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Sony: It’s Harder To “Retrofit Old Games With 3D”

It's starting to become a common belief that games designed specifically with 3D functionality in mind will look – and perhaps even play – better than those titles that were simply "retrofitted" for 3D.

According to CVG citing the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine, Sony does intend to give more existing PlayStation games the option of being played in 3D. However, at the same time, they admit that it's much harder to do this than to create a 3D experience from scratch. Said Sony senior development manager Simon Benson:

"I'm sure we will [retrofit more games with 3D], as adding 3D to a game can make it a whole new experience. Retrofitting 3D is actually harder than building 3D into a game from the outset. One of the big issues is that all of the game assets were designed to work with only one HD output. Being able to render them twice to make a 3D output can be a challenge.

Also, the game interfaces are often designed to only work in 2D. The process used [to] covert the games varies greatly… so there isn't really a 'on size fits all' solution."

Recently, we've heard that the very first 3D games will be available in just over a week (June 10), and the selection will include Wipeout HD and Super Stardust HD on the PSN. However, as time goes on and more people begin to adopt this new technology, it may become clear that Benson's words sorta remind us of the multiplatform ports vs. exclusives issue: games tweaked to fit somewhere else in a different way are never as good as games that focus on only one platform.

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14 years ago

I posted a few articles ago about how the future PS4 is the PS3 we have always wanted. Being frank here, the PS3 can still be squeezed somewhat however rendering double the assets for a true stereoscopic view will be very tricky and consume huge amounts of resources on the platform… the most precious being ram!

Resolution decimation and asset binary compression techniques will have to be further optimised to get double out of the system. The reality is… we can't!

Even if we get a 3o% percent improvement it is still not a x2 improvement in bandwidth totality, therefore a few areas will "suffer" when presenting games in stereoscopic vision…

The PS4 will not have this issue… In fact, looking ahead, i can see Sony showing the "before" and "now" effect at an E3 in the future… "look at 3D then, and look at 3D now"… similar to the GT4 on PS2 to GT5 on PS3 resolution comparison…



Last edited by Qubex on 6/2/2010 11:35:01 AM

14 years ago

Good points. To some extent with this generation, I think it will depend on the game. A game that could truly render in 1080p might be dropped to 720p in 3D. 1080p is twice the resolution of 720p, so you are halving the workload and still retaining 'HD'. Of course not many games render that high.

14 years ago

I'm not one to hold back technology, but this 3D stuff just looks like a gimmick….and an expensive one at that, with a new TV and multiple sets of glasses needed.

It's almost as if they're hoping it's going to be the next sensation….like the next Wii. I don't really see it happening as it stands now.

I would be a little more interested if they could "retrofit old TVs with 3D".

14 years ago

Here in Australia, 3D TV's have been selling out the door and there is a big waiting list as well.

This is because a lot of people with a lot of money see it as the next big sensation BECAUSE they have been told it's the next big sensation and wanna jump aboard to popularity train. Same thing is happening with iPad, it's just a giant iPhone, and a big waste of money in my eyes.

3D TV's have suddenly become popular here cos the State of Origin (Rugby League) is being broadcast for the first time in 3D AND the FIFA World Cup in South Africa will be in 3D as well, so of course all the tech and sports nuts wanna get their hands on the new technology.

Personally, I played Avatar the Game in 3D at the Ubisoft convention in Sydney, and I was more impressed by the 3D version. It really was clearer, and objects were better distinguished in the distance cos there was no distance filtering.

3D games do work better than its 2D counterparts, I have tried it!!!! There is no distance blurring, meaning that it is up to your eyes to focus on objects on the screen, making a clearer and far more impressive experience.

3D TV might be a gimmick, and I agree. But 3D gaming is in a whole new league and I believe Sony is making a very good choice jumping aboard the 3D gaming train. Combined with Move and PSEye camera, we gamers are in line for one helluvan experience on the PS3 over the next few years.

I just hope Sony supports in better or for longer than they did the PSP. 3D + Move + PSEye have great potential. I wanna see it get tapped with loads of great games.

14 years ago

3d Shadow of the Collossus, it'll be damn awesome.

14 years ago

my brain would explode

14 years ago

I would like to see some classics in 3D, but I agree with ChubbyWilly100's brother, it does seem like it would be that way.

14 years ago

Sounds like common sense to me. Although I'm really just not on the band wagon for this whole 3D revolution they're pushing on us. As long as it always stays optional, I'm indifferent. If they start forcing this crap on us…

14 years ago

I reckon it will catch on. Might take some time for the price to drop, but eventually the prices will come down and it will grow in popularity.

Avatar cemented the popularity of 3D. People were impressed cos it was done right. Gaming is going the same way. If GT5 is made for 3D rather than retrofitted for 3D, then I am happy to see a bit of a delay in release to prefect it.

14 years ago

GT5 3D should be impressive enough. The "delays" GT5 has had I think are partly due to going back and re-engineering it for the stereoscopic experience. I don't think Sony had this in mind for GT5 5 years ago…

Wow, looking back, I can't believe time has flown so quickly, it is incredible really that all this was being demoed that long ago, 5 years have passed…

< Q smacks self on forehead with a rock >

As Highlander and I mentioned, some aspects of the gaming engine will suffer, the most prominent will be the top line native resolution the game runs at, i.e. either 72op or lower (in some cases)… We will have to wait and see…



Last edited by Qubex on 6/2/2010 7:13:02 PM

14 years ago

I was thinking of booking a 3D demonstration with Sony centre here in Melbourne, they also have it in Sydney, where they will be showing games, movies and sports. Wonder if its the same convention as you went? I am thinking it might be different as the one I am planning to go is actually a private demonstration

14 years ago

Saint X

It was a Ubisoft convention I attended with EB games. That's where I checked out Avatar the game in 3D.

What's this Sony convention you're talking about? If it's in Sydney and open to the public or EB Games employees, I'm totally there.

I just hope it works out better than Microsoft's convention, where they had so little games and tech to show, they got MC Hammer to perform and promote Lips, and they had a bikini show with a fully pumped DJ.

Apart from MC Hammer, Microsoft had little to nothing at that show. An E3 video of Natal, an on-stage demo of DJ Hero, some trailers, and booths set up with an assortment of games like Assassin's Creed 2, Forza 3, DJ Hero and Tony Hawk Ride. All in all, a fun night with nothing memorable gaming wise.

MS have really gotta get their act together now that Sony is on a roll and much wiser after hitting hard times. The Halo, Gears and Fable cows have almost been milked dry.

14 years ago


Yes you can book for a demonstration with Sony in Sydney. Its at Sony Centre World Square. Head on to sonycentre aus website to book your demonstration. Pretty cool huh.

At least you've got some Sony or Microsoft convention in Sydney, don't think theres any here in Melb.

Last edited by SaintX on 6/2/2010 11:17:31 PM

14 years ago

I would rather they focus on giving the ultimate game play experience instead of gimmicks and gadgets…
A terrible game would not suddenly become a majestic work of art simply from investing money in 3D technology.

14 years ago

thats quite obvious.
anyway 3D sets have a long way to go till there going to be affordable.
i was waiting on samsung to release their plasmas since i was told they will be way cheaper.
ah, well, the guy who told me that was talking out of his a$$!!!
i saw the new samsung 3D plasmas today and well they were 200 bucks cheaper than the LEDs, to me 200 bucks certainly does not translate to way cheaper.
3500 bucks for a 46 inch 3D TV? you have to be INSANE! to spend that sort of cash.
but than i have always said people have more money than brains, look at the ipad so i wont be surprised.

14 years ago

Where the hell do you shop at? Amazon has the 46" for $1700. A 55" is only $2100. In my world, $2100 isn't too bad of a price for a 55" 1080p 240Hz set.

14 years ago

again, i dont live in the US i live in AU.
for some bizarre reason everything here gets converted from USD to AUD than gets another 20+% added onto it.
since when does 1700 USD = 3500 AUD??????????

14 years ago

Again, glasses free and I'm there. so give me 15 years (conservative).