Now, before you scoff, bear in mind we're talking about the developer that first presented us with a glimpse of what the PlayStation 3 was capable of way back in 2007…
Ninja Theory, the team behind one of the PS3's first great exclusives, Heavenly Sword , is currently hard at work on their new action/adventure title, Enslaved . The game has been in the headlines a lot lately, and it's primarily because the details that keep leaking out from the European designer are pretty darn impressive. And you know, we like it when we hear feedback from fellow journalists who have actually seen the game in action; take CVG's early analysis as an example. They say it's "as colorful as Mario , as detailed as Gears and as beautifully animated as Uncharted ." …um, all right. Now, bear in mind that the studio decided to go multiplatform after making "no money" on Heavenly Sword , and CVG's man made such bold statements after seeing Enslaved run on the Xbox 360. He says the platforming sequences "look straight out of Naughty Dog's game," and overall, "the set pieces we saw were absolutely of Uncharted 's caliber." Considering this, if the actual mechanics can also live up to expectations, we should all be in for a very big treat. Cross your fingers!
We may have to hit up Ninja Theory to see if we can get our hands on an early build…it's looking too good to wait on.
Related Game(s): Enslaved
go away man
Looks great, but I would laught if this doesn't sell as much as heavenly sword.
It looks kinda cool, but it also looks like a babysitting game. Babysitting missions are my 2nd least favorite, next to water missions, so if the entire game is babysitting, something tells me I won't like it too much. I'll still give it a shot before I completely dismiss it though.
lol yah, few games haven't made me cringe when water segments pop up.
Yeah…gotta agree with you there pineapple, water missions blow. God I just thought about the water temple in Zelda OoT, it gives me the shivers…
I think looks pretty promising. I like games that mix action and platforming.
It looks pretty good also. Best I've ever seen? Heck no. I think Heavy Rain, UC2, and GoW3 won't be topped until GT5 comes out.
From what I have read and seen it looks fun, and with some of Europe's top writers I really don't see how it could fail. It being multi-platform really is financially acceptable but I just think it will be held back, from its true potential. RDR is a really great game but the graphics just seem kind of, meh to me. I know the story in Enslaved will be great, and the camera shakes during the action, a fresh and intuitive take on an action/adventure game.
Last edited by BeezleDrop on 6/3/2010 11:29:06 AM
looks like one giant escort mission. I hate escort missions.
Uncharted is definitely better looking than this.
Drake is not concerned.
I hate seeing Uncharted and xbox in the same sentence, unless it's about Uncharted being better than something on xbox, not about something on xbox being similar to Uncharted, cuz we all know that ain't gonna happen.
And I still say meh, I don't care much for this game, the graphics are not on Uncharted's level any way you look at it, and did the xbox sentence mean they are using the xbox as the main platform(big minus)? Also that part on 28 seconds, in the trailer with that scream thing, I hate that scream thing, it's so over used in every random thing-_- and they used that sound at 41 seconds too many times as well…
I highly doubt I'll spend my cash on this.
I'm not as pumped as everybody else is for this one. I would like to hear more about it but it's not on the "must have" list by any means
I like the art style. But GOTY contender…? Idk about that one. I looks like Heavenly Sword graphics wise. I really didn't see a significant improvement.
Ninja Theory is talented. We all know this. I still show Heavenly Sword to PS3 naysayers and they hush up FAST. A lot of features in that game was ahead of its time. However, I think the rest of the industry has caught up and Ninja Theory hasn't advanced.
I'll definitely keep an eye out on this one. Thanks Ben. Keep the updates coming. Lord knows these other sites I check won't.
Last edited by King James on 6/4/2010 3:32:57 AM
As detailed as gears?? Say what? Now had he said, as colorful as Uncharted, as detailed as uncharted and as beautifully animated as uncharted, that would have made a lot more sense.