So you didn't get a chance to attend E3 this year. Maybe you've never gone but have always wanted to see what it's like.
Well, it's definitely a second-best option but it's still pretty damn sweet. If you want to log in to PlayStation Home, you can actually visit a virtual iteration of SCEA's booth that is now open at this year's E3 show. SCEA boss Jack Tretton just got finished telling us it's basically an exact virtual replica; you can view the videos journalists and other insiders are seeing, you can get all the up-to-date info, and as you wander around, you might even stumble across ways to land yourself some neat-o game demos! PlayStation Home has continued to grow and expand since its unveiling at the end of 2008; the expansions have been so numerous, those who remember the way Home was in early 2009 probably wouldn't even recognize it now. And you know, as Arnold was saying, if they could ever make it so you could sample the games on display at E3 through Home, there'd almost be no reason left to go to E3! That'd be both good and bad, of course, but you never know what the future holds in store…
For the most part, this conference is all about new technologies and steps int he right direction for the industry. It's why they're now debuting some new LittleBigPlanet 2 gameplay, which just looks downright insane . Talk about innovation and player freedom taken to a ridiculous level!
microsoft got desperate and gave away 360s to everyone, wouldnt have minded being there for that to be honest. Need to play fable
They gave out xboxes?
yeah they gave out a bunch of free new models to the rich (i assume) people that were in the first few rows…
of whom…. definitely have no problem affording them
MS gave Xbox slims to all the attendees (invited ones) at their Keynote.
hey they have to get ppl to play xbox some how.
They always said they would buy their way into ppls homes, proof positive right there.
Who's willing to bet these folks will buy new XBOX Slims again after RRoD2.0 strikes? +1 to the M$ financials. -1 to lucky-turned-patsy-people
RROD 2.0? You mean E76 errors?
I wouldn't have minded to get a free 300 bucks, I'd sell the thing and get another 300 bucks for my plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD (I mean buy a 3d TV)
home is getting better, still needs work
also…. sony…. i'm hurt, still no mention of cross game chat?
Home is still a beta and get over the cross chat its not that big of a feature
to me it is a big feature, i want it even more JUST b/c they wont give it to me
wait….. that sounded dirty
Cross game chat has nothing to do with Home.
@ World, actually it does, since it applies to all games and applications on PS3. But still, I agree that it's annoying how everyone brings it up in every friggin article
I mean the development team at home doesn't do those kind of updates to the PS3 firmware.
Hmmm… I better try again. Home claimed it was down for maintenance about 15 minutes ago.
Yep, still down for maintenance.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/15/2010 3:42:09 PM
highlander they had posted on the psblog that home will be down most of the day. probably getting ready for this e3 thing. i have tried to get in several times but i dont think it will be back up till late afternoon
I neeeed to re download this.
It would be cool, but I don't wanna miss the show. How long is this up.
Well, I was going to jump in there (360 reference not intended), but I guess I'll have to wait until the maintenance is done.
Time to make lunch.
Home is now back up!! im going to the e3 booth right now. there are little tv's on stands everywhere with trailers and such. a lot of people in here already. watching a trailer for lbp2 right now. wow massive. wow sackboy can go inside of a robot like a suit. sackboys were riding on rats also!! wow!!
Last edited by frylock25 on 6/15/2010 4:30:24 PM
my ps3 froze while trying to reserve hardware space… :/
It's almost certainly your hard disc. Do a backup – if you can – and reformat the drive. There are steps on how to do this on the sony forums. Basically backup, deactivate the system, reformat the drive, re-install the system, restore from backup, reactivate for games and video.
Mine (the hdd) is still having issues and I am definitely replacing it in the next 30 days.
definitely going to visit it tonite and get some cool home stuff and check out these vids they have on there.
Never occurred to me that they could do this. It's a great option that I hope they continue every year. I'll be checking it out later. I'm sure my girl is sick of gaming news and trailers by now.
why not put up the game demos on there?
thats one thing id really love to see added to the PSN + service.
they did that with a few games last year, the E3 demo of LP2 and GOW3 eventually turned up.
if these games are ready to be played by people in the US, than why not everyone else?
sure there pre beta in most cases, but who cares?
there demos, im sure no ones going to get their knickers in a knot if a demo crashes.
that would be so cool if we could play all the demos available on the show floor.
PlayStation Plus will include early access to demos.
yeah, but that will probably be 1 week or so early, maybe a month max.
im talking about releasing a select few demos on E3s floor on the PSN network.
the more the better, but theres so many there id be impossible.
i really want a demo for mafia 2, and true crime.
really looking forward to those games, especially since the only game we have had this gen thats similar was GTAIV or SR2 and both sucked!
open world gang styled games are by far my favorite genre.
i cant believe sony has not brought back the 8 days or getaway 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!