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Keep Your White Knight Chronicles Clear Data, Or Else…

By now, RPG fans know about Level-5's ambition to include the original White Knight Chronicles with the upcoming sequel. They should also know that what they've done in WKC won't be lost; most all of their avatar's stats and accomplishments will make the jump, too.

But you know, there's a reason for all this. The other aspect of this deal is that if you don't have a clear save file from the first title, you'll be forced to play through the original WKC before embarking on the sequel. We were actually wondering if this might be the case when we heard the developers were overhauling the first game to look and play exactly like the follow-up story. And according to Andriasang citing a recent 4gamer interview with series director Toshiyuki Kusuda, this is a fact: you need a "clear data" (not just "save data") file on your PS3 if you want to skip the revamped WKC and start White Knight Chronicles 2 . If you have that file, you will have the option of skipping ahead to the sequel or starting fresh from the beginning, which lets you keep your items and such, but also means you have to start over at Level 1. If you just want to start WKC2, regardless of the level gained by your character at the end of the first game, you will be reset to Level 35.

Oh, and there's one other thing: because the version of WKC included in the sequel is so very different than the version currently available, they will not be compatible during online play. On the flip side, social networking components are shared, so you'll still be able to view old Friends lists and Journal entries.

Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles 2

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14 years ago

Reminds me of how all the dot.hack games played out.

14 years ago

I am digging it. If you are going to pick up where you left off then shouldn't you…I don't know, pick up where you left off.

And yes it is very reminiscent of the .hack series which was pretty awesome.

14 years ago

of course i'll keep it but i'll probably replay it anyway

14 years ago

Sounds good
Who wouldn't keep their save data anyway?

Really digging the effort Level 5 is putting into this series

14 years ago

Clear data, not save data.

14 years ago

WKC didn't hit high enough on my radar to warrant a purchase and still hasn't. Maybe if WKC2 is any good I'll pick it up ^_^

14 years ago

you are missing out on a jrpg masterpiece my friend. If you haven't come around by the time the second 1 arrives, I will feel sorry for you.

14 years ago

Kraygen is right. Seems like ps3 exclusives lay it down once again. But hey if u try it and it doesn't grab u, then it just doesn't grab u. Me? I 'm loving this game.

14 years ago

This is a heck of a value and a heck of a long game for first-time players or even for those of us who decide to play through WKC1 again with the improved graphics and WKC2's new mechanics.

Especially since now the player's avatar can turn into one of those giant knights.

14 years ago

My harddrive crashed 🙁 so I guess I have to replay it! Hah sweet that I can play the improved version of the first as well. 🙂

14 years ago

I haven't got the 1st one yet since I heard it's included in the sequel, so all good here.

14 years ago

ha, I like the idea of including previous versions of games in the newer one, at least for older titles. But being forced to complete the first before getting to play the second? Not quite so sure about that one

14 years ago

Agreed. You didn't have to do that in the dot.hack series. It would give you a quick synopsis of the previous entries, and start you at a set level for an average playthrough. Plus, they have unlockable features that allow you to watch CG from past games, too. Mind you, you benefit from playing the past titles yourself by keeping items gained and your TRUE level attained.

Nevertheless, it's obviously been done before. No reason they can't do it here.

14 years ago

WKC is not really the kind of story I would want a synopsis of, it's a jrpg. Would you be comfortable with a synopsis of FF 7 if there were a sequel?

Besides that wkc is well worth the play thru.

14 years ago

I would want a synopsis if the first FF7 didn't end in conclusion. The dot.hack stories don't end until the last game in a collection (like in the case for the original 4 and the GU trilogy).

I haven't beaten WKC yet. I've gotten pretty far, but still not finished. (Top of to do list) So I don't know how it ends. FF7 doesn't suggest there will be a sequel. Crisis Core does, but the game FF7 does have side quests to give you a quick idea of what happened in CC.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/11/2010 2:04:26 PM

14 years ago

it just depends on the game. white knight chronicles is the type of story that you would need to have played the first game to thoroughly enjoy. the conflicts, character backgrounds, and all that stuff were built in the first game. its not like final fantasy X where it definitely stands alone and the seques X2 is a stand alone game by itself. white knight chronicles ended on a cliffhanger that immediately tells the player that there will be and it needed a sequel to it. while in final fantasy X, the ending was already set while giving you a possibility that there was a sequel. it couldve ended with the first game and let the player interpret what happens after.

14 years ago

Thank God I was able to transfer it to my new HDD. A little bit of help here and there and we have a new Final Fantasy contender.

PS: love the forcing thing.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/11/2010 1:29:44 PM

14 years ago

Yeah this is uber awesome news, I am so excited about this, I can't wait. I have played almost 150 hours on wkc and when the second one comes out and I transfer my stuff over, I still plan on playing the first one again with the new play style.

Since you can get a bunch of stuff from online without completing the game I would suggest to all of those who have it, to quickly finish the game 1 more time before the second one comes out so you can have a clear data save tha has everything you've done online.

Just because since you apparently need a clear data and a save data, makes me think it may load your stuff from your last clear data, so as a just in case, thats my plan. Plus I love the story. So good.

14 years ago

This is so retarded. So basically Level 5 is acknowledging the fact that they screwed up WKC 1 and are "revamping" it…so basically people who spent $60 on WKC 1 got an inferior product and wasted their cash when they could've waited for the better, "revamped" product? Gee, thanks Level 5!

14 years ago

What are you complaining about. Even if what you say is true and Level 5 "screwed" up the first WKC (it didn't), if you played the first one and enjoyed it and plan to buy the second one and Level 5 is including the improved ("corrected") WKC1 with every copy of WKC2 for $60, how could you feel ripped off by the "inferior" version when you are getting two games for the same $60 you would have spent on WKC2 alone?

14 years ago

As someone who passed on the original and liked the idea but hated everything I heard about the execution, this might be a boon for me.

But they'd have to improve the game quite a bit for me to pick up this 2fer1 sequel.

14 years ago

I'm going to get WKC together when it hits with 2 anyway, so this fine by me.

Rhys Keyne
Rhys Keyne
14 years ago

A friend got me a copy of WKC. I like it, I just don't have the time to play it… Once I finish it though, I WILL keep and back up my clear data and get ready for WKC2. Thanks for the heads-up Ben!

14 years ago

OK, I'm "tech" dumb so I'll bite…

Shat do they actually mean by "clear" data???

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Shat. LOL. Now THAT is a typo. Clear data is story complete. Simple. At least I think so.

14 years ago

haha, if you spelt 'bite' as 'byte' you could have made an unbelievably bad pun there 🙂

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Ah, yes. Brilliant idea. I was already sold on this idea, and WKC, I simply never got around to, but this definitely puts two high on my list.
Peace y'all.

14 years ago

Picked up WKC yesterday it was onsale for 39 bucks new couldn't resist that price. Can't wait to try it.

14 years ago

I'm glad I decided to wait it out and get White Knight Chronicles 2 with the first game included.

Actually, Xplay, IGN, reviews on Metacritic didn't give it all that great a review, so I decided not to bother. FF XIII got a higher review, and I've barely touched it.

Glad that White Knight Chronicles 2 comes with a redone version of the first game for free. Will definitely pick that up.

I gues it's true when people say "Good things come to those who wait".

14 years ago

I'm glad I decided to wait it out and get White Knight Chronicles 2 with the first game included.

Actually, Xplay, IGN, reviews on Metacritic didn't give it all that great a review, so I decided not to bother. FF XIII got a higher review, and I've barely touched it.

Glad that White Knight Chronicles 2 comes with a redone version of the first game for free. Will definitely pick that up.

I gues it's true when people say "Good things come to those who wait".