October is typically a darn good month for the PlayStation 3; you may recall last year and the emergence of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on October 13.
And this year, another big title (although not a PS3 exclusive) should be on store shelves before Halloween, thereby giving us yet another year where October and November will mercilessly assault the gaming consumer's wallet. Check out the new trailer below; towards the end of this impressive preview, Ninja Theory reveals that Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will be ready to go in the tenth month of 2010.
Set in an America that has undergone a tremendous catastrophe, the game tells the story of the muscular, not-too-bright Monkey and the more fragile yet still in-control Trip (standard man/woman relationship, right?). Monkey is forced to protect Trip but overall, they both must work together if they wish to stay alive. The studio really went all out with Heavenly Sword in terms of acting and once again, we should get the benefit of pros: Andy Serkis (who also played Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy) did the voice acting and mo-cap for Monkey and on top of which, they've tapped "28 Days Later" writer Alex Garland for the script.
The game looks pretty damn good, doesn't it?
Related Game(s): Enslaved
I predict this game gonna floop . I wonder what Ninja Theory are going to say when this game sell less copys than Heavenly Sword.
Last edited by Oxvial on 6/9/2010 9:35:46 PM
this game will not sell like heavenly sword. they've pissed off a few ps3 fans
I haven't met anyone who's pissed off. Everyone seems to think it was a very logical decision.
They pissed me off….by not continuing Heavenly Sword; regardless, the ps3 userbase doubling.
Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 6/10/2010 4:33:23 AM
It looks okay, I can definitely see the multiplat downgrading in action though. I hope there is some semblance of a story here, but it looks like a bargain bin pickup so far.
One plus side: the only thing Ninja Theory and I share in common besides Ninja are hot redheads.
I'm not sure where the responses are coming from above me, but I personally think this game looks great. I mean how can you not think it will be? I just watched it for the fourth time today and it still looks just as good as the first….
I admit I was more than skeptical, especially with their comments concerning the ps3, but I certainly don't think this will flop.
The character design suck ass , the history looks weak , and after GoW3 and Bayonetta I wasn't impressed with the gameplay in the trailer.
Bionic Commando looked great too
But it bombed hard
Haha I actually had a lot of fun with that game… I played it on PC though.
Is it just me or does the chick in this game look a lot like a certain lead female character from Heavenly Sword?
Last edited by Hezzron on 6/9/2010 10:31:38 PM
I think this will sell a lot more than Heavenly Sword ever did. Just my opinion, but could be a sleeper hit.
Isn't a sleeper hit a great game that doesn't sell so well?
I think a sleeper hit is one that no one expects to do well, but does, especially after a slow start, usually due to good word-of-mouth.
Batman: Arkham Asylum would be a good example.
Pretty level designs can't sell a game (Bionic Commando proved this already)
Trailer looks good, but gameplay AND storyline will better define this game for me.
October, eh? Isn't that near Littlebigplanet2?
Multiplatform is a logical choice since they need the cash, and I haven't had a chance to see the trailers yet (reading from cell) but when the game drops I'll trust the PSXE gang to steer my purchase ^_^
Excuse me, but your "not-too-bright Monkey" answered all her questions.
The video didn't impress me at all. I want a Heavenly Sword 2 damnit!
Pretty pretty scenery does not a good game make. I'm not impressed by the characters, the generic man protect woman story, or the gameplay that I've seen.
I predict this game will be short, underwhelming, and most people will wait to see reviews. Even if it get decent reviews I see a lot of people waiting for the bargain bin.
"Pretty pretty scenery does not a good game make." SE was counting on this for FFXIII, and while it was pretty, that's about all it was.
Yup and that is why I'm not getting ff xiii until its $20 or less. Happy with that decision as most ppl seem to have no desire to replay it if they ever beat it to begin with.
It's funny how some of you think this game will flop. This game will almost be guaranteed to sell more copies than Heavenly Sword ever did, simply based on the fact that the install base will be 60 million + for the PS3 and 360 combined compared to less than 30 million for the PS3 alone.
Ninja Theory is in a business and they want to make lots of cash. They did the right thing in going multiplat for this game…as long as they can make some extra cash and come out with a Heavenly Sword 2 sometime in the future then it's all gravy. And besides, no matter how short this game will be, it most likely won't be as short as the 6 hours that was Heavenly Sword.
Not disagreeing nor agreeing
But just want to point out that they won't ever touch Heavenly Sword again
Not only do they have a bad relationship with SCEE but they've already explained how they want to make money and not stay with one console.
It's easy to see that they'll stick with Namco-Bandai or any 3rd party dev.
What would be nice is if SCEE allows one of their devs to make HS2. I'd like to see the guys that made Chains of Olympus go at it. Them or Sony Santa Monica.
Well, I can't disagree because for all I know the game could be a total gem. BUT, plenty of good multiplats come out that don't scratch that million copy mark and NT DID complain about 1.5 million for Heavenly Sword.
Can't watch the trailer, but I still want this game. The ICO dynamic, the red-head, the pretty. I like it all. I only hope that they have y'know GOOD level design. It is an action platformer right?
Ah, whatever, time will tell.
im really looking forward to this, all the previews ive read and videos ive seen its looking really good!
not to mention its being made by the devs of one of my favorite ps3 games, heavenly sword, by far one of the best games released this gen!!!
on a side note earthworm jim released today!
joe danger yesterday, and earthworm jim today its the week of classics!!!
now all i need is crash bandicoot HD and im set!
we dont get nearly enough 2D platformers thats one genre im really missing.
i wish developers would grow some balls, stray away from the norm and give us a really good 2D platformer.
instead of just spitting out another shooter.
as they say, better to leave the flock than to follow.
I useda know a guy named Joe Danger, a decent fellow him, never got in any danger that I heard though.
I won't have my cash set ready for this, more important games will release near this one.
This game is looking great to me – like Fallout 3 meets Uncharted of something. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm gonna be honest with you guys.
Initially I had no interest in Enslaved whatsoever (based on the debut trailer).
After seeing the E3 trailer and listening to the voice actors (who sound decent imo), as well as seeing some close ups of the characters I'm fairly convinced this game could become a sleeper hit, though.
I have a weakness for redheads, I admit ^^, and NT create the hottest redheads in gaming. Thus my perception might be clouded a lil' bit. XD
But ultimately I like the character designs and the lush, colorful art direction (nice deviation from all those common gritty, gray depictions of post-apocalyptic worlds).
We also don't need to fear an inferior port as NT know Sony's hardware already.
Only thing I'm worried about is Story/Gameplay. Those are essential parts of games and NT are now limited to 6.8GB instead of 25/50 GB. They surely don't wanna inconvenience 360 owners and are probably aiming for one 360 disc only.
This means less cut-scenes, dialogues etc.
There are exceptions though: FO3/RDR/DA:O have shown us that developers can cram a lot of stuff on one 360 disc, but can former PS3-exclusive-devs achieve the same?!
Keeping my fingers crossed for more info at E3 and a demo.
Guess my final purchase decision will be greatly impacted by Ben's/Arnold's review ^^
Last edited by ro kurorai on 6/10/2010 10:42:48 AM
Maybe they'll prove me wrong, but I don't see what's so good-looking about this game. From what I've seen from the two gameplay videos so far it doesn't even look half as good as Heavenly Sword did several years ago!
Character models seem much less detailed and so do the environments, and I have HS in fresh memory as I just replayed the game a few weeks ago.
Well, the trailer looks good and I'm glad to see some more game play but I have to say I have a creeping feeling that this game won't be as great as everybody is thinking or asking for. The environment dosen't seem amazing and I really doubt this game will bring anything new, special or interesting to the PS3. It may be good w. out having anything new but I just can't see it being as amazing as predicted.