Okay, so he lied.
But so what? This game looks absolutely mind-blowing! Sony just closed their E3 press conference with a special look at Eat Sleep Play's new project… Twisted Metal . Studio founders David Jaffe and Scott Campbell accompanied an actual ice cream truck on stage to deliver the good news, just after a wicked video led us in the correct direction. They then cued up some multiplayer gameplay, which just looks downright sick ; there are helicopters that can be used to blow sh** up or pick up friendly Faction members, the environment seems to be entirely destructible, and the action appears to be blazing fast and satisfying. But we have far more information than what you may have seen in that presentation; in fact, we have way more than just about anyone in the industry right now. Why? Because we knew this was coming. This, my friends, is our secret PSXE exclusive and as a pay-off, the guys mentioned here rewarded us for our silence.
That's right. In just a few minutes, our exclusive interview with Dave Jaffe and Scott Campbell, where they dish on a ton of info nobody in the E3 audience has been privy to, will be live.
Related Game(s): Twisted Metal
Nice!! Can't wait
Sony's E3 – was alright…at some parts it just felt so……………………..dead. But when it came out with the games – and KEVIN BUTLER'S EPIC MONOLOGUE – DAMN THAT ROCKED E3!!!
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/15/2010 4:16:42 PM
kevin butler stole the show. i love that guy
Ahhhh I knew this was it as soon as he announced it! I commend you Ben, for a secret well kept.
I soiled myself
I think Sony won this year!
Last edited by PAKINIPS on 6/15/2010 4:02:03 PM
lol i was just thinking Ben should have used this pic for the Move article below.
I would probably put them very close to Nintendo.The new DS was very impressive; I was hoping Sony would counter it with a new PSP 🙁
Last edited by Hexen on 6/15/2010 4:21:15 PM
Yup, 3DS showed to a lot more then i excepted. Can't wait to get my hands on that new Kid Icarus.
O Sony won E3
HOLY $&%# YOU SON OF A %#@$& I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I did a backflip in my living room no lie!! As soon as I saw the polka dot pants I KNEW!!! I cried!!!!
Last edited by JMO_INDY on 6/15/2010 4:03:26 PM
Great, now we have no secret to be revealed next month lol.
I knew it.
Never played a Twisted Metal game before are they any good ? The video looked a bit exciting to be honest.
the first couple were great back on ps. i havent played twisted metal in at least 10 years. havent seen the new footage yet
Man Sony loves their fans
A Twisted Bad-Ass cover up by the guys from PSXextreme. Bravo. Guess this time everyone involved had to lie to make the ultimate surprise. It was really an awesome surprise, when the ice cream truck coming out, I say Sony has raised the bar in terms of the best E3 presentation in years if not the best. Bringing Sweet Tooth's ice cream truck on stage? Priceless!
Last edited by SaintX on 6/15/2010 4:04:51 PM
i knew it, after that interview you had, i said it all along
Honestly, I have never played a Twisted Metal game, but this looks like a great place to start…
Last edited by Kangasfwa on 6/15/2010 4:06:41 PM
Is it worth getting the previous Twisted Metal games ? If you can still get hold of them ?
Playstation Network:
Download them
Twisted Metal Black is probably out there in one of those family owned game stores so you can get that one too.
But to truly appreciate Twisted Metal you need to play the first 2 (the 3rd one was ok, but not as good)
To Jafee….
"Liar, liar, pant's on fire"
(But I'll forgive you,….this one time)!
Head on fire. as in sweet tooth
OMG WOW THAT REVEAL WAS SICK! And that's bad ass the psx gets EXCLUSIVE INFO 😉 woot woot!
CONSPIRACY!!! JAFFE! DUTKA! Do not pass GO! Go straight to JAIL!!!
wow Ben that is an awesome way to reward you for keeping your mouth shut (or your fingers off the keyboard)
well deserved after 2 years(?) of silence
Still I wouldn't have talked either but I'm glad to see Ben kept his promise
Congrats Ben! You guys deserve it. Thats a helluva a secret to have on top providing us with the best unbiased PS news. I was honestly hoping to see a new IP though…
hehe, twas on my list as soon as I found out 🙂 It's been hard not saying anything about it as I love Twisted Metal. Surprised to hear they let the announcement out so soon but at least now we get to hear the exclusive info XD
So it was Twisted Metal after all.
How do u feel about that?
It's exciting but certainly not the reveal of the day.
Yes! I knew Jaffe had to be working on something, and what bigger platform to do announce than e3. Way to keep a secret Ben.
The image is so appropriate. Sony dropped a BOMB on E3. Their keynote was full of content and all of it good and all of it GAMES.
They did what they did last year. Game after game after game. And on top of that Move, 3D and PlayStation Plus.
It was ****** epic when sweet tooth came out lol!
The levels look huge!
An entire city +
The Nuke mode will probably redefine the racing/action genre!
Factions, that's a really interesting concept for TM
The action was super smooth, nice touch with the upclose (first-person camera) for sniping and such.
Favorite weapon so far: Chain-saw!
Thank you Ben and psxe staff! You guys kept this a nice secret for us all
Can't wait to see the shiny interview and info
Damn you knew about this game for how long Ben and didn't spill the beans:) Respect man, must have been real hard
Nice going Ben! Looking forward to your interview with Jaffe.
omg this game is going to be crazy
Sweet sweet sweet. I knew it was coming but I'm still crazy excited to hear. YEAH!
The video they showed was so amazing,I forgot how freaking cool Sweet Tooth really is.
Awesome. And you guys knew about this all the time?! C'mon, that's nuts.
I'd go insane trying to keep it a secret. Great job though, guys =)
Gotta admit that the TM presentation (and 'trailer') was probably the most impressive of E3 2010.
Still no news on FFvXIII (TGS maybe) or ICO HD Collection / Last Guardian. Guess TGS will be the event to hope for.
What a great announcement! The Twisted Metal series has always be one of my favorite in all of gaming (with the exception of 3 and 4). The only thing that makes me sad is to think that if this generation is like the last, this is likely the only TM we'll see on the PS3.
I had Nintendo winning E3….but wow it's a tie now, seriously.
Nintendo's show was great. Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kirby Epic Yarn and the new Donkey Kong are all D1P for me.
Same here also the 3ds looks like it will have some great games. Metal Gear in 3d? heck yes.
Donkey Kong won me at Nintendo's conference. Would've like it in 3D (as in gameplay), but it brings back so many memories of my childhood (and how great of a game it was) that I don't really care.
3DS sold me as well.
As for the big three winner for me, I still can't decide between Nintendo and Sony. Nintendo had many surprises. What wins it for me is the level of surprises and how those surprises interests me. I think Sony would most definitely won it for me, or anyone else if they kept it a secret with games like Motorstorm, LBP2, Infamous 2, and Killzone 3, just like how Nintendo was quiet with all their new games.
Ben, I gotta give it to you. I followed all the Twitter twatter and you trumped that service all day. How did you do it. You got clones working with you. A team? The only one that they matched you on was Twisted Metal.
This was the exclusive? Massive Fail.
Edit: The good news is my conspiracy theory in the forums was dead on.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/15/2010 4:18:12 PM
Was this the secret E3 exclusive or the one Ben has been hiding? i thought the one Ben was hiding wasn't going to be revealed at E3 but after.
I disagree, as a long time fan!
I got MGS4, Uncharted 3 is coming, GOW 3, KZ3, etc, etc. I'm not sure as a well rounded gamer, i could have asked for anything more exciting than one of my child hood memories to become a reality again. Cant wait, very psyched!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/15/2010 6:44:15 PM
not sure how this is a failure but to each his own i guess. But really, people should have more of an open mind about some games instead of judging it far from release
Sony's by far was the best show. Nintendo came in second. The new Zelda looks freakin great as well as the new Kirby.
Infamous 2 i am little less excited about now. Cole looks like such a douche now. Twisted Metal at the end was a nice exit.
Last edited by Jawknee on 6/15/2010 4:18:15 PM