We've been hearing a lot about it, and it has now been officially unveiled.
As expected, this will not replace the free-to-play model always held by the PlayStation Network; what has been unveiled as "PlayStation Plus" is merely an option. SCEA head man Jack Tretton detailed the new subscription choice: it'll give you access to exclusive content designed specifically for gamers; this includes new digital content of all kinds, from both Sony's worldwide studios and their partners. There will be select demos and other goodies if you wish to ante up; Tretton called it a "full-product offering" that features "hundreds of dollars" worth of content for the willing subscriber. Plus will debut towards the end of this month and you can snag a yearly subscription for $49.99 or a three-month subscription for $17.99. Much like Xbox Live, you can also get three free months if you wish to give it a shot, and you will watch as Plus continues to expand on a monthly and even weekly basis. All sorts of DLC from avatars to whole new levels will be available to you and considering the price, that's not exactly outlandish. Sony calls it an "unprecedented value" and as it most certainly is an option, we have to agree with that assessment.
So if you want to just keep doing stuff for free, go right ahead. If you want more, the Plus option will be there. Nice, no?
I saw Sorcery and i was like… SOLD!! The gameplay were so smooth. I LOL when I saw Nintendo's Zelda get all laggy and glitching with the Wii Motion Plus. It was such a waste for a great game like Zelda.
I'm really looking forward to seeing just how much of a discount will be offered off of PSN games. I still see no excuse for the avatars that they do offer after all this time. So, that's a bit of a silly offering in my eyes.
I still think that any Platinum trophy you earn should be selectable as an avatar for free. I'm 99% sure I'll be hopping on this offer. It sounds pretty promising. I do buy a lot of PSN games as it is.
I'm wondering, though, if it will offer discounts on ALL PSN offerings, and if so, will that include PSP games? Looking forward to hearing a lot more details.
Last edited by NeoHumpty on 6/15/2010 5:20:05 PM
The only thing I don't get is that they said you got the stuff as long as you kept paying for plus. So if I get a psn game with plus and then I stop playing for plus how are they going to keep me from playing that game?
If it means something else can someone explain.
My guess is that he meant the exclusive demos, avatars and betas and such, not the discounted games you paid for. I could be wrong, but it sounds logical.
Looks like I was right. There are some better explanations on the EU Blog site.
demo's have to be downloaded too, so they can't keep you from playing those if they're still on your hard drive. I've never bought a premium avatar so I don't know about those, as for beta's they don't last that long so thats not really a problem either.
sony confirming cross game chat?
OK, I can see where the new premium service would be worthwhile, but I'll only get it if the games they give with it are mine to keep, even if for some reason financially, I'm not able to renew my annual subscription again later on.
I mean, if I already bought it & received the game, then I think the game should stay mine.
But I'm not sure what's going to be in Sony's fine print on their new premium service, so I haven't a clue as to how they'll even decide to work this situation out.
OOPS, after posting this, I see kraygen already beat me to it a few posts up….
so I guess he's either got a faster trigger finger, or great minds think alike, LOL
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/15/2010 8:15:33 PM
Really awesome and amazingly great minds think alike. 😉
I'll try it for 3 months. $17.99 CAN is a small price to pay.
you probably get the 3 free months too. So $18 for 6 months trial is awesome.
I love how everyone is blathering about which package they'll try. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! This is Sony's ploy to get their PS3 owners dumping quarters into their accounts just to play what's been free since November 2006. They see Microsoft making money hand over fist from the MSzombies who just send in their cash mindlessly, and they want a piece of that pie. JOIN HANDS AND BOYCOTT THE PAY SERVICE!!!!
Why boycott it if the current free service caters to ALL your current needs? If you don't see value in the PLUS services and no future prospect of utilizing it i see no reason for you to boycott it since you already have what you need.
I'm not sure where you're even trying to go with this but….
in regards to the new premium PSN, if you don't want all the extra's, you've still got what you have right now and still for free, so then you certainly don't have to buy it.
No need to boycott anything just cause…..
"It's REALLY just that simple"
It tickles me how some companies are given passes for raping their customers while other get crucified. Say what you want about Kotick and Activision, I bet many of you bashers went out and bought MW2 and the stimulus pack…and the soon to be released resurgence pack. Sometimes a company's loudest critics are its most profitable customers.
I think to start the PS1 game was "Revo" and you would get "Wipeout HD." I will give it a try.
Sounds really awesome to me. I can't wait to try it out…..
This "Plus" service and the revealing of the Sly Cooper HD Collection and AC:Brotherhood was awesome 🙂
The games you get for free with the plus service will no longer work if you stop subscribing. If you buy a game outright it will be yours to keep. They're talking about the games you get for free and the demos you get for free.
That stuff has to be downloaded to your hard drive, how can they stop you from playing it once it's been downloaded?
If you check the properties on your downloaded content there is an expiration date that is normally left open. This and other subscription features will be used to enable or disable the content you download through PlayStation Plus.
Ooooh that's right, thanks highlander, been racking my brain trying to figure that out.
Everyone keeps praising the Sorcery game…I just want to see it! Oh yeah…concerning this post…great that Sony separates the free online portion from the premium services. Although many of us were aware of this long ago its great to see one video game console company upholding certain values and truths.
I'm relieved that they didn't start charging in some way or another for online play. I'm happy.
We told you that they wouldn't.
the value is there but…other than the games, (hope you like what sony dishes out.) the "+" package is lacking much needed social networking options. no Xgame chat, no XMB parties, no SKYPE app (i can dream.), no sharing music or vids with friends online…HOME doesn't have these options & i guess sony sees no use having XMB access to these types of features for those not interested in HOME either. Can't believe E3 has come & gone, with no network enhancements or FW announcements… E3 disappoints…add on a silent insomniac games, the lack of a R3 trailer or news was a deathblow…totally bummed now.
When did cross game chat become so important in some peoples eyes that it is a deal breaker? This is how you portray it.
As for social networking, have you used Home? You do remember that the PS trophies integrate with Facebook, and the PS3 has a full web browser which can access facebook, twitter etc…
Seriously, I think some people want it all handed to them on a silver platter for free.
I haven't logged into Home in over a year, so I can't say much for the advancements it's made. Though, last time I recall voice chat is still not allowed in Home.
If Home actually realized all the wonderful features Sony touted before it's unofficial "Public Beta", I would actually use it more and probably stop complaining about some highly requested features Sony is still holding back on (watching movies with friends, game launching, party/group setup for online game launching, etc).
Most of what is on offer doesn't interest me so I won't be subscribing, so the only thing that concerns me is the EXCLUSIVE DLC.
If this means that there is going to be game DLC released which is only available to subscribers and cannot be bought independantly by none subscribers then that is poor. (I don't include map packs in this).
I don't really want a $50 annual payment just to get access to $20 of dlc that I would historically have been able to buy on its own.
If it's free to subscribers but I can still purchase separately, even if they implement a delay in availablity, then I will be happy enough.
With today's consumers, this is a smart move on Sony's part. Unlike MS, they have content that they can peddle in addition to games and hardware. Fanboys love to throw money at their favorite companies as if the companies really care about them. We are all dollars and cents to Sony and its industry bretheren.
To each his own. There is no value for me. This is just a shinier version of Xbox Live whereby they replaced online gameplay with Sony content. I hope you subscribers don't have ISPs looking to cap your access.
I'll try it for sure.
i cant believe how sketchy and evasive they were about this, especially considering its releasing at the end of the month!
sorry sony but if you want me to shell out 50 USD for something you need to be a little more specific in what that 50 bucks gets me.
plus it wont be 50 bucks, 50 USD is more like 70AUD.
but thats not sonys conversion, in sonys mind 50 USD some how translates to 100 AUD.
where the extra 30 bucks came from is a mystery!
the only way sony could get me to spend 100 bucks a year on PSN accesses is if they some how added PSN to bigponds unmetered list.
till then theres no point, because i wont be able to download much.
plus for some reason every time i download something PSN ends up uploading it too.
i downloaded junes edition of qore 1.6GBs i think it was, than i checked my meter usage and i had the 1.6 download PLUS the 1.6 upload on there.
XBL does not do that, it only does the download not the upload.
Last edited by ___________ on 6/16/2010 3:52:48 AM
The E3 announcement was the initial announcement of the feature. What did you want Dille to do, stand there for an hour detailing all the features and content by region? Remember that content is governed by copyright laws in each country/region. You need to be a tad more patient and wait for the specific announcement in each region.
I'll have to wait and see what they offer before I make a decision on subscribing to this !