Rockstar may not be making an appearance at E3 this year, but other publishers are certainly going to take advantage of one of the industry's biggest trade shows.
Square-Enix has announced their E3 lineup and there are plenty of titles that should appeal to both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners. They've got several promising titles in the hopper, and although we see no Final Fantasy VII HD (yeah, good luck waiting on that) and sadly, no Final Fantasy Versus XIII (where the heck did that unveiling go?!), there are still some very big titles on the list. Here you go:
If you haven't seen the latest E3 trailer for Kane & Lynch 2 , you should probably check that out, and we've already shown you all sorts of stuff for one of our most anticipated titles, Deus Ex: Human Revolution . Dungeon Siege III was just announced a few days ago and we have very high hopes for those PSP games. As for any surprises…it's not looking likely.
I dunno, I have seen worse.
Deus Ex Human Revolution looks amazing after seeing the latest trailer. And I wasn't all that interested at first.
Not into MMO's, so FF IV I'm gonna skip.
3rd Birthday could be interesting, but I never played the first 2 Parasite Eve's.
Kingdom Hearts, Birth By Sleep. Now there's a game at the top of my list, granted I have a PSP. The 7 minute long trailer with the battle between the 3 heroes and evil bald guy amongst the broken keyswords, then Mickey steps up to the challenge in the end. UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVEABLE!!!
But that's just me.
No mention of FF Vs XIII? That was the only golden egg in the S-E nest!!!
The rest don't really interest me though. The first looks at Kane and Lynch 2 just didn't do it for me. And the new Lara Croft game doesn't look any better. Prefer the old Legend and Anniversary games.
So yeah, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep for me.
The only thing on that list that is peaking my interest at this point is Deus Ex just because I really enjoyed the first two. The 3rd birthday looks damn cool and I really liked the first two Parasite Eve games but I have no PSP still so it's no dice on that one for me.
I'm only interested in Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.
never even heard of it.
Probably a DS port with that title.
Yeah, where did that come from? We're all waiting on versus 13 and some of us even agito, but where did this one come from?
Wait… isn't FF1 about 4 heroes of light? Could this be a remake of FF1?
Hero's of Light were in FF1, yes, but there were also hero's of light in FFIII and FFV. Also, there's already a remake of FF1 on the PSP and iPhone, so it would be weird to have another remake. Chances are with that title, it's a completely new game altogether since remakes tend to carry the same number in the title as the original.
So what's the conclusion? What is this game?
Why? just tell me why SE…why?
The 3rd Birthday isn't in the Ps3? WHY!!!
Last edited by Oxvial on 6/9/2010 9:38:12 PM
haha…heroes of light and guardians of light, se sure likes the direction.
3rd Birthday, KH: Birth By Sleep, and FFXIV all i'm interested in
*sigh* – well Mr. Shepard – I'm expecting a surprise. …sounds quite contradictory no? hehe *groans*
"John…those morning announcements were truly historic…but it seems like we're missing one true piece of the puzzle… – what's the one blockbuster game that every Xbox 360 owner wants?!"
Yoichi Wada shows up the same way Hideo Kojima and him were directed to from before.
*Final Fantasy Versus XIII – Extended Footage and Gameplay*
*End of trailer in bold lettering – "Final Fantasy Versus XIII FOR PLAYSTATION 3 WORLDWIDE"
– And then with all the M$ representatives, Xbots, and Yoichi wada hysterically laughing and claiming "NOT ANYMORE FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
– that's the only way they can do it. Unless they somehow convince us that the U.S., Europe, and Australia are somehow not a part of the "WORLD" and god-like countries.
*sigh* – i'm sadly expecting it =(
say goodbye to innovation once again.
Last edited by shadowpal2 on 6/9/2010 9:55:40 PM
OMG, I can feel it happen 🙁 🙁 🙁
Very disappointing
Hey John, they also confirmed Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded which is a re-make of the cell phone game for the Nintendo DS.
I figured since you are including the Four Heroes of Light, KH should be added to the list as well.
I hope that wasn't the surprise KH game they were talking about though.
I saw that also 🙁
Whhaaa where's Hitman?
The team is making Kane & Lynch now.
Square-Enix's 2010 lineup….coming to a bargain bin near you!
That is pretty pitiful, I won't be buying a single one.
Even if I wasnt sure of buying, I used to look forward to every single Square game released…
I couldnt give 2 fs about any of them. Maybe Lara. Which is going to be a download only title, a small shadow of the franchises former glory.
Dues Ex, along with Kane & Lynch are the only ones on my "must have" list.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/9/2010 10:25:44 PM
me as well. Watching that new K & L trailer made it even more exciting to play.
All I Care About Is "Parasite Eve: The 3rd Birthday" Anything Else Besides "Kingdom Hearts 3 & Final Fantasy Versus",
Well U Know What I'm Goin' To Say!!!
Only game that matters in that list, for me, is FFXIV
Weak lineup by Squeeenix
Another FFvsXIII-less line up Squeenix? Fail. This can only be redeemed if vsXIII is a surprise at E3 or you announce that Birth By Sleep will be available for the PS2 as well since I no longer have a PSP and have a original 60GB PS3.
You might have me with Front Mission Evolved but I sure as heck am not buying any of those games without there being many positive reviews.
Looks more like an Eidos lineup than a SE lineup.
I have a PSP, so the Kingdom Hearts game is good for me. I also had a lot of fun with FFXI, but I have a lot less time to kill nowadays. I hope it's (EDIT: FFXIV i mean) more friendly to casual adventuring.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/9/2010 11:19:18 PM
hey John, you forgot Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
I'm interested in several of these games listed, but haven't seen enough of most them to have any serious excitement for them. Good grief SE, I hope they're underselling it so they can blow us away, but from what I've seen recently I doubt it.
hmmm…The 3rd Birthday has my attention as well as Birth by Sleep.
Is The 3rd Birthday a PSP title?
only game even interesting is Kingdom Hearts RE:coded but we'll see..
DAMN IT, where the hell is the Final Fantasy XIII Fabula Crystallis Nova Compilation? So sad, S-E. Oh well, the only ones of that list I'm interested in are The Third Birthday and Deus Ex.
Damn S-E, why can't you announce games within two years of their scheduled release? That is all I want from you.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is really looking fantastic, a real shame we have to wait till next year….. I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!!!!!!!!!!
anyway 50 bucks says hitman 5 will make a appearance at E3, since theres a new movie in the making its almost certain there will be a game tie in.
as for R* i can not believe there not going to be at E3.
where the f*ck is my massive media blowout of Agent??????????
what is it with R* announcing games and giving us absolutely no info on them for years???
who the hell do they think they are, PD?
Missing E3 is a bit weird, but that doesn't mean that they don't have anything to offer.
What are a few kick ass titles not present at E3 or TGS?
'Human Revolution' is by far the game I'm most looking forward to learning more about.
It's been too long, 'Deus Ex'…
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, is probably the only one from that list I'm going to buy, ok maybe Deus EX
Kingdom Hearts RE: Coded! He** yeah!
Considering the level of research I do on games is already downright ridiculous (so what if I spoil the story, I can block it out and forget it until I play the game), along with the 4 Heroes of Light this comes as a surprise. Finally some E3 news that I had not heard of.
I'll leave now to laugh in a diabolical anime pose thinking about how my game collection is going to be further expanded…
Kind of topic a little, but…
Is there any news on "I am Alive"?
Deus Ex is looking pretty awesome. FFXIV, well…looks cool but I'm not nearly interested enough to pay a monthly fee on top of the price of the game. Front Mission Evolved looks vaguely interesting – if there weren't tons of awesome games coming out from all the other developers, I might pick it up in the bargain bin some day.
Other than that, Dsi games, PSP games, meh!
Without V13 i really dont care about anything SE says. I've been replaying PS2 rpgs because this generation has completely sucked for jrpgs. I'm tired of superfluous oper-world junk like FO3 and Oblivion, and super-linear stuff like FF13. Give me a real RPG!
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 6/10/2010 10:30:51 AM
I'm back on my PS2 for jrpgs as well. FF 13's disapointment made me realize how much I truly appreciate FF 12.
A lot of people are talking about Deus Ex: Human Revolution and they should be! I am just as excited as everybody else, and I think this title has a lot of potential. Can't wait to see more at E3
For anyone wondering FF 4 heroes of light is a handheld title. Cna't remember if its for psp or DS though.