Now this is a decidedly cool project.
Ubisoft's presentation at E3 included a few surprises as well as the formal announcement of the new Driver , and arguably the most intriguing is the publisher's collaboration with Q Entertainment and Tetsuya Mizuguchi for the "innovative new gaming experience" known as Child of Eden . It's described as a "multi-sensory shooter that will send players diving into a kaleidoscopic matrix of synchronized music and mind-blowing visuals that will usher forth a landmark game experience." Set for a Q1 2011 release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the promising title will be compatible with Microsoft's Kinect motion system (there was no mention of PlayStation Move in the press release). The story involves a quest to save Project Lumi, "a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories." But just when they're nearing success, a virus invades and you must save Eden.
Here's a list of the features:
Multi-sensory effect: A visionary entertainment experience that synchronizes stunning graphics and innovative sound design to electrify the senses. By bringing physics in synergy with spectacular visuals and audio, Child of Eden is creating the next-generation sensory experience.
The world of Eden: Coming straight from Tetsuya Mizuguchi's creative mind: a unique, surprising, rich and beautiful world.
Controls: Simple and natural. Designed for standard controllers and Kinect for Xbox 360. With no controller required, Kinect for Xbox 360 adds an extra dimension to the experience as the player truly merges into the game. The sensor will detect the player's body movements, allowing for a completely new multi-sensory shooting game experience.
Be sure to visit the game's official site to stay up-to-date. Now, who's excited? Probably everyone who remembers Rez with a fond heart…
Related Game(s): Child of Eden
If it's a cheaper downloadable title, then I would definitely be interested.
But with so many big name games announced, I just don't think I'd have the time for something as beautiful as this.
I haven't even reached 20% in Killzone 2, nor got past the half hour mark in FF XIII.
I got my sights set on Sonic 4, Killzone 3, Last Guardian, GT5, Rock Band 3, Gears 3, Mario Galaxy 2, Halo Reach (the beta was loads more fun than any Halo before it) Infamous 2, Force Unleashed 2, Dead Space 2 and Assassin's Creed 3 (not so much Bloodlines), where am I gonna fit in time for Child of Eden?
Please Ubi, do the right thing, make it a DL title for $15.
Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 6/14/2010 9:42:49 PM
Sorry, I meant Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, not Bloodlines. They both start with B. And I'm still excited about the MJ music game. Can barely concentrate or tpeyt strfght.
20% in Killzone 2? You can beat it in a day easy.
only took me 6 hours on medium.
elite on the other hand, well thats a recipe for insanity!!!!!!!!!!
Kinda of entrancing… It also seems like flow for some reason… Color me interested.
my first thought was it was just a colorful version of flow, lol. good call.
Kinect……that's the name they came up with for Project Natal? What marketing company ripped them off?
yeah made me laugh when the gttv ppl commented that it was like kinetic but spelled wrong, lol.
Kinect reminds me of tissues (Kleenex). Will the device come with its very own ring of death?
I'm sure there would be no problem whatsoever implementing the Move in this title.
I do hope M$ doesn't use their money to claim exclusive rights to the motion portions of games and leave us with regular old Dualshock. Seems like the kind of thing they'd do.
As a reminder to everyone, check the forums for recent giveaway details. I'm going to Tweet the link, too, but Twitter is "over capacity" right now, so-
Looks good,
but like Fatcat was also thinking, it looks like they've stole a lot of it from the game, Flow.
I'm sorry but when I was watching this I was thinking why, why, why? Go play flow if that's what you want. To open the show with that, what a joke.
The kinect use for it was terrible to me, who wants to stand in their living room with their palm in front of them occasionally waving it to the right, oooooh exciting.
ahhh another game based off a virus?
god this is almost as overdone and cliche as the alien takeover.
why do video game stories have to be so generic and cliche?
just because Hollywood sticks to these old tired cliches does not mean other mediums have too.
QUICK! Give me an original idea!
LOL! No, but seriously, the reason is that how many ways are there for a developer to create conflict. I can imagine this working if you were trying to link up the different programs to get Eden working, but then what? Once you finish it auto-loads a human personality and game over? Or, something goes wrong and you have to fix it?
Seriously though, give me a recent video game concept (story-wise) that isn't generic or cliche?
heavy rain, assassins creed, metal gear solid, ratchet and clank, uncharted, god of war, alan wake just to name a few.
alan wakes my personal favorite, ive always been a massive Stephen king fan.
psychological thrillers is one story that could go a long way in video games under the right mind and inspiration.
ive always wanted to play a murder mystery game kind of like heavy rain solve a serial killer case, but do real in depth detective work.
not all video game stories have to be about war, a virus or aliens taking over the earth.
Oh good grief, just smoke a joint and watch your screensaver.
LOL JackC8,
I have an nice 55" aquarium set-up that does well for watching that.
(but I swear my big "Jack Dempsey" keeps making these mesmerizing goo-goo eyes at me).