It was quite the episode of GameTrailersTV last night, as the hour-long program featured Tomonobu Itagaki's new game and a guest host supermodel.
Arguably the biggest, most explosive debut went to Killzone 3 and the very first gameplay footage ever seen of Guerrilla's next potential masterpiece. We've heard about two fresh new additions: an enhanced melee combat mechanic, and the inclusion of futuristic jet packs. Well, you can see both on display here; the jet pack bit where the dude rips it off an enemy, puts it on, and proceeds to engage in combat while flying forward is just plain sweet . And of course, the game looks damn amazing, as expected.
We expect to see even more at E3 and perhaps the first release date estimation. They may do what the Sony Santa Monica team has done with the God of War franchise; i.e., release new installments in the same month. GoW has always been March, for instance, so perhaps KZ3 will be ready to go in either late-January or early-February 2011. Either way, it's going to have one hell of an impact on the FPS genre.
Related Game(s): Killzone 3
btw has anyone thought that the less weighty controls could give u a sense that you are not a soldier on a military mission, but you are a rouge man on your own trying 2 stay alive?
i dunno, it made perfect sense to me
I was fascinated with the video last night. I was pissing my pants the whole time.
pics or it didn't happen.
Holy crap did anyone see Devil's Third? I'm down for a bit of the old ultra violence. 😀
And GT5, SOCOM4, and of course, Killzone 3. Man, PS3 has an awesome lineup.
The (PS3 sxclusive) trailers shown last night were impressive.
Killzone 3 looks amazing, and I look forward to that game big time!
SOCOM 4 is another title I can't wait to see and play first hand.
GT5. Nothing new was shown that blew me away, but the end of the trailer? I liked what I saw. "Customization" was shown at the end of the PS3 only does, and that has me excited since that feature will be new to the GT series.
I think they made the graphics on GT5 even better (if that were possible). The rally car crashing showed a pretty nice damage system. Man, I can't wait for GT5! PS3 sales will skyrocket upon this game's release.
HOnestly that did look very amazing! I have to say I loved the first Killzone, but did anybody ever see it developing into one of SONY's flagship games for the PlayStation brand? I mean yes the first entry was amazing but I honestly believed it would fade as a series after the first game. I wanted a sequel but didnt really expect it. Glad to see I was wrong after all.
Well, the media dubbed it the "Halo Killer". It didn't do that, but KZ3 has a shot, not at "Killing Halo"(whatever that means), but perhaps at cementing Killzone as the AAA PS3 FPS (enough acronyms for ya?). Sony's Halo, as it were. I have high hopes!
My favourite part of the video has gotta be when Sev slides to cover.
Now that's cover system.
A Killzone Virgin and will never be stabbed :)]
never been a fan of FPS other than Bioshock
As much as I'm sure this will be a big hit I agree with those saying the 1weapon+pistol restriction is ridiculous.
There's such a thing as a happy medium, which imo would be either 2+pistol or 1+SMG+pistol. It's not at all an unrealistic weight to be carrying and just that tiny tweak can give you actual options rather than for example just being a sniper who is practically defenseless once someone gets close.
Not to mention so many people think carrying a few guns at once is somehow superhuman yet they have no problem with most shooters now being populated by wolverines in disguise who don't mind being shot hundreds of times, just as long as it's not all at once.
^^^Agree totally. Anway I can't believe how good the graphics are, but I hope they explain why they are in snow…I know ND lent their talent, but I hope they just didn't do snow because they can make it look good. Anyway, they should release this earlier because I'm tired of waiting for good games…hope Transformers is good. Just got done with GTAIV episodes…pretty solid.
it will?
i guess i better go check my pulse then!
honestly whats the big deal?
i got so excited for the sequel and that really disappointed me so im finding it hard to get too excited for this.
ill be getting it obviously, but 50 bucks says ill have the same mind of it i did KZ2.
i really cant see this being much better than its father, prove me wrong, i really hope they do.
but till then.
This one looks like it is worth a pre order!
Why will this trailer on Killzone 3 leave me breathless again? It looks just like Killzone 2 and that's not saying much. I'm not a fan of a shoot'em up game that goes from one stage to another with no real story behind it. There was no exploration in Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 looks just like Killzone 2. The scenery and stages look identical, as if they don't know of a better place to drop this game into and make it more appealing. I don't care for graphics, never did. I just care for game play. This game better surprise me.
I'm sure the game will end up looking a lot better than what they showed on the trailer, but I have to say that I was very unimpressed with that gameplay trailer… I don't know what a lot of you are talking about as looking so much better than KZ2??
Killzone 2 was, and still is one of the best looking PS3 games (and games overall of any system) to date with awesome detailed textures, physics with dangling wires, flags etc, weather/particle effects, you name it.
So far I don't see anything in this trailer that's even on par with KZ2 graphics 🙁 That close-up on Sev at the top of the snowy mountain looks horrible, low detailed, flat textures all around. Come on, you can do better than this!