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Growing Interest In 3D, Although Stumbling Blocks Remain

As is the case with any new technology, there are multiple factors to consider.

What is perhaps most intriguing about the impending advent of 3D home viewing is the "chicken-and-egg battle," as noted by Interpret's Vice President of Research, Michael Cai . As many of you know, the technology will actually be in place before many have the opportunity to try it; the PlayStation 3 can now handle 3D games but there are few in existence, and we still need another patch for 3D Blu-Ray viewing. But even so, the early marketing blitz for the technology is starting "to show results as early adopters are showing interest." Even though only 5% of U.S. heads of households currently intend to purchase a 3D HDTV, Cai says "the awareness level has increased so much over the last year." A couple things need to happen before the train really gets rolling, though: first and foremost, "the price differential needs to narrow further and content needs to be readily available." Lastly, he talks about Sony's approach-

"If you think about what Sony is doing — pushing 3D across all their technologies and content, including their studio, Blu-Ray and PS3 — that's enough for families to investigate 3D technology."

As for those necessary glasses, research shows that the average consumer is willing to pay around $23 for a pair of 3D glasses, but that's well below the current pricing so it remains a stumbling block. In other words, a whole lot needs to happen between now and when we start seeing a ton of 3D games and movies available, but Sony will certainly continue to promote it.

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14 years ago

Don't think it will. Most game studio's are more talented then Hollyweird.

14 years ago

I would hope that wouldnt happen to games. Personally dont think it will. Games and movies are on different production level. The gaming industry is obviously smarter in producing product than Hollywood.

But again I thought 3-d was a fad, but after seeing it, it should be welcomed nicely.

But the moment as you said "If games rely on the 3D and flush the rest then you get a crappy frame rate and an empty, albeit splashy, product." is the moment I become a flustered individual!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/7/2010 11:30:23 PM

14 years ago

I'm sure it looks great, hell if I had money to throw around I'd get one. I just hope Sony knows what they are doing, at least we know they were right about Blu Ray in the long run.

Did you move around at all? Word has it things aren't so perfect unless you are smack dab in the middle of the screen.

14 years ago

Still not completely convinced yet… The PS3, whilst capable, is going to have reached it limits quickly when you are doubling poly's to simulate a 3D stereoscopic environment… I am sure, when analysed closely, these games will be missing something.

All the games will have "scale down" dynamically in order to keep up the frame rate when the console is pushed to deliver twice the image…



*Currently in Phenom Pehn, Kingdom of Cambodia

14 years ago

im tossing up between getting a new 3D laptop or 3D TV.
i would much rather get a TV but i need a new laptop because this french piece of %$#@ is completley fu*ked 6 ways from sunday!
so i cant really, i cant get a 3D TV + a new laptop so i guess ill have to settle for a 3D laptop.
only problem being 1 there not full HD only 720P 2 there extremely expensive 3K 3 the screens are only extremely small 14 inches.
i really wanted a 17 inch screen, i hate small screens but if you want a 3D laptop the largest well only option is 14.

14 years ago


14 years ago

yeah i really, really want to get the TV because than i could play all my games including my PC games in 3D.
but i really need a laptop like now i got a programming test on tuesday and we have to bring our own laptops.
its not like i can bring my gaming PC down 😉

14 years ago

According to last month's NPD numbers, Blu ray is only in 11% of American households. And Blu ray has been around for years and you can buy a player for under $100. So, I think it's safe to say the 5% figure for a $2,000 3-D TV is hilariously optimistic.

14 years ago

That is an excellent point.

Another, perhaps more accurate way to look at it, is rather than look at BluRay sales, take a look at a more comparable tech and appliance…The HDTV.

Do not know the figures, but I am sure they are out there. What percentage of families had an HDTV in their home after the 1st and then 5th year of it being available? I would hazzard a guess that the percentage is rather low. Take it a step further and figure now that families have FINALLY been excepting HD technology into their home, how many years will it take before they are ready to move onto 3D tech in their home. Then add in the fact that 3D is trying to enter the marketplace when the ECONOMY is soooo bad.

I am on my 3rd HDTV, in other words, all TV's in the house are now converted to HD. I am in no hurry to invest into any new tech, ESPECIALLY when it first comes out. Let them work out all the bugs, get the devices cheaper, or better yet, see if the tech even gets off the ground. This might just be a fad for all I know. If people don't buy it in large quantities, then the showbiz industry won't invest to get their shows produced in 3D. Then you will be stuck with your TV trying to upconvert the picture in 3D, and that won't look near as good as what you thought you were going to get when you invested in it.

14 years ago

If, oh if, I had the money to just randomly go out and spend large amounts of cash on things I do not need yet, I'd get a 3d TV, though I'd wait 'till Sony's 3d TVs come out.

14 years ago

When 3D comes out, I am in. Will probably wait 3 months or so though.

14 years ago

It's going to be a while for me to pick up a 3D TV. Right now there a little pricey.