Comic books work well in both the film and game world (despite some obvious mishaps in both mediums), and one of the superhero pioneers has proclaimed games are simply "more exciting." We're talking about Marvel icon, Stan Lee.
Hollywood has been big for Marvel; there's no question about that. But Lee has gone on record as saying the following:
"Video games are more exciting, more colorful and more complex than motion pictures," he said. "In a movie, you just sit and watch. [In a game] you're not only seeing the story but you're participating in the story."
Rather than insult the man and be all elitist by saying, "well…duh," let's just accept this comment for what it is: good for the gaming industry, and the fact that Lee has an open mind about different entertainment venues. However, while he does praise video games, he also admits he doesn't have the "time or skill" to play them. Aw, give 'em a shot, Stan, you might be good at a few!
While Marvel movies have grossed billions of dollars and games have only grossed a few hundred million, Lee is still optimistic about the future of games…especially those based on his creations. In fact, the comic guru wants to become "more involved" with Marvel game development in the future, giving the projects a more authentic edge with his own content ideas and narration. Now that's something we'll be looking forward to.