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Secret GTTV Game Is Itagaki And THQ’s Devil’s Third

Well, that was interesting.

THQ boss Danny Bilson and that "legendary game designer" we've been hearing about have now revealed their new project on GameTrailersTV, called Devil's Third . The world premiere trailer just went on the air about two minutes ago and the video is below: as most of you know, Itagaki – often known as the "bad boy" of game developers – once worked with Tecmo to produce some of the finest action games available; they featured the name, "Ninja Gaiden." Well, Devil's Third is clearly a visceral combination of those classic Japanese influences with Western intensity; there's a huge amount of blood, massive gunplay mixed with sword-fighting, dudes running along walls in traditional ninja fashion whilst dodging incoming minigun fire, etc. Towards the end of the teaser, a female character runs up a wall and decapitates an unknowing enemy with ferocious speed. Itagaki himself made the announcement from Tokyo (and he always looks the same), and he said his new team at Valhalla Games wanted to embrace new forms of movement and action.

It certainly looks promising. They're combining elements we really never thought we'd see combined; one minute, it looks like a bloodier version of NG and the next, it's a third-person shooter with outlandish platforming. Gotta keep an eye on this one.

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14 years ago

i hope it's better than the game with the chic with the sword, that had the lady from dollhouse as the voice character. what is the name of that game. well anyway, is it just me or do these darn advertisements pop up literally in front of the articles and unlike ign or others for example, there's no way to delete it. are you guys doing this on purpose. please fix it, it is very annoying.

14 years ago

the game was called Wet, it was worth a purchase for the music alone

14 years ago

Interesting indeed, and Square Enix can learn from this.

Hack and slash combined with shooting, now that's how you try to appeal to both east and west instead of screwing the east for the west.

And I never was a fan of Itagaki, maybe this will change after Devil's Third, but we'll see.

14 years ago

Wow, I don't get it. I saw the announcement and the trailer on spike hd and was I ever unimpressed by this "big" announcement.

I'm not a hack n' slash fan to begin with, but the visuals on this game looked terrible. Everything was square-ish, colors were drab, gameplay screams twitch gamer fantasy.

Let me explain the square-ish comment, The background and scenery was all squared off, no rounded edges, looked like the background was made from painted cardboard boxes. The characters were also squared off, the big decapitation at the end of the video was terrible.

Poor art design, poor gameplay, and from the sound of it, I'm guessing it will have a poor story.

I'm sorry, but I'm incredibly underwhelmed and totally disappointed.

14 years ago

I really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and this looks like a ton of fun as well. Destruction, blood, boobs, hey – its got it all 🙂

14 years ago

I wasn't interested until I watched the trailer. Looks like a bloody good time. Looking forward to seeing more now.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

I really enjoyed NG:Black, 'coz it was one of the few action games that actually were challenging. It also featured the best 3D rendition of Ayane (I didn't like Sigma 2's design of Ayane at all). There were some eater eggs here and there and the original NG 2D games were unlockable (though you needed the original Ninja Gaiden and NG:Black to get them all).

Hope Valhalla won't slack off on the difficulty as they did with NG2(360)/NGS2.

Gonna keep an eye on this one.

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

This looks a lot like WET, but with more polish. Looks great.

14 years ago

Looks good but it's one of those games that doesn't WOW me by watching the video at this point but once more info comes out that'll probably change.

14 years ago

I rather let the Xbots get Ninja Gaiden III and a year later we get Ninja Gaiden Sigma III just to get the better version that was designed for the PS3.

14 years ago

Saw the trailer an to be honest I'm left feeling diappointed.

14 years ago

I sent Ben an e-mail two days ago with a link to an article on andriasang that pretty much said Itagaki was the "legendary" creator debuting his game on GT TV.

King James
King James
14 years ago

looks like what WET should've been.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

Yea, WET with polish means D1P for me ^^.

Funny though, that the E3 trailer has been censored on all sites (3 minutes GOW3 trailer, anyone?) but the original GTTV E3 all access one.

Last edited by ro kurorai on 6/13/2010 8:48:14 AM

14 years ago

I'm a sucker for games with awesome dismemberment systems, i.e. Die by the Sword, Ninja Gaiden, and even Soldier of Fortune. This game looks great.

14 years ago

Oh, and Timekillers! Man, I wish someone would bring that game to PSN.

14 years ago

Ehhhh, my opinion, I really don't care for Itagaki, yeah Ninja Gaiden was good, but not omg this is the best game good or anything, and DoA has always been a joke to me, he cared too much about pointless details in a game that was supposed to be able fighting, then it changing to crap. I dunno, just don't consider him a Legendary Creator…but eh, rather have seen something new by Kojima or something

14 years ago

looks interesting. but the action seems pretty focused, i.e. only happening on one part of the screen. the whole atmosphere broods chaos yet everything happens only on a specific time. compare as I may, UC2 accomplishes the chaotic atmosphere and you SEE mayhem all around the screen. my two cents..

14 years ago

Meh… [yawns at this 'earth-shattering', 'secret game info 2010' news] This guy has never been on my radar… and as for the dismemberment system… saw something better on E3 coverage last night… Why do PS3 guys care about this guy?

He must be a disciple of Gates… see how he uses his evil powers to balance that 360 on his fingertips… I'll pass on this one! Probably a plot to YLoD PS3's! LOL Him being the M$ FANBOY and all. LOL

FYI, Don't flame me or thumb me down… it's tongue-in-cheek sarcastic humor…