So it looks like Sony wants to get all the big announcements out of the way before E3. …bizarre, but whatever.
We now know about Killzone 3 and inFamous 2 and now, here's MotorStorm: Apocalypse . Freshly announced over at the PlayStation Blog , the newest iteration in the critically acclaimed off-road racer will be set in "The City," which is fictional but inspired by the Bay Area of California. So yeah, it might look a little urban but it's still off-road; in other words, they're calling it "Brutal Urban Off-Road Racing." A major earthquake has caused the city to become abandoned, but on the flip side, the tremor left quite the terrain for some bad-ass vehicles and brave drivers. And you know what's super cool? The environment "will be ripped to pieces, in real-time, as you race," and this can even have a direct impact on the route you need to take. We particularly like this excerpt from the post:
"Buggies using collapsing walls as half-pipes. Big Rigs on the rooftops of skyscrapers as they collapse. Superbikes gunning into the basements of enormous rifts. Supercars flicking on their headlights to barrel through the subways and sewers. Multi-vehicle pile ups on giant bridges as they buckle and twist. Driving through someone’s office and smashing up their desks. It’s all there."
The team has taken feedback from gamers who played previous titles and as a result, they've produced what they believe to be a "more satisfying overall game experience." In single-player, every race is unique. When a building comes down, it's down for good; i.e., even if you go back after finishing or quitting a race, that building is still down . Furthermore, you'll actually see the single-player from three different viewpoints, so there's a bit of extra depth. They're calling the destructive interaction "Wreckreation," which may be the coolest name ever . And here's a list of the game features:
Oh, but it doesn't end there. They've replaced loading screens with cut-scenes, changed the handling and boosting mechanics, introduced five completely new vehicle classes, and you'll be seeing a lot more of MotorStorm: Apocalypse as the year rolls on. So what surprises could be left at E3 now? Uncharted 3 ?
Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Apocalypse
This game is jam packed with features! I loved the first two and PSP entry, Arctic Edge, and am sold on getting this one!!!
If Uncharted 3 makes a presence Ben, the PS3 has practically sold 50Mil already.
Last edited by Victor321 on 6/10/2010 9:31:41 PM
Day 1 purchase for me!
Btw, there's this really cool image floating around of the cars landing on the beach coming out of big carriers… like a WW2 invasion or something.
If anyone has got a high-res version, point me to it, it's gonna be my wallpaper 😀
I have never actually played a Motorstorm game before but this looks like it would be a lot of fun. I'll have to check it out.
I am more of a simulation racing fan, so I won't be getting this. I also sold off my first MotorStorm…
*Currently in SinCity, Singapore
k, thanks for that.
That feature list is impressive. So much to the fact that I am going to buy it day one!
Sony's willingness to discuss it's games now means that there is some E3 bombs coming.
Only thing I can figure.
I hope you're right maxpontiac, because if they have nothing killer to announce (or focus too much on Move) they'll lose their momentum, and lose another E3.
Lose momentum? Doubtful.
Win E3? IF GT5 gets announced, it's all good in my book!!
Uncharted 3 footage would rock my socks.
I don't get it myself. I think they are saving some time so they can properly present their Move and 3D stuff (hopefully a special GT5 presentation too hehe).
For them to be releasing so much info on new games like Killzone 3, Motorstorm, and Infamous, there has to be something else up in their sleeves.. right?
I was also thinking – Maybe Sony isn't to concerned with E3 in regards to what the journalists will have say when it comes to who "wins"?
I really enjoy the Motorstorm series and I will be checking this one out when it launches.
Yes! I cannot wait sony never let's me down. You think sony is going to show off versus 13 at e3 since they are revealing everything already? Or are they not going to show it because they are porting it to xbox hence why its taking so long!?!?! 🙁
Whether S-E is actually porting it over to the XBOX 360 is unknown, so we'll find out at E3.
But I assure you SayWord, the reason why Versus XIII hasn't been mentioned at all from Sony is because the Director (not to mention Character Designer…Cloud, Sephiroth, Lightning, he's drawn them all) of Versus XIII, Tetsuya Nomura himself, he said that Versus XIII would not be shown at E3, but development is going along smoothly.
That's disappointing, but a good sign that Versus XIII is at least worked on (it should be, as the FFXIII team, they completed FFXIII, and have jumped on board to help with the VXIII team to make the game).
Last edited by Victor321 on 6/10/2010 10:26:29 PM
According to the list of games Square-Enix is showing at E3… FF VSXIII isn't one of them. 🙁
Last edited by Ben667 on 6/10/2010 10:42:58 PM
That's practically all the evidence needed to answer your question SayWord lol
Thanks Ben667 =)
yeah when I read that the ff xiii team had gone to help with versus, my thoughts were Nooooooo! Keep them away from it, I want versus to be good. I really hope they don't screw it up too.
Ah, another great Motorstorm title. Sweet! I hope they keep that announcer that gives an overview of where you're racing then finishes off by saying 'Welome to Motorstorm.'. It's one of the few opening cutscenes I've never skipped. That, ZOE 2's and MGS3's.
I like the Motorstorm series, but every time I play I feel like I should be shotting a machine gun or something.
Why do you feel like 'shotting' a machine gun?
shotting is selling drugs.
shooting is for guns.
dont ask me how i know the difference.
@Zorigo How do you know the difference?
I guess I have been playing too much Wipeout HD and Blur where you shoot something at your opponent.
Wow, so many thumbs down for bad spelling.
Hopefully it doesnt have the cheating AI of Pacific Rift. It made the whole game horribly annoying.
WOW, they really shoehorned some major new stuff into this game, didn't they?
Oh wait, it's Bluray.
Sorry 360, you'll just have to get by doing any 180% wheelie tricks in a pair of walking shoes!
Thumbs up for the truth on that..
I have to admit now… which was not evident in my earlier post… the Game Mode Creator feature may perk my interest. It may be possible to actually enjoy MotorStorm as more of a sim title if you are able to really customise the rules that govern the race.
No doubt that could be interesting, but I will wait for the PSxExtreme review and watch videos of the game play first before any decision is taken. I am sure there will be a demo of it at some point!
*Currently in SinCity, Singapore
'Buggies using collapsing walls as half-pipes. Big Rigs on the rooftops of skyscrapers as they collapse'
it's not a sim get over it.
It really isn't meant to be a sim title.
Well, it seems to be filled with interesting features and an interesting singleplayer. I like the idea of completely demolishing buildings in a race and I agree with Qubex in the idea that the game mode creator will be interesting to learn more about. It looks like yet another game will be making the list, but I'll wait for the review to make that call.
"Combinations of the two. Play with three friends in the living room against 12 more online."
I really like the the fact that they'll let us customize our vehicles to our liking (boost, speed, acceleration, endurance, etc.)
Love the idea of riding through the subways, inside tunnels, inside buildings!, through the park, and through a stadium!?
Can't wait!
Should be fun as hell
So many features, you can tell blu-ray doesn't limit anything, there's so much you can pack into that thing!
From the sounds of all the features this motorstorm could easily be put into the play create share genre.
I always thought motorstorm was a great off road racer, but off road racer have never been my thing, however this does sound extra appealing. I'll keep my eye on and wait for the demo, motorstorm is always nice enough to give us a demo.
F*ck, forget my comment at the Driver article, this looks EPIC. Must-buy if they fix the understeer problem.
Last edited by faraga on 6/11/2010 2:53:25 AM
There never was an understeer problem.
Using the right controls you can negate it into oversteer.
That's what makes it so fun.
This series has THE best and most fun online driving experience.
Yeah but it was a thing you had to focus on, and for new guys it would be hard to figure out in what is almost an arcade rather than a sim, how to balance into oversteer. But Ben says they've made handling changes, so perhaps they have fixed the underteer issue. because it was an issue.
@ D1g1tal5torm
There was, you don't know how many times I was driving straight for an object which would be easily avoidable if the car would respond to any input at all.
ive never really been into the motorstorm series, for some reason i love DIRT but ive never been able to get into this.
interesting to see they have left the dirt racing for a more post apocalyptic feel.
i think thats a bad move, we have so many games set in post apocalyptic worlds but i guess only time will tell.
Many games set in post apocalyptic world?
Except that Motorstorm is a racing game instead of shooter so I don't think it's a bad move.
Snake's got a point, and yoy gotta remember, there aren't too many really GOOD games set in a post apocalyptic world. you should see my games collection. its just fallout 3 really.
Mirror's Edge is perhaps the complete opposite, a post-apocalyptic in that now they've made everything really clean and bright 😀
true, but you could say the same about dirt racing.
really all we have is dirt and thats about it.
i guess it opens up the level design though, they said theres going to be environmental destruction so i guess kinda like split second.
there should be a distinction made. This is set in an Apocalyptic world, not post. It's happening while your driving and racing.
yh it'll be like split second but the way things are kept so fallen buildings will stay fallen, and im really pumped about the endning, as in escaping the island.
as for your point about dirt racers, all they have is dirt but motorstorm is the racer that so far has mostly covered it all
and now the city.
its variety for racers something that isn't given out much these days. this seems like one of the games to watch out for.
DUDE! Sounds like pure unadulterated awesome. I may get it. Played the demos of the first two and am thinking about picking up Arctic Edge this weekend. If I like that, I think this will be added to my list. Maybe. I'll think about it.
As far as E3 is concerned, I fear that Sony is announcing all of this beforehand so that they can focus on PSMove for the show. Then they'll show off a ton of footage for all of their upcoming exclusives and finish off with a splitscreen of vsXIII and VII-remake. Then a big Sony brand splashes across the screen followed quickly by the Square-Enix logo, finally a filter over that reads, 'Final Fantasy is back where it belongs. ONLY ON PLAYSTATION 3 – coming December 2010 to a store near you. Fade to black, and X-box fanboys spontaneously combust from jealousy.
Hey, a guy can dream right?
I think they are releasing everything before hand of E3 so as to make some huge announcement dominate the show this year.
My money is on something we don't know of, (it damn well best not be a PS4) or it'll be Move and they will show how good it should be.
But don't you think we'll be more excited for something we know instead of something we never heard of?
All I want to see about Move during the Press Conference is a montage of all the games which will support it.
They've talked about it enough. Just let the press play it and give their impressions.
Save the time in the Presser for "hardcore" games. And the announcement that backwards compatibility via emulation is coming, complete with hundreds of PS2 games on the Store.
Oh, and the announcement that they're finally fixing the effing browser.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/12/2010 3:25:04 PM
I am GETTING THIS BIACHES! screw split second!
Apocalyse makes Split/Second Gone in 60 seconds.
I'm buying this for sure, and if they retain the custom soundtrack feature, D1P!!!
Is it possible that SONY is suffering from PREMATURE E3CULATION? I sure hope they have some shells left in the cannons.
@ pontiac.
"Lose another E3", So in ur my what E3 did Sony Lose?