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PS4 Teaser Confirmed As Fake, Still Worth A Look

It fooled a lot of people due to its high production value but as Sony representative Al de Leon confirmed to GamesRadar , what you see here "isn't from SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment)."

Still, it's worth a look. This is actually the second of two apparently fake PlayStation 4 teaser videos (scroll down at the previous link to view the first), and they're both quite interesting. We're not entirely sure what's happening in the trailer below but it obviously has something to do with 3D, and in fact, PS4 may be an allusion to the combination of their new PlayStation Move and 3D technologies. Either way, it's one of those things that if it showed up on TV as a commercial, you'd probably watch it.

Sony has always said the PS3 would have a ten-year lifespan, as its predecessor did. But remember, they released the PS3 about six years into the PS2's lifespan – and of course, the PS2 continued on – and we are currently in the PS3's fourth year. Therefore, it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possibility to hear whispers of the PS4 right now…

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14 years ago

I am utterly excited to hear more details on PS4. I'm not ready to purchase a new console yet, but come 2012 I will be.

I wouldn't be surprised if we get PS4 details at next year's E3 or TGS for a potential 2011 Winter holiday launch. Though, I'm banking on 2012.

ro kurorai
ro kurorai
14 years ago

There should be quite some more excellent games coming to PS3. Besides: Move and 3D are still in their infancy. I could wait another 4 years for PS4 😉

14 years ago

4 years at least. Its just too early and the PS3 hasn't even reached its full potential yet.

Last edited by ColTater on 6/10/2010 11:25:53 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Something seems off about this whole thing. It's just too slick to be entirely fake, I think…and I could SWEAR I've seen that woman before. Isn't she a relatively prominent actress?

14 years ago

I recognize her too. Though i can't remember from what.

14 years ago

But do you really think it could be another console… I still think it is much too early for it. The PS3 still has many more great titles to come.

Granted there is no doubt in my mind that they are already planning the PS4 but even if they did have something ready it would be unwise to announce it.

I say this because it would drive consumers who were thinking of getting the PS3 to maybe wait until a PS4 was released.

And I agree with you about how professional it looks, though I'm not sure about the woman either.

One possible explanation is maybe the person who leaked it just edited it at the end to say PS4… probably not that likely but hey just brainstorming over here.

EDIT: PS4 looks sexy when it's typed.

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 6/10/2010 11:43:14 AM

14 years ago

That's what I was thinking too. I watched the viral video as well and the production and attention to detail is too good for an amateur I would believe. It is time to start hearing about the 4, and Sony talking about the PS4 has no affect on the 10-year life cycle of the 3. The 2 is still strong as ever for example. I just hope the 4 doesn't come with mandatory subscriptions.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I think it's SCEI's weird and creative way to help garner interest for 3D. We see that CoD:MW2 is in 3D on the screen and we've seen that PS4 v3.1 has now gone up to PS4 v4.0 in the last one. I like the videos and yeah, the woman and the man with the beard look familiar. I was laughing at the first one when the tester was on the ground with that chipmunk laugh.

14 years ago

i'm sure sony is makein it right now.

14 years ago

But, would they really use modern warfare 2 as a test game? Why not something of better quality, killzone or Uncharted and I think Heavy Rain would be awesome in 3d.

14 years ago

3D is either gonna be a pleasant or an unpleasant experience depending on the gamers and the games.

14 years ago

Nah. 3d is the way to go. Its like the HD of the future. 3D Will only be a pleasant experience.

14 years ago

Anyone else feel like this could be a way of Sony trying to force Microsoft's hand a little sooner than they would have liked into announcing the next Xbox so that Sony knows what they are looking at as far as competition in the next generation of consoles?

EDIT: Also, does anyone remember the old PS9 commercials? Those were slick as hell, and it seems like we might reach that potential before the console has to have a 9 at the end of it.

Last edited by coverton341 on 6/10/2010 11:34:24 AM

14 years ago


Nice thinking there. So are you saying maybe they leaked it to scare Microsoft into thinking they have something in the works and they are hoping Microsoft falls for their bluff? Maybe cause them to prematurely announce something that isn't completely ready to be demonstrated?

14 years ago

Doubt that. Both companies have an idea of what to expect in the next generation of consoles. I do believe Sony will not give MS a one year head start again.

14 years ago

@jaybiv, yea I think they see how key it is to get your product out there earlier as oppose to making it better. Sadly, many consumers are too dumb to see a difference.

Also yea I didn't think what I said was too feasible but that would be some cool strategic maneuver to pull 😀

14 years ago

I still think of the original story I read before the first xbox came out. It was about the two guys that had to sit down with Bill Gates and tell him that the system they wanted to make didn't play pc games. He thought they had lost their minds. I've always thought that was ms's biggest mistake. Xbox should have been a pc for your tv from the beginning. Sony is closer to it than they are and computers are a fairly small amount of Sony's business.

14 years ago

I loved that PS9 commercial & I wound up posting it every time the thread was in any way related to the future of PS's…..

For those who haven't seen it….ENJOY
The PS9 commercial

14 years ago

Not necessarily announce their system but at least say "hey yeah, we're working on it and look we will have 3D in ours as well" or something of the nature and then Sony says "heh, now we have a better understanding of what the other camp is cooking"

This is an unlikely scenario but whatev. It could just be some fan made videos and speculation or it might be like the old PS9 commercials. Not really what they are planing in the slightest but something fun to throw out there.

14 years ago

didn't they do that with the PS3? they started talking about it then M$ was quick to talk about the 360, then sony gave us a date then M$ quickly responded to it by pushing the 360 to come out sooner, then sony came out and said the PS3 would be out a year later. just to make them rush the 360. and well you can see how well that worked out for them.

14 years ago

I still think Sony wanted to get the PS3 out less than 6 months after the 360 launch, but the various next-gen parts (e.g., HDMI) weren't ready yet.

If it was a ploy on Sony's part, it didn't work, because the 360 became the industry darling despite being broken.

14 years ago

I do think that we will hear about ps4 sooner than later.

14 years ago

This is way-off. If it were a real teaser, they would've shown an exclusive game instead of MW2 at the screen…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, it makes sense. Modern Warfare is the most popular multiplayer name on the planet.

14 years ago

Even so, i believe if Sony should be moving forward with a new tech, it should brandish it with a PS3-recognized brand such as Uncharted 2 or Metal Gear. Not some multiplat that every ad you see it mentions only XBOX360. While i do acknowledge the popularity of the title (i myself got hooked for a while), i think Sony should stick to its own guns. They have very powerful guns to begin with, and with proper marketing, could match the hyped-up MW2.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

They do, but when you're promoting a new technology that extends beyond the PlayStation brand (which 3D does), you need to appeal to the largest mainstream demographic possible. If any random gamer saw it, that person is far more likely to be familiar with Modern Warfare than with Uncharted 2 (unfortunately).

14 years ago

Gotta agree with that point Ben (unfortunately too). Sony needs to work it up! They gotta stop being screwed by these multiplats that when advertised only show XBOX360. It's sorta sickening to see (and gives the XBOX fanboys much to brag about when really they don't, which just adds to their fanboy-ism).

14 years ago

I agree with both of you, it would be smart to use a popular name, but as a company I'd stick with my own familiar things.
Maybe it's why I'm no company…

14 years ago

maybe its a round about way to say that 3d is a feature for the future. but showing it working on mw2, shows that the ps3 is ahead of its time. and possibly a blow to microsoft saying that your biggest game is much better on our system because it can be in 3d. hahaha

14 years ago

dude what if aliens made this movie!!! to have us all fooled and right when we think its a ps4 its monsteridous! from planet neblon !@?! were freakin doomed man!

14 years ago

I don't see how this could be a complete fake video, it's way to professionally shot with talented actors and everything, and I have to say – a very smart video too! This pretty much has to be an official Sony video…

Now what it could be is an early leak, and Sony doesn't want to acknowledge that it's real (not like that would be a first..) before their big unveil at some upcoming big tradeshow 🙂

About the PS4 itself though, I could definitely go for an announcement about it right about now! A new console that can handle full 1080p HD in all games, even more powerful graphics (obviously), hopefully a lot more onboard memory this time (!) and a 2nd gen blu-ray player, besides if they announce it now it's not going to be out for another year or two anyway…

14 years ago

I would only be really happy about an announcement this year if ps4 is completely backwards compatible with ps3. Games AND trophies. I'm pretty sure that would be the only way they would make an announcement this year. It would make them look silly if not. I am predicting a psp2, though.

14 years ago

PS4 is probably in development but there is no chance it is announced at this year's E3…unless Sony wants to be completely idiotic. They are already releasing Move and integrating 3D capability…two big features that are going to be added to the PS3. Why would they want to overshadow those two new features with a PS4 announcement? They won't. I probably expect a PS4 announcement around 2012 E3 and the PS4 releasing in 2013. Move and 3D will extend the life of the PS3 extensively…to be honest, I don't see how much better PS4 can get…what is the next step in technology? Virtual reality? Holographic TV's?

14 years ago

I think you're all under selling the amateurs out there. A group of college kids could have easily done this for a tech class.

If a few guys can get together and spend about $150 to send a camera into space, take pictures, and then get it back, I'm sure some college kids could make a video like this, really wouldn't take much.

Here's a link if you didn't hear about that.

14 years ago

Awesome, 150 bucks beer cooler hand warmer camera balloon FTW!!

14 years ago

If Sony is planning a Playstation 4 they should focus more on a real gaming console that uses the full power of it to deliver the best gaming experience like 3D, better graphics etc., because Sony attached importance to a big Media Center (which isn't something bad and I take advantage of it as well). This was a big burden at release due the PS3s high cost but was annihilated at last years GamesCom. The Xbox 360 is in comparison a pure gaming console, therefore more people bought it because they didn't need a Media Center. Of course everybody knows that the PS3 is superior in physical power but the complex hardware structure ruined the release of the PS3 too and Sony should concider for its successor a better hardware choice. Don't think I don't like my PS3 (I love it, due its innovative game exclusives like Heavy Rain, which I think is the best PS3 exclusive besides MGS4) because I talk a bit negative about it.

Last edited by ronny_rtw on 6/10/2010 1:29:20 PM

14 years ago

The focus on being a media center is the main reason that I'm pretty sure my next investment (after a new TV) will be a pc that connects to it for games and unlimited media. If Sony wants to talk me out of that, they will need to allow streaming shows from Hulu (or whoever is free at the time). Ps3 just has enough of it to tease me and make me realize how much handier an unlocked system could be. I already play my torrent downloads on it, so I don't see why not allow me to watch legal broadcasts.

14 years ago

Games are only going to be as good as the developer. Well continue to see Sony make top notch games but it's been proven this generation, a lot if not the majority of developers don't care about pushing Sony's machine to the max. So even if Sony went all out and focused a graphics like you suggest, a majority of the games will still only be as good as the weakest console.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/10/2010 2:09:28 PM

14 years ago

The video was put together very well, even for a fake. I liked it

14 years ago

I still need to repair my old 60gb model 🙁

14 years ago

I suspect the PS3 to outlive the PS2's lifespan. I think PS3 probably will last like 14 years, not because of it's raw power, but because Sony spent too much money on it to release a new one and start from scratch again.

BTW I doubt Modern Warfare 2 is a good example of a PS4 game.

14 years ago

So am I the only one who had a nerdgasm with a side of chills? I HOPE NOT! That feeling was awesome!!

14 years ago

Cool vid, though as stated before, I wouldn't use modern warfare 2 as a test game, I'd rather have a Playstation exclusive, like Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2, maybe Heavy Rain (would be awesome in 3d)

14 years ago

I think the vids are too pro to be fakes, so either someone edited the end to fake it, or it could be a leaked future prom.

Also, you have too remember 1 very important thing here.

Although Sony has given their consoles a 10 year lifespan, the history of the Playstation's are that Sony has also given us a NEW NUMBERED console within the first 5 years of that same 10 year lifespan too.

So don't be too surprised to see a PS 4 coming out soon, maybe by early 2012 either.

14 years ago

i dont know why some people thought that the playstation logo they were showing was a new one. its the same logo as the ps button on my controller.

14 years ago

I have been involved with film for a while and have had a good amount of experience on set and in production/post-production. I have to say that this looks a little too trim to be entirely fake. I recognized the asian women as well. Anyways, the editing is commercial quality, the filming is done with high end cameras which require expensive editing equipment and software. The shots are well done, they have a three person cast, and Sony hasn't sued these "imitators" for using a their name brand sound and symbol. It is suggesting 3D formatting which means this fake couldn't have been in production for long (amateurs would take forever to do this video to this quality) and using the vastly popular MW2. Plus the green screen required for the fake 3D visuals would take a good amount of work and the fact that it only says it's in testing makes it much more believable.

On the other hand they didn't reveal anything new and a crew of about six-ten people working on a tight schedule determined to make a fake would be able to pull it off. However, one kid in his basement? no way.

seems a bit too fishy here.. Is Sony hiding something??

14 years ago

I swear that asian dude is from the matrix anyways ps4 will have 3d built in or should i say compatible with the system. By the time PS4 comes out we wont need those glasses for 3D 🙂 I hope not O_o But the commercial was pretty cool though. 1st MK now PS spoofs xD

14 years ago

I couldnt careless about the ps4, or 3d. the console we have, with normal games right now is just starting to hit it's stride with GOWIII and UC2

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

I think it's real because they always say it's everything is fake, like the PS3 slim.

14 years ago

This commercial is real, just look at the commercial Sony did for the PS9.

I bet you that blue PS3 that Kevin Butler makes an appearance at Sony's E3 conference.