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E3 2010: New Silent Hill Revealed

Say it with me, survival/horror fans: "aw, hell yeah !"

The critically acclaimed franchise is coming back: Konami has announced Silent Hill 8 (a working title), which is scheduled to freak out both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners next year. Rather than drastically altering the formula that made this series so successful, the developers will stay true to the Silent Hill roots. We'll get a third-person adventure where we must face the freakiest, most dreaded parts of human emotion and psyche. The argument rages over which series – Resident Evil or the franchise in question – is better, but for now, let's just revel in the announcement. Said President of Konami Entertainment, Shinji Hirano:

"In honoring the rich history and strong following of Silent Hill, we're working hard to build a next generation horror game that the fans truly deserve. This Silent Hill introduces an all-new storyline and unique evolutions in gameplay, building on innovations and successes from over a decade of true survival horror and terror."

This new story begins after a prison transport vehicle crashes, leaving inmate Murphy Pendleton stranded in the mysterious, potentially deadly town of Silent Hill. Players will encounter new puzzles and nightmarish creatures, and you'll have to use whatever is at hand to defend yourself; this could include wooden chairs and glass bottles. We'll even get side-quests that can actually change depending on how you play the game.

And in the end, we just can't wait to learn more.

Related Game(s): Silent Hill 8

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14 years ago

Sounds like it could be fun, I haven't played a silent hill in a long time. If they do it up right I'll be there.

14 years ago

I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. Definitely interested in hearing more.

14 years ago

It seems the original team, or at the very least Konami themselves who will be developing this game

The whole "let's outsource the game to Americans to Westernize it," was the biggest pile of crap ever.

14 years ago

Sounds really intriguing. I will check it out me thinks. Resident Evil on the other hand. Until they say AND STICK with going back to horror roots I couldnt give 2 fs. Resident Evil 5 was supposed to be a return to form, instead it played just like 4, action crap.

14 years ago

Hold on…Resident Evil 4 was crap…sorry I proudly disagree. It's true that 5 isn't that great…well that's just my opinion, but 4 was awesome. It might have been because of Leon, or because there were some parts that were horrific and startling…but I can't accept the belittling of a great horror game by comparing it to a not-so-great sequel. Nope…4 was awesome!

14 years ago

4=great no matter what
5=great to a small few

14 years ago

Besides the cliche story set up I'm stoked for this and hope they really can deliver a freaky experience to rival Dead Space. Sadly it'll probly be 3 years away.

14 years ago

Have you played any of the SH games?

Just seems like you're not giving enough credit to a series which has proven itself.

And it's far from cliche, imo. It's not a zombie-clone like most horror games are.

Silent Hill 2 still reminds one of the great horror games of all time. (though my absolute favorite is SH1)

14 years ago

Yes and I like them, but by "cliche story set up" I mean an overturned prison transport that just happens to be in a bad part of town (or in this case Silent Hill) NOT that Silent Hill is a cliche horror series.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/16/2010 6:28:33 PM

14 years ago

True, the intros to SH are very cliche lol

It's always an accident that ends in you being lost in a SH town.

Though each character in the games has a different reason why they're there.

But overall it's the "OMG where am I?" lol

14 years ago

Hopefully it is indeed one of Konami's team that's in charge of development.

If that's the case then this will be just as horrifically scary and fun as the first 4.

I really like the fact that it'll be a convict this time and not some average Joe like in most SHs

Can't wait to see images/trailers

14 years ago

Didn't the original team silent depart konami awhile ago? I thought that's why they outsourced to a different developer. Last game they made was the remake of siren on the ps3.

14 years ago

Didn't anyone get anywhere in "The Room"? I couldn't stop a single bad guy permenently and always ran out of ammo.

14 years ago

The scariest game in the series

The introduction of ghosts really made things difficult in an interesting way.

You need to either run away from them or exorcise them with holy candles or a holy blade. You can also wear a pendant that repels them.

Tough game. But the challenge was one of the most compelling things 'bout the game.

It's a "how much will you fight the forces of evil?" Really tests your will imo

14 years ago

I finished SH4 without any problems, but I might have played it on Easy.

14 years ago

I admit what I played of it was creepy as hell, but i kinda stunk

14 years ago

Oh please let it have Move support and 3D!
*goes out to the pharmacy and buys grownup diapers*

14 years ago

and a poncho.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

Yes, been waiting for this quite some time.
Had they mentioned Heather in the announcement this could've been one of the best announcements I've heard lately.

C'mon give me an HD SH game with Heather Mason =)

Well, hope it's gonna turn out better than the last few iterations, even if it's Heather-less.

14 years ago

You know what would go good with Silent Hill, a Coke.

14 years ago

No coke. Pepsi.
Or even better Dr. Pepper.

Hmmmm, anyone Remember Red Fusion? Or even Sprite Remix? What the French happened??

14 years ago

The Coke thing is an E3 reference Kevin Butler did at the Sony Conference.

I personally like Dr. Pepper mixed with Root Beer.

14 years ago

I like Root Beer and I like Dr. Pepper. But I've never tried to mix them.

14 years ago

Mountain Dew: Code Red is good too!

14 years ago

I recently played the silent hill series, maybe two years back, and while not like RE it did remind me of why i fell in love with the genre. Just like RE5, Homecoming made me yern for the days gone by. Hopefully this game won't disappoint.

14 years ago

I know and i'm sorry that i am way off topic here but i can't seem to get on the fourms here its been almost a year since i joined but i can't on what is going on ?

14 years ago

Not sure if you know it, but the forum's not automatic just by signing up here on this site.

What you have to do is go do a whole separate sign-up at the forum too.

Hope that helps.

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not really getting my hopes up for a fantastic game. At least not to the level of the Team Silent developed ones anyway.

As far as RE vs SH goes, the games are completely different in style and atmosphere. Not even worth comparing if you ask me.

14 years ago

I think they are both the same in the sense that the best way to play through is to avoid confrontation instead of tons of ammo. so yea, they are pretty much the same in a very big way IMO.

14 years ago

I agree there, but they operate differently regarding that style of gameplay. Silent Hill, you can make it through the game with killing only bosses if you want to, which is something that Resident Evil doesn't really allow for. In Silent Hill, the enemies are fewer, and the scares are directed towards you in a more psychological fashion. Resident Evil is scary due to the jumpiness factor and the sheer amount of enemies you'll have to face at any given time, with a limited supply of ammo, forcing you to use it conservatively and creatively. They both do what they do well, but I still say they are pretty different from each other.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I've got SH3 sitting in my collection, but I've only played about ten minutes of it thus far. The control scheme annoys the ever-loving shizzin out of me. I'll get back to it before this is released though in order to psyche myself up. That is, if I can used to the dinky controls.

14 years ago

OW HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all i want is to be cowering in the corner with the lights on too scared to leave the room.
is that so much to ask?
games on the ps1 could do that in their sleep!
i played the suffering yesterday after months of searching i FINALLY! found it.
still has the charm to f*ck with my mind and scare the sh*t out of ya!!!!!!

were well overdue for a truly scary game, i mean seriously super scary like the suffering or fatal frame.
the latest game i could call scary is doom 3 and that was childs play in comparison to the old days.

horror has befallen on bad times.
now for some reason for a medium to be horror it has to either be about zombies or torture porn!
SAW has destroyed the genre.
SAW was a great thriller the first one was actually good, everything after that was gore for gores sake.
the hills have eyes was the same thing, that was so stupid! same goes for hostel.
wheres the rule that says if your going to make a horror movie it has to be torture porn?
what happened to the classics like the ring?
that was not gory at all, it was rated M for peeks sake! in comparison to most horror movies that are rated R!
the ring was a classic, such a good movie.

14 years ago

Man I love Silent hill games it was actually my first series that I played that scare the poop right outta me LOL…

I would also love them to bring out a new Fatal frame for the Ps3 that would be AWESOME.

14 years ago

Bad news. I read on another site that Akira Yamaoka is NOT doing the score.

Though they are using the guy who scores Dexter, so it may not sound that different.