We love getting Atlus e-mails. They're always so amusing; they even found a way to make all sorts of Demon's Souls updates funny.
And now that everyone is unveiling their E3 lineup, the veteran role-playing publisher has decided to release theirs…well, kind of. They were good enough to announce four games that would be on display at next week's big trade show, but at the same time, they implied there may be a surprise or two lying in wait. The four titles are Trine 2 , Rock of Ages , Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City and Knights in the Nightmare . The latter is for the PSP, Etrian Odyssey is a DS series, we have no idea what Rock of Ages might be besides the fact that Ace Team is handling development duties, and we're definitely excited about Trine 2 . The original remains one of the best PSN titles available and we're definitely hoping for an elongated experience in Trine 2 . Ace Team did Zeno Clash but that's about where my knowledge of the issue ends; if anyone has any other details concerning these four titles, feel free to toss them into the Comments. Just about anything from Atlus gets RPG fans enthusiastic these days, right?
Really, if you haven't played Trine yet, we say you're missing out. Side-scrolling action/adventure puzzling goodness.
trine 2. i loved the first one. some of the most beautiful scenery i've ever seen
I really liked the demo, but couldn't stomach the $20 price at launch. I think its $15 now, but thats still too much imo. I should have snagged it when they had it as a half off promotion and it was $7.49. D'oh!
after i bought it for $20 they dropped the price ugh. it was worth the 20 bucks though
I think I got it for $10, but I haven't played past the part in the demo yet. :O I bought too many PSN games on sale in the last half-year and I still haven't finished most of the games I got in the 2009 holiday season.
Two YLoDs didn't help.
Excited about Trine 2, though.
Hope one of those surprises is Demon's Souls 2…, probably not though.
I'd be fine with a ps3 Shin Megami as well
yea probably not since they said no, but I'll hope with you!
I wouldn't mind seeing some DLC for Demons Souls *cough* Land of Giants *cough*
My lvl 275 Knight is ready to destroy the land of the giants. Sadly, they have officially and solidly stated no DLC, no sequal, from as early as those questions have been asked. Oh well.
I've heard no sequel but I haven't heard them confirm no DLC. Do you by any chance have a link?
If there will be a Demon souls 2, It wont be altus anouncing it but Software from japan. REmember, altus only published it for the NA.
One of the best downloadable psn-games. Pixeljunk Shooter 2 also playable at E3!!
"Hope one of those surprises is Demon's Souls "
There will never be another Demons Soul. Why? To simpily put it, Sony(not Atlus or FromSoftware) owns the IP rights to it and its quite clear Sony doesn't have any intensions for a tuture title.
I hope their demon's souls 2 comment was a cover so they could unveil at e3, probably not, but I'm right there with the rest of you begging for second one.
i want persona 5(a new megaten spin-off for ps3 could also do but if that is the case, they should have persona 5 for ps3 @tgs) and………..a Demon's Souls-like game(non-Atlus related)since they said no sequel but something simillar to it. And not to forget a world of giants dlc which would be awesome if it had a bit more story or enlighten us with background story(DS had some here and there and the player lived through the story which was a type of narrative and story telling but more plot twists would improve it)!
Rock of the ages = really old rock,
srry, just had to make that stupid-ass joke.
Well, colour me excited. Atlus never really fails to make me happy when they announce a game they are publishing.
As for Trine, I played the demo and it was pretty awesome but never got around to buying. Might give Trine 2 a go but right now I am trying to save money for a bike and the licence endorsement. Been a tight year for gaming because of it.
Just curious,
What kind of bike are you looking to get, a dirt bike, a crotch rocket, a cruiser, or a touring model, like my large Harley Electra Glide Classic???
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/10/2010 3:53:08 PM
Aw, come on, where's Persona 5?
BTW, I used to have a 883 Sportster, Saint. 🙂
It was owned by the guy who owned the dealership, and was all decked out in chrome and drag pipes. I regret selling it.
Yeah, the 883's a nice bike, but the 900's, & 1200's are a lot quicker, as well as my 1980 1000CC Ironhead Sporty.
I also owned a 1996 883 as the same time, but traded both to get my heavy tourer in the pic, which I replaced the 80CI motor with a 100CI Revtech moter, a hot Andrews cam, & a pair of straight shotguns.
The 883 had a much better styling with it's out mini-apehanger handlebars & flamed sportster tank & flamed out Gunslinger seat.
But as ugly as my old 1000cc was with it's peanut shaped tank, regular shaped handlebars & seat was, it would blow the doors off the 883's(if it had doors) LOL
trine, braid and joe danger are the best PSN titles out there, no, there the best downloadable titles out there!!!
especially joe danger im really enjoying that!
i love it how every level has several different things you can do, like collect all the stars, collect all the letters, time limits, land on all the pads.
shame they dont have more of the platforming levels though, i really enjoyed the 3rd level i think it is where you have to use the springs to climb a structure.
by far the best level in the game!!!!!