting a "Guncon" game for my PS3

I also want to see a new PS3 "Silent Scope" game with some kind of gun controller too.

14 years ago

I hope it's classic Time Crisis – I love Time Crisis =(…seriously I do, I enjoy every minute of it.

That is…if I can last a minute…

Well actually I can always last a minute – the hell am I saying.

14 years ago

ive always had a soft spot for time crisis games.
hopefully this will be allot like the last time crysis game i really enjoyed the new story mode.