So now that Media Molecule is an official Sony-owned studio and they're cranking away on the hotly anticipated LittleBigPlanet 2 (which looks absolutely insane, by the way), they need your help.
If you're interested in becoming part of the ambitious team, visit their website and check out their comically desperate plea for a Network Programmer and a Production Server Developer. Not only will you be involved with making one of the most innovative and potentially revolutionary piece of interactive entertainment ever, Media Molecule also wants you to know:
Want a reminder as to how the game is shaping up? Here you go:
Now, if you think you've got what it takes, feel free to submit your resume. But if you're more of a stay-at-home creator, don't worry; LittleBigPlanet 2 will be all about creativity and customization. In fact, it's bound to break down even more walls within the concept of "Create, Play, Share."
That sounds perfect… Too bad i'm still in college… Oh well i hope they'll find someone great and i also hope that they'll do this again in 2 years (for a new IP maybe?) so i can have a chance to join as soon as i graduate…
Same here Kiri. I'm in the same boat as you.
i'll make this "3 men in a boat" then.
(anyone get the reference…. no? meh)
I got it! lol
Give me two years to finish college and I'll be there! Well, as long as they have Choco Tacos 🙂
haha, choco tacos are the best. lol. Think Ill go get one now from the freezer.
I love the ad. Sadly I too am still in college for software engineering. 🙁
Hey MM,
I don't know a gigabit from an over bite,
but hire me anyway & I'll just keep fetching the ice cream for everyone else!
Pretty please, with a few extra cherries on top
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/2/2010 10:06:39 PM
They had me at ice cream, but I still got a year for High School then College and if they still got that spot open Ill be there ^_^
If I had experience in software design and engineering, I would be very interested in apply….
Everytime I hear about Media Molecule and what they say, I just wanna go up to them and give them all a great big hug!!!
Love the whole family vibe, chilled out, love everything attitude they got. It really shows in their games too. 🙂
I just can't stop smiling when I think about MM and LBP. 🙂 🙂 🙂
It sounded interesting until I saw what jobs they were offering. Would rather sign up for welfare than be a Production Server Developer.
With all the work some of us put into the first game creating stuff, we already kinda feel like part of the team.
media molecule wants ME???
im blushing.(sarcasm)
Why am I tempted to say "The cake is a lie"? (except instead replace cake with ice cream)
I just came back to the office after a visit to the Italian Gelateria across the road… they make the ice-cream in traditional Italian style, hand made, with flavors that are as authentic as they can be 🙂
Maybe i can send some across to Molecule… give them an Italian touch to the office as well 🙂
Sadly (in some respects only) – I already have a very good and very well paid job, just not in the industry I would have liked, that being in the creative fields of film making and computer game making. But I can't complain really, I must stick it out until I find a way of moving across industries in a safe way, without having to risk too much.
It's nasty to be out of work, or voluntary leave a good position to follow a dream that may or may not work out. For you who are all still in college… make sure you can get into what you want from the outset, it is extremely difficult to get from one industry to another easily.
In some cases it can be a complete fail and the potential of never recovering the type of salary and position you once had (or have built up over a decade of working) is very real and a sad consequence.
Last edited by Qubex on 6/3/2010 12:33:07 AM
That was actually one of the best trailers I've ever watched. Thanks Ben.
Working at MM sounds way too cutesy for my liking. Although I must seriously admire the immense charm of LBP, which I hope carries over to the second one. Oh, and Stephen Fry as narrator is simply genius.
Regrettably I decided to not go to university as pretty much everyone else I know dropped out within two years, and I realised that you don't need a degree to write. How that ties into being a games developer I don't really know, but it works for me.
great, just wait till the end of the year and ill get back to ya 😉
anyway, im really looking forward to this i just hope they get rid of that limited lives bullcrap!
nothing is more annoying spending 10 minute getting upto a part in a level than getting stuck dying 5 times than having to do the WHOLE! level all over again.
thats the reason why i stopped playing LBP and its the reason why i stopped playing lost planet 2.
such good games, again destroyed by something so small and simple.
One solution for you……DON'T DIE!!!!
come on snake… *blank* has a point
sometimes it can get infuriating dying over something and having to start again. give unlimited lives, just make it so if you dont lose any lives at all in one level, you get cool rewards.
That's odd. So many of us were able to get the trophy for going through all of the levels of LBP without dying. Surely, it can't be that hard to not die.
Yeah it can suck but it really isn't anything to get worked up about, but they implemented a part of how games used to be, some of them actually taught you to use skill. Pretty odd right? I am with Snaaaake, learn to platform better! It kind of added to the fun when 3 of your other friends are playing, or lady friends, and it was all on them to make it to save the day at the next check point.
All of this news is coming at the wrong time, and plus I am looking to be an Art Director. Still cannot wait, LBP2 is going to be so so soooo epically insane. We can call __________, default, that name works.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 6/3/2010 11:17:21 AM
One of the guys who worked on the audio in the first LBP came to my college to do a talk on how they did all the music and SFX in the game (was really interesting). He also talked about the team and what it was like to work for Mm, they sound like a really nice to company to work for.