So it looks like Sony wants to get all the big announcements out of the way before E3. …bizarre, but whatever.
We now know about Killzone 3 and inFamous 2 and now, here's MotorStorm: Apocalypse . Freshly announced over at the PlayStation Blog , the newest iteration in the critically acclaimed off-road racer will be set in "The City," which is fictional but inspired by the Bay Area of California. So yeah, it might look a little urban but it's still off-road; in other words, they're calling it "Brutal Urban Off-Road Racing." A major earthquake has caused the city to become abandoned, but on the flip side, the tremor left quite the terrain for some bad-ass vehicles and brave drivers. And you know what's super cool? The environment "will be ripped to pieces, in real-time, as you race," and this can even have a direct impact on the route you need to take. We particularly like this excerpt from the post:
"Buggies using collapsing walls as half-pipes. Big Rigs on the rooftops of skyscrapers as they collapse. Superbikes gunning into the basements of enormous rifts. Supercars flicking on their headlights to barrel through the subways and sewers. Multi-vehicle pile ups on giant bridges as they buckle and twist. Driving through someone’s office and smashing up their desks. It’s all there."
The team has taken feedback from gamers who played previous titles and as a result, they've produced what they believe to be a "more satisfying overall game experience." In single-player, every race is unique. When a building comes down, it's down for good; i.e., even if you go back after finishing or quitting a race, that building is still down . Furthermore, you'll actually see the single-player from three different viewpoints, so there's a bit of extra depth. They're calling the destructive interaction "Wreckreation," which may be the coolest name ever . And here's a list of the game features:
Oh, but it doesn't end there. They've replaced loading screens with cut-scenes, changed the handling and boosting mechanics, introduced five completely new vehicle classes, and you'll be seeing a lot more of MotorStorm: Apocalypse as the year rolls on. So what surprises could be left at E3 now? Uncharted 3 ?
Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Never have said Sony has won or lost E3 ever.
It's hard to lose something that isn't meant to won or lost. I'll leave that to the video game journalist's and expert analyst's..
I only game on my PS3, so what Microsoft and Nintendo does matters little to me.
As I stated in another post, if GT5 gets a release date, it's all good!
Why are all the games getting announced before the big press conference? I want to be surprised.
I loved Pacific Rift, so I'm definitely interested in the new one. Hope they include steering wheel support this time. I'm wondering about buildings falling down – after a few times through each race, aren't they all going to be flat, and you lose a whole aspect of the gameplay? We'll see I guess.
Why is Sony announcing everything before E3? I was disappointed last year because we knew (almost) everything beforehand, and I was making a conscious effort to ignore the rumors so I could be surprised this year. But instead of rumors, we've got Sony giving everything away before the show? Hmmm…
Wherein lies the logic… SONY is now the Master of it owns DOMIAN. Instead of having others leak information (and we all know that was gonna happen) they released most of it themselves.
Cant wait for this this one looks great the track collapsing around you as your playing. I liked both Motorstorm 1 and 2 even if 2 is hard but it's fun to play online with your mates. 🙂
Last edited by tlpn99 on 6/11/2010 7:40:01 AM
Holy shrimp. The first three bullet points laid down the smack right there.
Ben forgot a final built point:
Is the post-apocalypse theme a self contained genre yet, like westerns and science fiction? On that note, what was the first book/movie to use post-apocalypse as a setting?
It's not post-apocalyptic, it's apocalyptic!
This game is set when all the destruction is happening.
AWESOMENESS this is a defs purcahse for me!!!
Enjoyed all the others and this sounds even better !!!
Hopefully the online can be a bit improved over the last 2.
Massive vehicle customisation. Change vinyls, vehicle parts, vehicle shapes and more.
This has just earned MS3 an trial from me, I will buy it if the customisation is deep enough for me. Thats pretty much the one thing I saw missing from MS1 and the reason I didn't buy MS2, don't get me wrong I like the games but I got bored with it really fast.
Loved the first one, came with my ps3 =p, but didn't buy the second one, the demo turned me off it and I didn't try the revamped demo so..oh well, but this certainly sounds like a huge upgrade, definitely on my list
ben667 you can find the picture your after at