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E3 2010: A Few Analyst Thoughts

Tomorrow will be big for us – Sony's press conference looms large – but in the meantime, the show rolls onward.

EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has offered up a few comments in reaction to what has been on display thus far, and that ranges from the new technology headed our way to all the most visible games. In regards to the show itself, Divnich says that "E3 2010 will be a critical inflection point for the video game industry, and a major catalyst for the sector's continued success and growth." Here's some more that gives you a bite-size impression of E3's presentations:

On PlayStation Move: "Sony’s PlayStation Move is a true evolution in motion based gaming by finally allowing developers to create high-definition motion based games that target both the casual and core gaming audience."

"Through combining both video and motion based control, Sony’s PlayStation Move is able to immerse both the core and mainstream gamer into true high-definition motion, highly interactive gaming experiences."

On 3D Gaming: "With the slow adoption rate for 3D televisions, EEDAR does not expect 3D gaming to be a significant driver of revenue and health for the industry over the short-term. However, as consumers naturally replace their televisions and adopt 3D television, 3D gaming will play an ever increasing role in driving revenue for the sector. Currently, EEDAR does not expect 3D supported video games to be a significant driver of industry revenue until 2013."

On Medal of Honor: "EEDAR believes the break in the Medal of Honor series was much needed, and given the success of Battlefield Bad Company 2, we have no doubts that Medal of Honor will resurge as a hit franchise."

On Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: "Many have raised concerns about the annualization of the Assassin’s Creed series; however, given its strong user replay ability, high accomplishment rates of Achievements/Trophies, and general critical acclaim, EEDAR believes UbiSoft can successfully release yearly iterations of Assassin’s Creed without hindrance to its sales potential through 2012. However, beyond 2012, we could begin to see brand and feature fatigue, which is common among franchises released annually."

On Call of Duty: Black Ops: "There is no doubt that the Infinity Ward saga will overhang the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops, but EEDAR does not expect the commercial success of this year’s Call of Duty franchise title to be hindered by the events that occurred."

And of course, for full articles based on Sony's conference tomorrow, you know where to go. We'll be all over that from the minute it starts and if you can find another source that gives you faster write-ups on all the announcements…well, don't bother looking 'cuz you won't find one.

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14 years ago

Speaking of 3D, the Crytek boss said that the xbox version of Crysis 2 will have 3D. How? Will people need the new xbox? I wouldn't be all that surprised knowing MS.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 6/14/2010 6:12:40 PM

14 years ago

I bet they do it using color separation and the old style 3D glasses.

14 years ago

lol 1950's tech on the Xbox.

Comedy Gold.

14 years ago

I'm thinking the 360 version will look like garbage.

I'm a little skeptical about it being on the PS3, more specifically the frame rate, since it will render in 3D. Hope they can pull it off!

14 years ago

Well Crytek said they were using the Cell. Most third party developers don't so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/14/2010 6:30:57 PM

14 years ago

Didn't realize that, I'm with you there Jawk

14 years ago

To be honest my most anticipated game to be shown at E3 is the new Zelda.

The new MOH looks good and I'm sure Sony's event will blow both MS's lack luster show and Nintendo's show to be out of the water but I'm Zelda deprived so my anticipation lies mostly with them. Especially since it seems Sony's has already announced all their new games.

14 years ago

Has Zelda been confirmed to be showcased this year at E3? Me hopes.

14 years ago

I thought they did. Nintendo said they wanted it out this year so i would assume something would be shown at E3.

14 years ago

Same here Jawknee, unless of course KH3 will be showcased, which knowing square probably isn't likely. GOD THEY SUCK

14 years ago

I just read up on the EA Keynote and unless you like shooters you need not apply. Other than a ridiculous number of shooters and straight up third person action we have Need For Speed – Hot Pursuit (By Criterion – so it will kick ass), their sports titles, EA Active, Sims 3 and…some more shootie games. Actually not a bad line up, just *very* heavy on shootie games.

14 years ago

MOH and Dead Space 2 are the only EA games that I'm interested in.

14 years ago

Dead Space 2 will be at Sony's conference tomorrow and it will finish the demo they started today… I wonder why…

14 years ago

Move support maybe?

14 years ago

Hot Pursuit 3 will be fottuto fantastico. I spent hours upon hours playing Hot Pursuit 2, and I consider every Need for Speed title between that and Hot Pursuit 3 to have never existed, or to not really be part of the franchise.

14 years ago

As far as 3D gaming goes, regardless of when it is released it will take a while to catch on. I figure the earlier the support the better to give it more time to grow.

14 years ago

It's tomorrow here in NZ… where is my Sony press conference!!!!

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

On the new 360 model: I will be interested to see if the machine defies the error/huge scratch rings of old.

14 years ago

The one that I was anticipating the most is MGS Rising and god it was disappointing if Kojima Pro is gonna call it Lightning Bolt Action, the gameplay shown aren't so "Lightning", and if you ask me, the actions in Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden are definitely faster.

Aside from the graphic and "Cut at your will" feature, nothing seems all that great and this coming from the studio that brought us MGS4.

Come on, I know the genius himself isn't directing this game BUT THOSE GUYS ARE WORKING UNDER THE GENIUS!!!!!

14 years ago

meh, Rising looks like it will be fun enough but its still no MGS game.

14 years ago

Another thought, i wonder how long this game will actually be. Seems with the graphics as nice as they are, there cant be too much room left on the DVD especially with how sound crazy Kojima Pro is. They love quality sound. Have you ever played MGS4 on a sound system turned up loud? Its a master piece

14 years ago

Never did, I just thought the audio was good but never noticed it's top-notch.

The 360 version will be inferior and multiple disc, that kind of graphic is exactly the same as the one in MGS4.

14 years ago

I hope Sony's is more exciting than Microsoft's. So far, it's a pretty boring E3.

Did anyone else notice the lag in the EA demo of Kinect? Wow. I loved how during the "punching bag" demo you can see how slow it is. Then they said "notice how the player bobs and weaves, then the avatar bobs and weaves" and the character on screen was doing a mild twitching thing. lol. I have no interest in Kinect at all now.

I'm hoping Sony kicks it up and has some actual surprises. So far, I'm not impressed. Wasn't it a slow year the year before this gen was introduced? Hmmm…

14 years ago

"I hope Sony's is more exciting than Microsoft's. So far, it's a pretty boring E3."

I'm sure it won't be hard to beat today's snooze fest.

14 years ago

THIS JUST IN-Ubisoft is hard at work on a game that teaches you to breathe…….zzzzzzz…..

14 years ago

Just about everything Ubisoft is ZzzZzZzzz….

14 years ago

Guess it's all right there in their name. "You Be Soft".

I kinda dig AC, though.

14 years ago

Nintendo and Sony kicking ass tomorrow 8)

14 years ago

Cool looks like the 360 FINALLY has built in wi-fi now they have almost caught up with the PS3

14 years ago

And it took them 5 years.
Took Sony 3 years only.

14 years ago

What do you mean it only took Sony 3 years? Wifi was built in at launch was it not? i bought my 60gb model less then a year after it's release and it has built in Wifi.

14 years ago

Ah, sorry, I forgot to said that I was referring to the slim.

14 years ago

oh i see. 🙂

14 years ago

Wireless n is a nice touch and all, but wired is always better. I'd actually rather have a cheaper unit if offered the choice. Of course, I have no need for an Xbox anyway.

14 years ago

Wireless was not in the 20gb start model. Stupid me didn't know that and bought it. i didn't use wireless until a year or so after. Then i got hooked on resistance's online.

14 years ago

NeoHumpty, weird thing is I set up ad hoc party so I could play Peace Walker online and when I tested my connection on the PS3, wired was only 2.5 give or take Mbps while the wireless connection was 8 something. I don't know why, but my set up seems to run better wireless performance wise too.

14 years ago

Wireless' biggest issue is latency. Wireless connections always have a higher latency because of protocol overheads.

14 years ago

They had a small segment related to E3 on the late news here in NZ and boy was it very 360 orientated with very brief mentions to the ps3 and wii. They definitely focused on natal and microsoft. So sad.

14 years ago

The original 60gigger's, all had wi-fi built right in.

14 years ago

Yep, I have 2, and they are wonderful. Only thing is it's only 802.11b/g, but since most people don't have Internet bandwidth that exceeds the data rate of 802.11b it's not an issue.

14 years ago

yea you're right about the bandwidth issue. but 802.11n does expand the range of the you're wifi network therefore making it more reliable in my opinion.

14 years ago

Oh you're right, I forgot about the range thing. Definitely a big plus.

14 years ago

Wow that was pretty dull from M$! you get a new and improved eye toy, games that we new were coming and to top it all off they had to give a heap of the new model 360 away because it was goin so lame lol. Now its sony chance to blow M$ out of E3.

14 years ago

Saw the MGS R demo today. I wasn't really impressed but at the same time i wasn't disappointed. Well, I was in a different sense.

14 years ago

I find it funny how they hype over the bigger hdd for xbox makes me laugh, i've still have a bigger hdd in my PS3 thats what I love about it I can have a bigger hdd all I want, people are going to race for this and learn you still can't upgrade unless u buy a whole new console.

Can;t wait for later today for Sony's conference 🙂 getting pretty excited.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Damn, wish I'd stayed at my sister's place today, and tomorrow, I could have watched them, and have been updating here as I watched, and as you updated. Oh well, I need the money more. Kinect is a joke. It's a glorified PSEye, with voice recognition. The combination of PSEye and PSMove is a far more powerful tool for gaming, particularly when used in conjunction with a 3D set. That's all I have to say about that.

Sony know what they're doing with their SKUs. Have done all along, and will continue to do so. They've long since announced their ten year cycle, and they will stick to it. I don't doubt that they have a retaliatory strike against the new 360.

Rising, I want and have wanted all along, same with Dead Space 2. I'm keeping my eyes on MOH and AC:B, but Black Ops is nowhere in sight.

As far as looking for another site, I wouldn't bother anyway, but I like to get multiple views on any given subject, so I'll make sure to check out my other two sources. PSXExtreme always comes first though.

Oh, E3 is a lovely time to be a gamer.

14 years ago

im a little worried about sonys release tomorrow.
i can see them doing exactly what M$ did today, and that really disappointed me!
as i said the other day i can see both focusing on their motion controllers, networks, and other tech but ignore hardcore games.
well, i got one part right, M$ did not announce 1 hardcore game, well besides that crytek one which we know nothing about.
i really hope sony does not follow suit, i hope they focus on announcing at least 3 new games we have not heard about.
but my guts telling me ill be leaving home very disappointed tomorrow morning, just like M$ did to me this morning.

14 years ago

yeah but at least last E3 both showed off some amazing games.
this year i doubt we will get that though, just a drowning of casual games.
dont get me wrong some of those look like allot of fun, but they cant compare to the uncharteds and syphon filters of the world.

14 years ago

Well, I read a preview over at IGN where the PS3 guys, who were lukewarm on the Move previously, had a two-hour hands on session with the Move and came away suitably impressed with its pixel-perfect accuracy.

In short, they are now truly excited about the Move's possibilities.

One of them discussed the accuracy of the Move in terms of a play session for Socom 4 where he was behind cover and peeked out and shot the enemy in the only part of the body that was visible… his foot. Yes, his foot!

He went on to note there was no way he could've made that shot with a DualShock.

How is that for accuracy and a 1:1 ratio?

Oh, and they also discussed some tech geometry demo that allowed you to control things on your screen ala Minority Report.

All this in a $60 camera Sony released two-plus years ago.

Last edited by Orvisman on 6/15/2010 9:19:13 AM