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Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Lands A Release Date

Assassin's Creed II is absolutely one of the generation's best, which is why millions of franchise fans will be anxiously awaiting this year's entry.

It may seem a little fast but we do have faith in Ubisoft's talented team, and we know Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood should be another big title for the holiday season. Up until now, however, we didn't have an exact release date. But news from E3 has confirmed that Ezio's newest adventure will drop on November 16, 2010 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, which is exactly one week after Activision brings out their hotly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops . …man, this sounds a lot like last year's scenario with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and ACII, doesn't it? Ubisoft was one of the few publishers out there unfazed by MW2's star power and they released ACII with confidence. It wasn't unwarranted, either, as they went on to ship over 6 million copies of the awesome title. However, is anyone else the slightest bit concerned about this potential new focus on multiplayer in Brotherhood ? Are we expecting a drop in the length and overall quality of the single-player campaign as a result? Sadly, this has been a common occurrence this generation and we're hoping against hope…

But the multiplayer does sound appealing: players will have to aid the Templars by using Abstergo to train in the art of assassination and eliminate the Assassins. A cast of unique characters awaits, too, so it ought to be fairly entertaining.

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14 years ago

New characters always offer more opportunities to learn more about the characters we're already familiar with. This should hopefully be a very worthwhile title.

I personally hope the multiplayer is strong enough to give me 100+ hours online with friends in other provinces and countries.

14 years ago

I say too fast, I haven't even played the second installment yet, not that I'm planning to anytime soon, since the people at my rental store told me they weren't allowed to let people rent games anymore -_-
oh well, I hope they at least fixed the graphics, because from the small amount I've played and seen, I'm not impressed by the graphics.

14 years ago

If you don't plan on playing the second one then how on earth is this too soon? Your vote in the matter is pretty irrelevant no?

14 years ago

@ alienage

Si 🙂

14 years ago

Now here's one I am actually looking forward to.

I played the first, which I thought was good to start but got quickly repetitive.

The second, however, was a revelation.

Let's hope the third continues the same progression.

14 years ago

As much as I love ACII, and while ACIII will be a D1P, I'll wait for the price to drop on Brotherhood.

14 years ago

what do u mean, AC3 is Assasins Creed Brotherhood.

14 years ago

No its not. They are different games.

14 years ago

@ ellejuss

No it is not, this one is more of a MP game while three will pick up from where 2 ended, Cant wait for both 🙂

14 years ago

assassins creed is a good series… but the numerous audio and technical glitches keep it from being one of this generations best in my opinion.
its still a great game though

14 years ago

Whatever it is, brotherhood does not catch my interested and unless it scores higher than an 9 it will not end up on my list. Still tons of games out there to get

14 years ago

Strange that it is called AC Brotherhood when you play as a Templar. I'm very curious as to what plot is about.

Playing as a Templar might also be exactly what makes the multiplayer great. I can see playing as an assassin, a lonely job, being odd in mp. A Templar might very well be more suited to the game type.

14 years ago

Well you will be playing as the assassins in single player and they are a brotherhood.

14 years ago

They expect me to play BOTH sides of the fence??

Ok… I can do that.

14 years ago

AC2 was a great achievement artistically. It had some of the best animations, best platforming, shockingly good collection and exploration, great scale, breath-taking attention to detail, immersive settings, and quality voice-overs.

So, in my opinion, is it amongst the very best of this generation? Well, if one considers it in parts as in the aforementioned break-down, I'll give a resounding "yes". But as a whole, I found that it lacked cohesiveness.

It seems the devs had a checklist of super ambitious features and points of focus, which they succeeded at fulfilling, yet how these features came together in the core gameplay of the final product seemed to be more of an after-thought than the main point of focus as it should've been. It's as if they formed the game from the outside to the inside, rather than the from the inside-out. So in the end, it felt rather inert compared to R*'s projects, and lacked the actual fun of a game like inFamous.

Also, the mystique of the first game was lost out totally in the sequel. The story, which is an essential driving force to most single-player games, just didn't do it for me, and ran out of gas very quickly, about half way through. So, although I bought the first, and gave the second one a chance, I'll most likely be passing on the "Brotherhood" as well as the "ACIII".

But at worst, it will be worth a playthrough, and at best, a land-mark achievement in many departments and a worthy addition to any hording-fiend's library.

14 years ago

And by 'it', i'm referring to ACiii. I'm not so sure how well the multiplayer will work with "Brotherhood", but it's something definitely interesting enough to see, since how they will evolve the core gameplay will be especially critical. Pehaps even ACiii will benefit because of "Brotherhood".

14 years ago

interesting. offline we play as the heroes (assassins) and online as the enemies (templars)?

i wonder if this will affect my playing style..

PS: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz

Last edited by erislocker on 6/14/2010 2:28:13 PM

14 years ago

they had to cut two chapters from the ACII disc because of time constraints. With multiplayer in brotherhood, I predict that a much shorter campaign is an inevitability, especially with the seemingly shorter development cycle.

14 years ago

I say BS to them locking two chapters due to time constraints.
They only did it to fleede more money out of gamers as a fake DLC.

I mean, I would think that the 2 chapters had to be already done in order to sell us keys to the padlocks on the very same stolen content they already sold us.

14 years ago

Rome was going to be AC2 but the team decided Rome was big enough for its own game. I think that's how AC:B is coming out so soon. The AC2 team has been working on it for a while. I also like how the multiplayer is part of the cannon of the series instead of some costume-deathmatch mode.

14 years ago

I'm sorry Ubisoft but if you take Activision's annual route, then I can't buy this game. Even the father of AC had to leave because he thought this was too fast. It's only been a year since the sequel. Yea sure, new features. To me it sounds like AC 2.5, with new storyline and multiplayer but same engine and same gay character. I'm sorry but Ezio was wack, Altair was badass. I don't wanna play as an orphan.

14 years ago

Think of it like Dragon Age: Origins: Awakenings (too…many…subtitles). It's more an expansion pack than a separate game, which is why it's not AC3.

Ubisoft will push for yearly releases in some cases (e.g., POP, Splinter Cell), but they usually don't let it ruin quality properties.

14 years ago

Once again, completely unnecessary multiplayer shoved down our throats. Does anyone think we'll ever see another great single-player experience WITHOUT mult-player or online. I for one miss those days. If there has to be online make it like Metal Gear Solid 4 where it didn't take focus over the regular game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Admittedly, I'm intrigued by this. I haven't yet played AC2 (waiting for a GOTY edition. They want to admit to cutting content and not give a good reason, I can wait) and can't play online, so that's no detriment to me. I see this as an interquel. It is not necessary for the key storyline, but it works in fleshing out the characters. Oh well, as I understand there is no Desmond in it, so I probably won't buy it. I might though. I'll decide when I get AC2 and hear more about this game.

14 years ago

its not too soon, the developers who are working on this are different to the guys who worked on AC1 and AC2.
actually this has been in development since AC released, so its not too soon at all!
i cant wait for this, assassins creed has become my favorite series this gen!!!!!