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PS3s Traded For Cars And Vice Versa

People are finding all kinds of ways to sell and buy PS3s, but the award for the most inventive way of getting rid of a PS3 goes to one of today's Craigslist entries.

As you can see, somebody is offering a PS3 and two games for "a car or parts and labor on my jeep." And funniest of all, if you go and search a bit, you'll find more listings offering a PS3 in exchange for a new car or repairs to a car. At the same time, you've got the flip side of the coin, as we've found people offering their cars for a PS3. Let's see…you can get an '87 Volkswagon Golf, a '91 Mazda Protege, and even a '68 Ford Falcon for a PS3 and a variety of other electronics.

So at this point, what else can people use as a bargaining chip to land a PS3? And for those looking to land a car in exchange for a PS3, are they aware that even the 60GB model is only worth $600? What are they gonna get? A '76 Beetle?