Rockstar had said they were on top of the Red Dead Redemption multiplayer issues, and we would soon have a fix-it patch.
Well, that patch is now available for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, as reported by VG247 . The patch fixes those annoying connection errors and there's also improved reporting for Shootout and Gang Shootout matches, and fresh support for a "Hardcore Free Roam" mode that disables auto-aim. The game type will launch soon but at least support for the mode comes with this update. Here's the complete list of enhancements and fixes:
Red Dead Redemption is one hell of an experience, online or offline, but it's nice to know that Rockstar is paying attention to the complaints and suggestions of gamers. And yes, we are aware of the single-player glitches, but they're nothing you shouldn't expect in a massive world that essentially requires no loading and a constant flow of life. So the train goes by and one of the women seated on the train remains suspended over the tracks, reading on as if nothing had happened. It's part of the charm, really.
Related Game(s): Red Dead Redemption
Haha. True…
If you can't find a way to put more effort into your posts, please don't bother.
It is true that despite the various glitches integrated into this masterpiece of a game, it still adds to the overall immersion factor.
Again, @Hitch, humor eludes you, doesn't it?
Again Underdog, you are irrelevant…haha
Dude…. you are such a DOUCHEBAG!
Ahh shut up idiot
I wondered what that was, I had to dl it last night before playing. It was small, it only took 10 seconds from start to finish.
fix the ridiculously small reticule!
o, and the pop in and the horses some how magically walking through walls.
today i was riding to a mission, hitched my horse went in, came out hopped onto my horse and he some how fused himself to the post.
i must say R* games have the funniest bugs!
anyone remember the swing of death from GTAIV?
I'm sorry but that last paragraph kinda brings up some questions in my mind. I first off want to point out that I in no way mean to be disrespectful because I have the utmost respect for the staff at psx.
However here is the problem that I am having. RDR and Just Cause 2 are both open world sandbox games. Just Cause 2 has a much larger world than RDR, not just in map size alone, but in elevation as well.
I have played both of these games over 50 hours and on both accounts made adjustments to the controls, both being minor. After which the controls for these 2 games seem nearly identical other than RDR uses r2 l2 setup instead of r1 l1 setup like just cause 2.
Truthfully I have played Just Cause 2 for about 95 hours and RDR for about 55 hours. In that time I have found way more glitches in RDR than I have in JC2. The glitches in JC2 rarely hindered any gameplay aspects. Meanwhile several of the glitches I have experienced on RDR have not only hindered gameplay, but sometimes have been incredibly infuriating.
So all of this leads me to this question, how can it be that in your review for JC2 you claim that it is drawn down to a 6.9 because of all its flaws and glitches, where as RDR receives a 9.3 and in this articles you claim
"And yes, we are aware of the single-player glitches, but they're nothing you shouldn't expect in a massive world that essentially requires no loading and a constant flow of life. So the train goes by and one of the women seated on the train remains suspended over the tracks, reading on as if nothing had happened. It's part of the charm, really."
I commented in the JC2 review comments that I was shocked by that review, but this has me pondering this even more. I love both games, altho I feel RDR hasn't given me as many hours as JC2, without a doubt RDR has a much better story. However not all games are about the story.
I'd like to say that because I love both games, I'd like you to try tweaking the controls on JC2 to your liking, get used to them, and give the game another chance. It really is a blast.
the controls in red dead redemption are no where near as bad as the controls in just cause 2 .
not only the placement of the controls but there responsiveness they were really laggy and sloppy.
i loved just cause 2, i think its a much m ore fun game than RDR, but overall RDR is a much better game because it does everything well appose to just fun well like JC2.
not to mention the level design in JC2 was crap.
there was almost absolutely no variety in there what so ever.
not to mention the city, the environment, your actions, side missions was much better in RDR.
in JC2 the world does not feel alive, in RDR you have people react to you based on your previous behavior, and the side missions actually were there for something, not to just fill in some time.
fun wise JC2 is by far the better game.
but technologically wise, and overall RDR is definetley a better game.
JC2 certainly did not deserve a 6.9 just like alpha protocol, maybe more like a 7.5.
but anything more than that is too high, RDR really deserves a 9.
taking off a point because the bugs, and because the games so freaking repetitive!!!!!!
when will R* learn how to make a game without repeating levels 10 times?
all you do in RDR is get on a kart, roll out, kill people rinse and repeat.
come on R* some variety please!!!!!!!!!!
that was the main complaint with GTAIV, they fixed it with the DLC but they fell back into their old bad habits with this.
Last edited by ___________ on 6/14/2010 8:25:22 AM
– 2 points for the worlds worst voice acting EVER in JC2. Besides that, the game is awesome.
mr underscore person, how can you say
"not to mention the level design in JC2 was crap.
there was almost absolutely no variety in there what so ever."
JC2 had jungles, forests, deserts, snow, mountains, cities, villages, and varying bodies of water.
I never claimed it was perfect, but saying no variety is silly. After all 95% of RDR is desert, not that I mind because well it's the old west and that's what you'd expect.
As for the controls, all I had to do was turn down the horizontal turn speed on JC2 and I never had any problems with the controls, did I experience glitches in the game, yes, but no control problems.
I'm not trying to say one game is definitively better than the other because I think each of them are better in certain area's and worse in certain area's. I merely am wondering why in JC2 where glitches don't effect gameplay is considered flawed and why glitches in RDR which can effect gameplay are considered charm.
what do environments have to do with level design?
level design is referring to the missions, they were all go here and blow this up.
granted RDR was pretty much the same thing, but it had a little more variety.
Can someone give R* a PS3 controller and have them try playing for 3 consecutive hours? Truth be told, the XBOX controller's trigger is more suited for firing; the R2 button–NOT.
Please please give an update that lets players switch L1/R1 functionality with L2/R2. The muscles at the underpart of my arm always hurt after a long session of RDR due to the fact that the PS3 triggers give more resistance the more it is pressed, and the repeated presses make for sore muscles (and I would assume may lead to carpal tunnel? hehe dunno)
Carpal Tunnel has more to do with how your wrists sit through repeated movements with your appendages. There is a nerve that runs through your wrist between a number of carpals. The space the nerve runs through is called "Carpal Tunnel". Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when constant flexing pinches the nerve at the point inside the tunnel. Since the tunnel is so small, once pinched, it takes a longer time than most nerves to become un-pinched.
Typically, when you hold a controller your wrists are bent outwards. When typing they're bent more downwards, which makes it easier to get carpal tunnel. That's why they make wrist-rests to keep you wrists pointed up. It can still happen, but a lot less likely.
Tip: If you are worried about carpal tunnel, you can test yourself frequently to see if you're getting close to the syndrome. Supinate your hand (palm up as if holding a bowl of soup. Good way to tell the difference between supination and pronation.) and while it is relaxed, use your other hand to palpitate (tap) the base of your palm where most of the creases in your hand are. If it makes your fingers tingle, stop playing for a while and stretch it out, as that indicates your nerve is getting pinched.
thanks for the info Underdog. I have no idea what nerves are which are being affected when PS3 triggers are pressed I just assumed they were similar to the nerves impacted by having your wrists rest for long intervals on a keyboard. Granted, PS3 controller is the best IMO but the triggers are only for racing. Shooting–big NO NO. Not for long term use, at least.
CT hurts like a biatch.
I get it intermittently here & there in both wrists from my job.
And if I go to bed with it, I can forget getting even a moment's worth of sleep.
Even taking Peracets won't dull the freaking pain.
Thank goodness mine's only intermittent and a not constant ailment, so I don't need an operation……yet.
Now they just need to fix the cut scene glitches where the dialogue drops out or fluctuates. It's very annoying to have to read your way through all the cut scenes. Mexico was really bad, the Blackwater area was a little better. But it happened again last night on a Beecher's Hope mission.
Anyone else having this problem?
Oh for sure, many of the cut scenes have sound problems, some have other glitches as well.
Like any game with great multiplayer, patches are necessary. Thanks for the attention to details R* and keep up the good work. I love RDR and am glad they had the nerve to make it.
Now if only there was a patch that would allow me to friggin' KILL someone in a mp match. I'm pants at the online!
Did anyone find that secret chest at the end? I guess it's a secret, because I haven't read anything about it. I may have missed information about it or it's not that big of a deal to anyone. So, I won't name the contents since no one else has.
I had a cool glitch. A woman split into two during a cutscene. One was stuck in a previous scene while the other proceeded with the story. In the previous scene she was crying so that's what she did through the whole cut scene.
Last edited by tes37 on 6/14/2010 6:23:42 PM