Rockstar has already given us one of the best games of the year, but given that wide-open world, there are any numbers of ways to expand…
So now, the developer has announced the upcoming "Outlaws to the End Co-Op Mission Pack" for their destined award-winner; the expansion DLC will be available on June 22 on both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace. Featuring a total of six new co-op missions along with fresh co-op challenges, bonus multiplayer XP rewards, and plenty of chances to unlock more Trophies and Achievements, this is great for all you RDR fans. Up to four players can indulge in the extra goodness and oh yeah, did we happen to mention that it's free ? That's right, the Outlaws to the End Mission Pack won't cost you a dime, which is good news for all those who have already spent a pretty penny on other DLC in 2010. New content for big games is always popular – even if it does cost a bit of money – primarily because the fans don't want their excellent experiences to end. Red Dead Redemption already presents gamers with a ton of stuff to do (you could easily spend 100 hours with this one) but at some point, we could always use new stuff.
Personally, I'm wondering if Rockstar now intends to make a direct sequel to RDR, or something along those lines. It's a worthy follow-up to their GTA series.
Related Game(s): Red Dead Redemption
I wonder what exactly the co-op missions will be.
And on another note, I'm yet to beat this, does the story leave it open for a sequel, or would it be GTA3 style sequels where it's just someone elses story in a different place?
Quick edit: I'm only slightly into Mexico, but if they doesn't return in the story and nothing happens to them, I would totally like to see West Dickens, Seth, and Irish again. Heavy emphasis on Irish. He's definitely my favorite character so far.
Last edited by TheIllusiveMan on 6/3/2010 9:52:13 PM
no offense intended, but…
No one answer him please, as it would be a spoiler.
I'm liking the fact it will be free, lot's of developers have been ripping us off with dlc latley and it's nice to see their is still goodness in the world.
Rockstar's Really Rocking!
I'm actually enjoying RDR more than I've ever enjoyed any GTA. I wish there was more hoarding in it like Fallout 3, but that's not really the purpose of this one. The robust online and now this great co-op dlc? This is R* best if you ask me.
This is something we actually agree on. As much as I loved GTA especially Vice City and San Andreas, RDR seems like a natural progression of those games. GTA IV while amazing in many respect and justly critically acclaimed didn't hope up for me the way RDR has to this point.
Fantastic news!?!
Now this could just be me! I looked into the MP part of this game very deeply. In fact its what made me want the game no joke. I wanted a free roam game i could play with my friends online. This was it.
But in reading up on the MP free roam and competive it sounded like their would be a ton of stuff to do. Dont get me wrong there is quality stuff in the game. but in the free roam aspect i guess i was lead into thinkin there would be more than just a handful of gang hideouts to attack. Yea, yea i know there are the gang matches, all the challenges and what not that are fun and are compelling. But this dlc pack is bringing what i thought would be in the game originally.
Regardless im happy but it almost seems like the game wasnt finished or something. The dlc pack is coming out pretty soon, its free and as i said i almost was driven to believe this type of gameplay in the mp free roam would be there anyways. IDK but like i said its good to see this dlc pack coming out! pretty excited.
yup free roam multiplayer gets real boring, real quick. There's hardly anything to do except the challenges, which being teamed up doesn't really help.
Need to kill 5 deer, well if you team up, you still need 5 separate deer for each person, if anything you've only made it more difficult to find, because now you need even more of them.
Im looking forward to picking this one up ^u^ I got hooked when I saw a glimpse of the game in that small story they released on tv and I have to say the atmosphere and sheer "yee haw western" factor of it all had me hooked in seconds.
Before RDR I would have been skeptical had someone told me a western would have the stuff to take place of the GTA series. But after playing a bit in RDR I can completely agree that it is worthy of taking up GTA's place. Hopefully, RDRII will be headed our way (and for some reason I think it might)
Last edited by CharlesD on 6/4/2010 12:20:27 AM
Bring it on R*!
Red Dead Revelations: You play as a disgraced preacher/monk type fellow that must atone for his sins by converting the wastrels of the Wild West to the side of Christianity. You heard it here first.
I kid, I kid, but imagine what R* could come up with that concept? Pure awesome methinks. Anyway, I've only played about two hours of RDRedemption, but loved what I have. It could be because I was brought up on Westerns, but I love great games. As for the multiplayer portion, alas for my not having a broadband connection or I'd be rockin' it and bugger Fallout 3. Anyway, long story short, LOVE the idea of FREE DLC, always a good thing.
RDR is the game GTAIV should of been.
the world is absolutely fu*king gigantic!!!
there is so much crap to do, forget the missions, forget the side missions, there is so much to do and explore.
this is the game GTAIV should of been, R* have fixed almost everything that was wrong with GTAIV.
the missions are actually fun for a change, even though there is still allot of babysitting its more free.
not to mention the whole environment feels alive, just seeing dames in distress, idiots robbing carriages, cattle roaming around you really feel like your in a living breathing world.
not to mention the draw distance in this games nothing short of breathtaking!
just gaze into the distance its amazing to see how far you can see and how detailed things are even though there so far away.
i have to dip my hat to R* they have finally come out and given us a game on R* caliber.
this would do gun and red dead revolver proud!!!!!
I think I love R*
This is great news. As for the sequel this one was in development for what 5 years ? So how long will the sequel take to do ? Say another 2-3 years as they can use the same game engine and maybe improve on it slightly.
They are due to announce GTA 5, Agent and anythign else they maybe working on so the sequel maybe a few years off yet.
I don't mind waiting as they do games this good after being in development for so long all the better. It's just a matter of being patient and waiting lol. 🙂
RDR = Great game.
Grand Theft Auto: Wild West.
Big Deal.
I'm convinced whomever said this game was a "progression" for rockstar hasn't played's the game. It's a step back in my opinion. im 50% through the game on single player and the only thing strong enough to kill me was WATER. At least in san andreas you could swim. The horse physics are non existant, you can ride full speed into a wall or another horse and nothing happens. What year does this game take place in again? Did they really have GPS un its that could track human movement back then? why is it that on several occasions I get launched 200 feet in to the air for NO reason and then die when I hit the ground?
before this game came out i kept saying "This will be great as long as its not Grand Theft Auto: Wild West" and unfortunately I was right.
your complaining about horse physics?
christ, and i thought i was fussy!!!
my last comment will probably get like 10 thumbs down, i dont know why though. everything I said is true, lol.
There are so many glitches in this game!!!!! Has anyone seen the donkey lady, lolol its sooo funny
Co-op 'Til you drop! RDR is pretty fun, but honestly I replayed GTA4 recently and really enjoyed it, the only thing I don't like about GTA4 is the clunky controls for controlling Niko.
Lol whats the donkey lady?
still the funniest glitch for me was when i was doing a mission and i took cover behind a building and for no apparent reason I was launched 200 feet into the air and fell to my death.. hahaha. it happened twice to me in free roam also.
or the glitch where there is enemies stuck inside walls and they can shoot you but you can't shoot them. the only way to finish the mission is if you're lucky enough to have a stick of dynamite on you and the blast will somehow kill them through a wall.
i can't be the only person who bought it from gamespot for the Deadly Assassin outfit and couldnt redeem it because of yet another glitch. sure, they will patch it but whats the point when you've already beaten the game?
great game but its the technical flaws that can hurt a game franchise big time. I still don't know how so many people reviewed the game and didn't pick up on these glitches. i'm not saying that its not a good title but it is severely overrated.
it seems that the common practice in this day and age is to let a flawed product pass through QA testing and the developers mindset is "Well our publishers say it has to come out this day, it's ok, we'll just patch it later".
thumbs up if anything I said has ever happened to you. don't thumbs down me because of fanboyism
Last edited by n/a on 6/4/2010 11:15:30 AM
I dont have a problem with the autoaim on the single player but the online is so gay ,u cant really show how good u are because of this autoaim ,the game is based on who got the best gun and that' it.
Can anybody tell me if is possible to join a match where everybody is playing without autoaim by default?? thanks
If the answer is not i will never touch the online RDR
there isn't a way, unless you just talk to everyone and get them to promise not to use it, but good luck with that.
I'm sorry Ben but calling this one of the best games of the year sadly isn't really true. I would have thought so about 20-30 hours into the game, but after about 50 hours, Sp and MP, combined I have to fully say no to that claim.
The only way you'd get 100 hours out of this game is if you played about 50 hours of multiplayer. I've spent just under 40 hours on Sp and the 1.7% I don't have finished is not worth the 5 hours to get it done.
On a game like this why have costumes that don't unlock until you have 100% game completion? Why would I need that outfit now? Lame, altho it doesn't matter anyway because the costumes are almost completely useless and they all look identical with only minor changes.
Area's of the game are unfinished, the horses are broken just like xylix said. They will jump you to your death off a 100 ft. drop but won't jump off a 3 foot drop and if you force them then your horse will die.
I had a lot of fun for a while with RDR, I really did, but in the end it left me feeling underwhelmed and doesn't really make me go, OOoh I need to pick that up and play it some more! Most sandbox games I've played recently gave me more play time, more desire to return, and they didn't have multiplayer.
I'm looking forward to the dlc, because being able to play a sandbox style world with friends was what I got it for. Too bad it just didn't have much to do until a couple months after release. Good thing it's free.
mid10smaradoarg, when you're doing gang matches and shootouts, do the Hardcore matches because those are on expert aim.
Also when in free roam, if you turn on Expert mode, other players can't lock on you. They can only lock on to you if you're using auto aim.
you can activate expert aiming in the game options.
Thank you Xylix im going to try that and i also dont like to see enemies on my radar and of course hate when they see me,do u know if the hardcore mode doesnt have this?
I really enjoy this game with friends and my brother playing online but i hate all those helps that made the game more arcade than realistic.
Thanks bro
by the way did u see a bird walking in the air hahahaha that s*** was funny
Last edited by mid10smaradoarg on 6/5/2010 3:14:59 AM
uh oh. I knew one day this would happen. Spammers. Hopefully you guys can keep up with it Ben. Could become a real hassle to fend this stuff off. What an annoyance!
Sorry plugged my ipod touch in right when i submitted it the first time. Must have done something weird and submitted it twice!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/5/2010 9:13:32 PM