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Square-Enix Doesn’t Want To Expand, They Want New Fans

I've only considered the possible conclusion for several years but after the publisher's most recent announcement , I'm now convinced.

With every new unveiling, it seems as if Square-Enix is intent on informing everyone of the company's intention to "expand" their fan base. …but that's not what they're doing. "Expanding" means that you build on what you already have; it means you retain that which has prompted the reason for growth. In other words, for a video game developer and publisher, it means they produce entertainment products that cater to both their established fanbase and a new group of gamers. However, it seems painfully obvious that such is not the way; ever since they announced they desire to "expand Westward" and opened their LA studio, it's clear they only wish to appeal to a new audience, while leaving the loyal audience behind . They had the foundation but instead of building upwards – which is what they claim to be doing – they essentially took a wrecking ball to that foundation and started construction on a new building.

I'm not saying Dungeon Siege III won't be good (although my confidence in Obsidian isn't very high), and I'm not saying I didn't enjoy past titles like Final Fantasy XIII . I'm saying that just about everything new from Square-Enix shows either an extreme lack – or is entirely devoid – of the very elements and features that made millions fall in love with Squaresoft all those years ago. Granted, the immediate argument for such a move is that progression and advancement means leaving old-fashioned ideas and mechanics behind, but you can boast innovation while retaining your fans. It really is possible. All I see is a company that suddenly has zero interest in Japanese gamers (let's face it; FFXIII sold like crazy on name-brand recognition alone), and continues to lump all Western gamers into the same group: the twitchy, must have crazy machismo in order to be entertaining, neanderthal crowd.

All I've got to say to that is, "thanks for repaying my loyalty with your assumption." You know, I'm suddenly reminded of the time when S-E brought up the idea of a Final Fantasy VII remake at their Twitter page, and the page exploded…and S-E was surprised . They were actually surprised , as if they really didn't know there were millions of old Squaresoft fans still out there; fans who may appreciate something like Deus Ex: Human Revolution but still miss the classic Square feel. And why is S-E basically only publishing now; do they only develop for Nintendo, or something? I think the bottom line is clear, and it's depressing for those who stare at their PS1 collections, realizing in dismay that in Square-Enix there is little to no semblance remaining of Squaresoft. They don't want to add to their fans (many of whom have already lost hope); they want to get new ones . Well, whatever. Seems illogical to me, but what the hell do I know?

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Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
14 years ago

S-E president Yoichi Wada is a lame duck! I wish the S-E stock holders would realize this and can his ass. The only ideas Mr.Wada has left in his senile little brain is to absorb smaller developers for new ideas.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 6/8/2010 9:11:04 AM

14 years ago

Ah, only a few years worth of terrible decisions and now look how much the image of Square has changed.

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

i think the overall conclusion we can draw from this… is we need to look elsewhere for our 'good' rpg fix…

as for FF7 remake…. i honestly think that enix is a little afraid to make this. considering how big this game would be, how much of a challenge it would be to basically recreate the game world of FF7, without damaging the 'essence' of the original. They were right when they said it would 'take years to make' (but they've been talking about how long it would take for a few years already – it could've been partially done by now)

best thing they could do right now… (wont happen though) – is to drop all the fluff and BS that they're doing.. assign ALL of their divisions to work on two games…. FF7 remake, and kingdom hearts 3. – both exclusive to the ps3

14 years ago

phew, read all the comments in one go, what a read can that be, especially when it's on a touchy subject like this.
Even though S-E is ruining itself and leaving us(the fans) in their wastebins, I still have hope left for two of their games, even though that son of a b*tch wada had a thought about making Versus XIII(one of the two games) multiplatform, I still have hope, even though they are trying to change their loyal old fan base for the new twitching youth which doesn't care about anything they make, only fps's and space marines shooting aliens, I still have hope.
For there is still a solid team at work at that company and I think you all know which one I'm talking about, that's right, Nomura's team(that sounds kinda bad-ass), I hope Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts 3 will become Playstation exclusive mammoth titles, those might be the last of their kind(a genius Square game).
If you go out(leave your loyal fan base), go out with one hell of a bang!

plz give us our Playstation exclusive games, we deserve them for making you the company you are today.

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

The funny thing about FF7 is…. they could make it.. and charge double the price, maybe even triple, and justify it by simply saying… "it's worth it"

retail it at $180 a unit… it'll still "sell like hotcakes"

dont they see the potential?

14 years ago

I wouldn't buy it at regular price, much less at double or triple the price

btw I ain't the only one

Last edited by Scarecrow on 6/8/2010 1:37:57 PM

Evil tele
Evil tele
14 years ago

well, at this point in time… i def see what u mean.
There was a time when i heard a new a new FF game was coming out.. instant buy..

after 12 & 13 let me down… not anymore 🙁

14 years ago

I would buy regular price. Probably at 70 or 80. There was a time I would DEFINITELY buy it for 180… like when the ps3 demo came out. Now, I would just be hesitant about SE being in charge.

14 years ago

i dont mean to defend SE cause that would be ridiculous.

i just think that writing an article like this, based on an opinion (that we all feel the same, we all feel abandoned by SE) while the title sounds like it's a fact, and something they stated instead of making it clear that it's something you just assumed, like we all did.

i dont know about you, but it really brings my spirits down.

they didnt say they abandoned their fans, maybe they can still surprise us.

maybe they just need to get rid of wada and maybe they just need to see that their games wont sell only on house name anymore… that will eventually happen.

14 years ago

I think most will agree w/ me that Square has been going down the drain ever since they picked up Enix, this is just another mushroom stamp to the foreheads of all of SquareSoft's established fan base.

If SE honestly thinks they are going be able to just drop their established fan base and just pick up a new one they are going to be sorely mistaken. I don't see this ending nicely for Square-Enix at all…

14 years ago

I think the problem with Square is that they are assuming they are still appeasing old time fans in the form of remakes/spinoffs that appear on handhelds. The 4 Warriors of Light (or whatever) is their way of an attempt to reach out to us. The problem with that is we want the series to evolve with its core gameplay with a feature project, such as the next numbered Final Fantasy, while retaining the aspects that made the games good in the past.

I know games are more expensive and time consuming, so there is more of a risk taken with making the game, but if you go with what is safe all the time then you will lose fans. Greater risk = greater reward and that is why Square thrived in the PS1 era. Vagrant Story, Xenogears, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Threads of Fate were all risky as they were new IPs, but that risk taking was selling copies. Of course they always had their Final Fantasy crutch, but now the company is leaning on it a little too much in an attempt to keep their loyal fans with cheap spinoffs.

14 years ago

this makes me want to cry, but i still got hope, we'll see what the the 4 heroes of light have in store for us first

14 years ago

I cannot refrain from saying this any longer. After about a year and a half (or more) of searching the internet for a page like this, I have finally found people whose voices are in unison (feels so) with mine. I began with Final Fantasy VII, it was fantastic, I still remember tearing when Aerith had left. I played 9 subsequently, and found that it was just as amazing. The nostalgia that these two games can bring you are genuine and truly heart-moving. It was customary to shed tears whenever I relate to some of the very memorable events that Square Soft had left in my heart. Final Fantasy 6 (It had pixel-like graphics and was still phenomenal, imagine that) and Final Fantasy 8 were just as insane as 7 and 9. When I found out that Square Enix had taken over, my perception towards Final Fantasy was dramatically transformed overnight.

The atmosphere in Square Soft games, it does not matter what game, is splendid. Every dialogue, every sound that comes resonating from the speakers of your television hits you with such awe and force that you can tear just by thinking about it. Aerith's (very, very shocking and heartbreaking) death, The Planet and its efforts to rid itself of Meteor's threat through its Lifestream, Laguna's separation with Julia, Squall's acknowledgment of his love for Rinoa, Zidane's overcome depression, Garnet's (or better still, Dagger, since it played such major roles in her life) everlasting affection for Zidane…

Square Enix had wrecked the name of Final Fantasy. And as if that word wasn't powerful enough I would make it 10 times as strong just to show everyone the deepest extent of my disappointment. Final Fantasy VII culminated with a resolution so epic that it was perfectly easy to tell that Crisis Core and other films/games under the Compilation have ruined it. Square Enix is focused wholly on graphics, gameplay and intensity, and have neglected the sentimental elements which make up the quintessence of Final Fantasy, robbing it of whatever pride and uniqueness it has. Final Fantasy is nearly no longer Final Fantasy; it truly ignites the fury of people like me who have grown up with Final Fantasy and have loved it so much.

The ignorance of Square Enix is awe-inspiring. They must have thought for once that maybe they should change their genre of games to suit the newer generations, all due to Gran Turismo and Gran Turismo 2's incredibly stupid and meaningless reign in the market. The magnificent of Final Fantasy does not lie only in rushes of adrenaline, and if that still cannot permeate that thick skull of theirs, then I shall continue to abhor them, and I will do so with all my heart.

If they had thought of casting off their old fans like feathers, the fans who were so tied to the original Final Fantasy, then I stand here to prove their insolence and impudence wrong, for they have no idea what Final Fantasy has brought to my childhood.